Search Results


1121. Mighty, magnificent God Mighty, magnificent God, author of life, King of creation; mountains and valleys rejoice, oceans resound in celebration. The heavens declare your glory, the earth sings out your praise, and…
1056. God gave his son God gave his son, his only son, to pay for sins that we have done. The greatest gift that God could give was crucified so we could live. 2. He gave his all to save his own, the ones he chose to…
1207. Forgive us when our deeds ignore Forgive us when our deeds ignore your righteous rule of all the earth, when our decisions harm the poor, denying their eternal worth. 2. Forgive us when we turn aside from what is honest,…
67. God of mercy, God of grace God of mercy, God of grace, show the brightness of your face: shine upon us, Saviour, shine, fill your church with light divine; and your saving health extend to the earth's remotest end. 2.…
1131. When sorrow overwhelms our hearts When sorrow overwhelms our hearts and brings us to our knees; when days are dark and hope seems lost, Lord, may we know your peace, Lord, may we know your peace. 2.   When troubles leave our…
1131a. When sorrow overwhelms our hearts When sorrow overwhelms our hearts and brings us to our knees; when days are dark and hope seems lost, Lord, may we know your peace, Lord, may we know your peace. 2.   When troubles leave our…
752. Wonderful grace that gives what I don't deserve Wonderful grace that gives what I don't deserve, pays me what Christ has earned then lets me go free. Wonderful grace that gives me the time to change, washes away the stains that once covered…
434. My Lord, what love is this My Lord, what love is this that pays so dearly, that I, the guilty one may go free! Amazing love! O what sacrifice, the Son of God given for me! My debt he pays and my death he dies that I might…
341. You are the King of glory You are the king of glory you are the Prince of peace, you are the Lord of heaven and earth, you're the sun of righteousness. Angels bow down before you, worship and adore, for you have the words of…
146. I'll praise my Maker while I've breath I'll praise my maker while i've breath; and when my voice is lost in death, praise shall employ my nobler powers; my days of praise shall not be past, while life and thought and being last or…
849. Lord of the cross of shame Lord of the cross of shame, set my cold heart aflame with love for you, my Saviour and my Master; who on that lonely day bore all my sins away and saved me from the judgement and disaster. 2. Lord of…
730. Jesus, priceless treasure Jesus, priceless treasure, source of purest pleasure, friend most sure and true: long my heart was burning, fainting much and yearning, thirsting, Lord, for you: yours I am, O spotless Lamb, so will I…
333. The Word was very God The word was very God before creation came; in the beginning was the Word, and Jesus is his name. That Word which some deny and others make a joke, he is the Word whom we adore, the Word the Father…
1002. God shall my comfort be God shall my comfort be, my consolation; kept by his love I see no condemnation. I face without dismay that final judgement day, for wrath is turned away: he is salvation. 2. All thanks to…
656. O sacrifice of Calvary O sacrifice of calvary, O Lamb whose sacred blood was shed, O great High Priest on heaven's throne, O Victor from the dead! Here I recall your agony, here see again your bloodstained brow; beyond the…
1315. What is our hope in life and death? WHAT IS OUR HOPE IN LIFE AND DEATH? Christ alone, Christ alone. What is our only confidence? That our souls to him belong. Who holds our days within his hand? What comes, apart from his…
477. All heaven declares All heaven declares the glory of the risen Lord, who can compare with the beauty of the Lord? For ever he will be the Lamb upon the throne. I gladly bow the knee and worship him alone. 2. I will…
CP22. Heaven must sing HEAVEN MUST SING, AND EARTH WILL FIND A VOICE— let all creation fill with advent joy! See in the sky, there countless angels sing, bursting with news of their incarnate King. See on the earth,…
6. O Lord, do not rebuke me O Lord, do not rebuke me, nor in your wrath chastise; in mercy spare my body: my soul in anguish cries. 2. But turn, O Lord, and save me: your faithful love I claim; if I am left to…
347. Hark! A trumpet-call is sounding Hark! a trumpet-call is sounding, 'Christ is near,' it seems to say: 'cast away the dreams of darkness, children of the dawning day!' 2. Wakened by the solemn warning, let our earth-bound souls…
204. All things bright and beautiful All things bright and beautiful, all creatures great and small, all things wise and wonderful, the Lord God made them all. 1. Each little flower that opens, each little bird that sings, he made their…
857. Jesus calls above the tumult Jesus calls above the tumult of our life's wild, restless sea; day by day his voice re-echoes, saying, 'Christian, follow me!' 2. As of old, apostles heard it by the Galilean lake, turned from home…
636. Baptized into Christ Jesus Baptized into Christ Jesus, baptized into his dying, buried with him in the grave we have died with Christ. Then just as Christ is risen through God the Father's power, so God raises us to live from…
448. Were you there when they crucified my Lord? Were you there when they crucified my Lord? Were you there when they crucified my Lord? O, sometimes it causes me to tremble, tremble, tremble; were you there when they crucified my Lord? 2. Were you…
200. We are here to praise you We are here to praise you, lift our hearts and sing. We are here to give you the best that we can bring. And it is our love rising from our hearts, everything within us cries, ‘Abba Father.’ Help…
505. With joy we contemplate the grace With joy we contemplate the grace of our high priest above; his heart is made of tenderness, and overflows with love. 2. Touched with a sympathy within, our frailty he has known; he knows what fierce…
5005. The Bible says that God loves me The bible says that God loves me, that Jesus died to set me free. If I trust in him, his child I'll be. Thank you Lord.
1319. How can it be? The one who died HOW CAN IT BE? THE ONE WHO DIED has born our sin through sacrifice to conquer every sting of death; sing, sing hallelujah. 2 For joy awakes as dawning light when Christ's disciples lift their…
898. Awake, my soul, and rise Awake, my soul, and rise amazed, as there you see upon a cross the Saviour God become a curse for me. 2. How gloriously fulfilled is God's most ancient plan, conceived in his eternal mind before the…
469. Now lives the Lamb of God Now lives the lamb of God, our Passover, the Christ, who once with nails and wood for us was sacrificed: Come, keep the feast, the anthem sing that Christ indeed is Lord and King! 2. Now risen from…