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200. We are here to praise you We are here to praise you, lift our hearts and sing. We are here to give you the best that we can bring. And it is our love rising from our hearts, everything within us cries, โ€˜Abba Father.โ€™ Help…
213. Who can bind the raging sea Who can bind the raging sea or walk the ocean floor? Who can find where snow is made or hail is kept in store? Who can know how light begins or darkness ends the day? Who can go where planets grow or…
378. Silently we watch as our God Silently we watch as our God steps down from his glorious throne into this poor world. Taking to himself his tiny human form, he who made the world lies in Mary's arms. We worship you, Immanuel, we…
1250. I will glory in my Redeemer I will glory in my redeemer, whose priceless blood has ransomed me. Mine was the sin that drove the bitter nails, and hung him on that judgement tree. I will glory in my Redeemer, who crushed the…
208. Before the Lord's eternal throne Before the Lord's eternal throne, all nations, bow with holy joy; know that the Lord is God alone, he can create and can destroy. 2. His sovereign power, without our aid, formed us and fashioned us…
CP28. Into darkness light has broken INTO DARKNESS LIGHT HAS BROKEN, Christ has been born! out of silence God has spoken; Christ has been born! Prince of peace, the nations greet him, thrones and powers cannot defeat him: sing for…
1163. Sweet word of consolation Sweet word of consolation; this God will not reject his wayward, sinful nation, yet loved and yet elect. Though exiled now and tearful, their strength he shall restore, till they, the faint and…
1150. Jesus, God's righteousness revealed Jesus, God's righteousness revealed, the Son of Man, the Son of God, his kingdom comes. Jesus, redemption's sacrifice, now glorified, now justified, his kingdom comes. ย ย ย ย  And this…
586. Let love be found among us Let love be found among us, a love from God alone, the hallmark of the children whom God delights to own. We claim that God has called us- no idle boast or fraud if love directs our actions and proves…
726. As the deer pants for the water AS THE DEER PANTS FOR THE WATER so my soul longs after you; you alone are my heartโ€™s desire and I long to worship you. You alone are my strength, my shield; to you alone may my spirit…
1093. The wonders of the skies above The wonders of the skies above, the witness of the earth below, proclaim your glory, God of love, in language everyone will know. As now we hear their praise outpoured, may we respond in worship,…
91B. Safe in the shadow of the Lord Safe in the shadow of the Lord beneath his hand and power, I trust in him, I trust in him, my fortress and my tower. 2. My hope is set on God alone though Satan spreads his snare; I trust in…
829. Search me, O God, and know my heart today Search me, O God, and know my heart today; try me O Lord and know my thoughts, I pray. See if there is some wicked way in me; cleanse me from every sin and set me free.
886. Christian soldiers, onward go Christian soldiers, onward go! Jesus' triumph you shall know; fight the fight, maintain the strife, strengthened with the bread of life. 2. Join the war and face the foe! Christian soldiers, onward…
1240. The cry is heard from heaven The cry is heard from heaven: the Judge presides in court! He questions our integrity by judgements we distort. 2. The voiceless, powerless poor are harassed to despair; their welfare is God's…
1282. I have a shelter in the storm I HAVE A SHELTER IN THE STORM when troubles pour upon me; though fears are rising like a flood, my soul can rest securely. O Jesus, I will hide in you, my place of peace and…
1120. Out of the darkness of the night Out of the darkness of the night Jesus called me. Into the radiance of his light Jesus brought me, giving my life a brand new start, changing my cold and stubborn heart. Now I am his adopted…
1212. Grace is the gift that God alone Grace is the gift that God alone provides in Christ his Son; unearned and free and undeserved and by his suffering won. 2. Grace is the mark of all his words, our creed, our prayers, our…
162. O Trinity, O Trinity, the uncreated one O trinity, O trinity, the uncreated one; O Unity, O Unity, of Father, Spirit, Son: you are without beginning, your life is never ending; and though our tongues are earthbound clay, light them with…
882. Christian soldiers in the fight Christian soldiers in the fight, wrestling evil forces, great are our resources! Mighty armour God provides; using every section gives us full protection. 2. As a belt we take the truth, trusting God…
CP54. See amid the winter's snow SEE, AMID THE WINTERโ€™S SNOW, born for us on earth below; see, the Lamb of God appears promised from eternal years: Hail, O ever blessed morn! Hail, redemptionโ€™s happy dawn! Sing through…
763. In life or death, Lord Jesus Christ In life or death, Lord Jesus Christ, be all in all, I pray; your life, your death make known in me on earth, till heaven's day. 2. In sun or shadow be my help; your voice shall guide my feet; teach…
1050. What if the One who shapes the stars What if the one who shapes the stars and puts the planets in their place should set all majesty aside and move amongst the human race? What if the One who engineers the eye, the ear, the heart,…
1167. When anxious thoughts assail my mind When anxious thoughts assail my mind, when I begin to doubt your care, when gloom and sorrow flood my soul, I bring my fears to you, my God, in prayer. 2. I call to you to answer soon, to…
906. How blest are they who trust in Christ How blest are they who trust in Christ when we and those we love must part: we yield them up, for go they must, but do not lose them from our heart. 2. In ripened age, their harvest reaped, or gone…
1039. We trust the strength of God alone We trust the strength of God alone, we do not need to fear though dark, uncertain days may come or fearful times be near. The Son of God came down to earth his Father's love to tell. He healed…
1207. Forgive us when our deeds ignore Forgive us when our deeds ignore your righteous rule of all the earth, when our decisions harm the poor, denying their eternal worth. 2. Forgive us when we turn aside from what is honest,…
140. Deliver me from evil Deliver me from evil, defend me, Lord, from wrong. The men of violence gather with poison on their tongue. From those who plot to hurt me or catch me in their snare, protect me, Lord, and keep…
642. Among us our beloved stands Among us our beloved stands, and bids us see his nail-pierced hands, points to his wounded feet and side, true emblems of the Crucified. 2. What generous food, what sweet accord, when at his table…
791. Why should I fear the darkest hour Why should I fear the darkest hour, or tremble at the tempter's power? Jesus is pledged to be my tower. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! 2. Though hard the fight, why quit the field? Why must I…