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240. Lo, God is here; let us adore! Lo, God is here; let us adore! How awe-inspiring is this place! Let all within us feel his power, and silent bow before his face; who know his power, his grace who prove, serve him with fear, with…
1251. I will offer up my life I will offer up my life in spirit and truth, pouring out the oil of love as my worship to you. In surrender I must give my every part; Lord, receive the sacrifice of a broken heart. Jesus,…
361. Infant holy Infant holy, infant lowly, for his bed a cattle stall; oxen lowing, little knowing Christ the babe is Lord of all. Swift are winging angels singing, nowells ringing, tidings bringing: Christ the babe…
884. He who would valiant be He who would valiant be 'gainst all disaster, let him in constancy follow the Master. There's no discouragement shall make him once relent his first avowed intent to be a pilgrim. 2. Those who beset…
119G. Your word's a lamp to guide my footsteps Your word's a lamp to guide my footsteps, your word lights up my path to you; I now confirm the oath I've taken: your righteous judgements I'll pursue. Many the times, O Lord, I've…
763. In life or death, Lord Jesus Christ In life or death, Lord Jesus Christ, be all in all, I pray; your life, your death make known in me on earth, till heaven's day. 2. In sun or shadow be my help; your voice shall guide my feet; teach…
461. Hallelujah! The King is risen Hallelujah! the king is risen! Hallelujah! No death-dark prison holds him, now his glory shines on high! Hallelujah! He reigns eternal! Hallelujah! No power infernal stands before his majesty and…
50. God the Lord, the King Almighty God the Lord, the king almighty, calls the earth from east to west; shining out from Zion’s splendour, city loveliest and best, comes our God! He breaks the silence, robed in burning…
474. This joyful Eastertide This joyful eastertide away with sin and sadness! our Lord, the Crucified, has filled our hearts with gladness: Had Christ, who once was slain, not burst his three-day prison our faith would be in…
759. I rest in God alone I rest in God alone, from him comes my salvation; my soul finds rest in him, my fortress-I'll not be shaken. 1. My hope is in the Lord my honour and strength; my refuge is in him for ever, my…
530. Like the murmur of the dove's song Like the murmur of the dove's song, like the challenge of her flight, like the vigour of the wind's rush, like the new flame's eager might: Come, Holy Spirit, come. 2. To the members of Christ's…
266. Behold his love! Behold his love! I stand amazed and marvel at the God of grace; that the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, the Creator of the universe on whom all life depends, should be clothed in frail…
470. Jesus Christ is risen today Jesus Christ is risen today, Hallelujah! our triumphant holy day, Hallelujah! who did once upon the cross Hallelujah! suffer to redeem our loss. Hallelujah! 2. Hymns of joy then let us sing, praising…
700. For God so loved the world A For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son; and all who believe in him shall not die, but have eternal life; no, they shall not die, but have eternal life. B And God showed his love for…
696. What Adam's disobedience cost What Adam's disobedience cost, let holy scripture say: mankind estranged, an Eden lost, and then a judgement day: each day a judgement day. 2. An ark of mercy rode the flood; but we, where waters…
93. The Lord is King supreme The Lord is king supreme, enrobed in glory bright; the Lordis robed in majesty, and armed with awesome might. 2. The world is fixed upon foundations firm and broad; before all time your throne…
1325. You have called us out of darkest night YOU HAVE CALLED US OUT OF DARKEST NIGHT into your glorious light, that we may sing the wonders of the risen Christ. 2 May our every breath retell the grace that broke into our strife with…
1081. Risen Christ, your living presence Risen Christ, your living presence calls us to decision, searching out both men and women, urging us to act; bringing hope of transformation by the fulness of your love. 2. Humble Christ,…
829. Search me, O God, and know my heart today Search me, O God, and know my heart today; try me O Lord and know my thoughts, I pray. See if there is some wicked way in me; cleanse me from every sin and set me free.
156. God is in his temple God is in his temple, the almighty Father; round his footstool let us gather: him with adoration serve, the Lord most holy, who has mercy on the lowly; let us raise hymns of praise for his great…
825. From a life of weariness From a life of weariness, from my guilt and my distress, Saviour, to your side I flee- bring me back to Calvary. 2. I am sinful, prone to fall, unresponsive to your call; yet I long your own to…
489. I will build my church A I will build my church B I will build my church A and the gates of hell B and the gates of hell A shall not prevail B shall not prevail All against it. (repeat) So you powers in the heavens…
1191. When trials come When trials come, no longer fear, for in the pain our God draws near to fire a faith worth more than gold; and there his faithfulness is told, and there his faithfulness is told. 2. Within…
1306. Let every soul worship the King LET EVERY SOUL WORSHIP THE KING who was crucified; his glorious grace covers our sin: in him receive new life. Protector of faith: shielded by grace, held in your…
826. Lord, have mercy on us Lord, have mercy on us, come and heal our land. Cleanse with your fire, heal with your touch. Humbly we bow and call upon you now. O, Lord, have mercy on us.
780. Behold the amazing gift of love Behold the amazing gift of love the Father has bestowed on us, the sinful sons of men, to call us sons of God! 2. Concealed as yet this honour lies, by this dark world unknown, a world that knew not,…
54. By your name, O God, now save me By your name, O God, now save me; grant me justice by your might. As I pray to you, now hear me; keep me safe within your sight. Strangers have come up against me, violent in both deed and…
1084. God, loving ruler of our world God, loving ruler of our world, all things were made by you; by your creative, gracious power you made us rulers too. 2. But we reject you; godless lives spin out our sorry tale, and in…
171. From all that dwell beneath the skies From all that dwell beneath the skies let the Creator’s praise arise! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Let the Redeemer’s name be sung through every land, by every tongue! Hallelujah!…
145A. O Lord! My God and King O Lord! my God and king, I'll praise you evermore, each day your praises sing, your holy name adore: beyond our power to contemplate, how great the Lord! His praise how great! 2. Your great…