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133A. How good a thing it is How good a thing it is, how pleasant to behold, when all God's people live at one, the law of love uphold! 2. As perfume, by its scent, breathes fragrance all around, so life itself will…
816. Wake up, O sleeper, and rise from the dead Wake up, O sleeper, and rise from the dead and Christ will shine on you. Wake up, O sleeper, and rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you. 1. Once you were darkness, but now you are…
5007. Our God is king over all the world Our God is king over all the world; he made it all, the big and the small. He's pure and true and powerful too, he loves and cares for you. I don't deserve all the love he's shown. I cannot please him…
521. Into a world of dark Into a world of dark, waste and disordered space, he came, a wind that moved across the waters' face. 2. The Spirit in the wild breathed, and a world began. From shapelessness came form, from…
216. Christ, whose glory fills the skies Christ, whose glory fills the skies, Christ, the true, the only light, Sun of righteousness, arise, banish all the shades of night; Dayspring from on high, be near; Daystar, in my heart appear. 2.…
833. Your mercy flows upon us like a river Your mercy flows upon us like a river. Your mercy stands unshakable and true. Most holy God, of all good things the Giver, we turn and lift our fervent prayer to you. Hear our cry, (hear our cry) O…
702. In Eden-sad indeed that day- In eden-sad indeed that day- my countless blessings fled away, my crown fell in disgrace. But on victorious Calvary that crown was won again for me- my life shall all be praise. 2. Faith, see the…
964. And will the judge descend And will the judge descend? And must the dead arise, and not a single soul escape his all-discerning eyes? 2. How will my heart endure the terrors of that day, as earth and heaven, before his…
466. Jesus, Prince and Saviour Jesus, prince and saviour, Lord of life who died, Christ, the friend of sinners, mocked and crucified; for a world's salvation he his body gave, lay at last death's victim, lifeless in the…
180. Hallelujah, for the Lord our God Hallelujah, for the Lord our God, the Almighty, reigns! Hallelujah, for the Lord our God, the Almighty, reigns! Let us rejoice, and be glad, and give the glory unto him: Hallelujah, for the Lord our…
820. Who may ascend the hill of the Lord Who may ascend the hill of the Lord and who may stand in his holy place? Only the one whose hands are clean, whose heart is made clean by the Saviour's grace. Lord, grant me clean hands and a pure…
14. The fool whose heart declares in pride The fool whose heart declares in pride, ‘There is no God to fear,’ forgets the Lord's all-seeing eye who finds no goodness here. 2. For all have sinned and turned from God, not one has kept…
653. Jesus invites his saints Jesus invites his saints to come to him and dine; here pardoned rebels meet their Lord through signs of bread and wine. 2. For food he gives his flesh, he bids us drink his blood; amazing favour!…
762. Let us draw near! The blood is spilt Let us draw near! the blood is spilt, the Lamb has borne the sinner's guilt; the sacrifice for sin is made, we meet our Father unafraid: then let us draw near! 2. Let us draw near: the holy…
197. Songs of praise the angels sang Songs of praise the angels sang, heaven with hallelujahs rang when creation was begun; when God spoke, and it was done. 2. Songs of praise awoke the dawn when the Prince of peace was born; songs of…
753. You souls redeemed with blood You souls redeemed with blood and called by grace divine, walk worthy of your God and let your conduct shine; keep Christ, your living head, in view in all you say, in all you do. 2. Has Jesus made…
1233. Creation sings the Father's song Creation sings the Father's song; he calls the sun to wake the dawn and run the course of day till evening falls in crimson rays. His fingerprints in flakes of snow, his breath upon this spinning…
131. Lord, you have weaned my heart from pride Lord, you have weaned my heart from pride, my eyes from scorn are free; no longer am I occupied with thoughts too high for me. 2. Contented now, and reconciled, secure from all alarms, my…
CP45. O come, all you unfaithful O COME, ALL YOU UNFAITHFUL; come, weak and unstable— come, know you are not alone. 2. O come, barren and waiting ones, weary of praying, come— see what your God has done. Christ is born,…
310. Jesus, the Everlasting Word Jesus, the everlasting word, the Father’s only Son; God manifestly seen and heard and heaven’s beloved One: Worthy, O Lamb of God adored, that every tongue should call you Lord. 2. In you, most…
49. O people, listen—hear God's wisdom crying! O people, listen-hear God’s wisdom crying! Although the darkness comes to rich and poor, and nothing mortal can survive our dying, yet in the morning justice shall endure. 2. For God will take…
99. The Lord is King: tremble, O earth, and fear him The Lord is king: tremble, O earth, and fear him, the God of heaven, by angel hosts adored; his people bow before him and revere him, so great and awesome: holy is the Lord! 2. The Lord loves…
91B. Safe in the shadow of the Lord Safe in the shadow of the Lord beneath his hand and power, I trust in him, I trust in him, my fortress and my tower. 2. My hope is set on God alone though Satan spreads his snare; I trust in…
643. Bread of the world in mercy broken Bread of the world in mercy broken, wine of the soul in mercy shed; by whom the words of life were spoken and in whose death our sins are dead: look on the heart by sorrow broken, look on the tears by…
295. Fairest Lord Jesus Fairest Lord Jesus, Lord of all creation, Son of God and Mary’s son; you will I cherish, you will I honour, you are my soul’s delight and crown. 2. Fair are the rivers, meadows and…
823. Almighty Lord most high, draw near Almighty Lord most high, draw near, whose awesome splendour none can bear; eternal God, in mercy hear, receive once more the sinners' prayer; upon your word of grace we call, whose word of power has…
464. In the tomb so cold they laid him In the tomb so cold they laid him, death its victim claimed. Powers of hell, they could not hold him, back to life he came! Christ is risen! (Christ is risen!) Death has been conquered! (Death has…
582. Come and bless us, Lord! While you are beside us Come and bless us, Lord! while you are beside us nothing in the world ever will divide us. All is for the best, safe within your keeping, both in joy and weeping, we are richly blessed. 2. Blessings…
906. How blest are they who trust in Christ How blest are they who trust in Christ when we and those we love must part: we yield them up, for go they must, but do not lose them from our heart. 2. In ripened age, their harvest reaped, or gone…
576. Should I rehearse with human voice Should I rehearse with human voice the words which angels make their choice, devoid of love, my song resounds magnificent but empty. And should I preach with earnest tone and know whatever can be…