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762. Let us draw near! The blood is spilt Let us draw near! the blood is spilt, the Lamb has borne the sinner's guilt; the sacrifice for sin is made, we meet our Father unafraid: then let us draw near! 2. Let us draw near: the holy…
5007. Our God is king over all the world Our God is king over all the world; he made it all, the big and the small. He's pure and true and powerful too, he loves and cares for you. I don't deserve all the love he's shown. I cannot please him…
948. As if you were not there As if you were not there, the skies ignite and thunder, rivers tear their banks asunder, thieves and nature storm and plunder: all beware, as if you were not there. 2. As if you were not…
601. As we come before you to pray As we come before you to pray we feel our sins will make you turn away, yet we long to know that we have been forgiven and your smile is resting on your church again. 2. All our hearts to you are…
870. Father, although I cannot see Father, although I cannot see the future you have planned, and though the path is sometimes dark and hard to understand, yet give me faith, through joy and pain, to trace your loving hand. 2. When I…
39. I kept my mouth from every sinful word I kept my mouth from every sinful word, lest evil thoughts the wicked overheard; but silence made my pain intensify, so with a burning heart I made my cry: 2. ‘Show me my end, the measure of…
149. O praise our mighty Lord O praise our mighty Lord, and to his glory sing. Let all God's gathered people bless their great Creator-King! With energy and skill our anthem let us raise! For he delights in all his…
19A. The heavens declare God's glory The heavens declare God’s glory, their grandeur tells his worth; by day and night, though silent, their witness rings the earth. The sun, a radiant bridegroom, steps forth with eager feet to…
470. Jesus Christ is risen today Jesus Christ is risen today, Hallelujah! our triumphant holy day, Hallelujah! who did once upon the cross Hallelujah! suffer to redeem our loss. Hallelujah! 2. Hymns of joy then let us sing, praising…
145A. O Lord! My God and King O Lord! my God and king, I'll praise you evermore, each day your praises sing, your holy name adore: beyond our power to contemplate, how great the Lord! His praise how great! 2. Your great…
642. Among us our beloved stands Among us our beloved stands, and bids us see his nail-pierced hands, points to his wounded feet and side, true emblems of the Crucified. 2. What generous food, what sweet accord, when at his table…
1090. Praise our Father, Lord of Harvest Praise our father, Lord of harvest, for providing us with food; thank him for the fruit provided, all we eat that's for our good. Praise him! Praise him! Praise him! Praise him! May we praise…
401. My dear Redeemer and my Lord My dear redeemer and my Lord, I read my duty in your word; but in your life the law appears drawn out in living characters. 2. Such was your truth, and such your zeal, such deference to your Father's…
626. Love songs from heaven are filling the earth Love songs from heaven are filling the earth, bringing great hope to all nations; evil has prospered but truth is alive in this dark world the light still shines. 2. Nothing has silenced this gospel…
1254. Prepare our hearts, O God Prepare our hearts, O God, help us to receive; break the hard and stony ground, help our unbelief. Plant your word down deep in us, cause it to bear fruit, open up our ears to hear, lead us in…
450. When you prayed beneath the trees When you prayed beneath the trees, it was for me, O Lord; when you cried upon your knees, how could it be, O Lord? When in blood and sweat and tears you dismissed your final fears, when you faced the…
5002. God made the sun and stars God made the sun and stars, God made the birds that fly in the sky. God made the elephants and spiders and bees, but best of all: Yes, God made me! God gave me eyes to see, God gave me ears to hear…
572. Jesus, come, for we invite you Jesus, come, for we invite you Guest and Master, Friend and Lord; now, as once at Cana's wedding, speak, and let us hear your word: lead us through our need or doubting, hope be born and joy…
131. Lord, you have weaned my heart from pride Lord, you have weaned my heart from pride, my eyes from scorn are free; no longer am I occupied with thoughts too high for me. 2. Contented now, and reconciled, secure from all alarms, my…
836. All for Jesus, all for Jesus All for Jesus, all for Jesus! This our song shall ever be: you our only hope, our Saviour, yours the love that sets us free! 2. All for Jesus: you will give us strength to serve you hour by…
942. Teach me, dear Lord, to savour every moment Teach me, dear Lord, to savour every moment- each precious hour, a gift which is unique- for your unhurried guiding hand I cherish and the contentment of your ways I seek. When date and time demand my…
154. Father in heaven Father in heaven, grant to your children mercy and blessing, songs never ceasing, love to unite us, grace to redeem us; Father in heaven, Father, our God. 2. Jesus, Redeemer, may we remember your…
574. One holy Apostolic church One holy apostolic church, the body of the Lord: our task, to witness to his name in full and glad accord- one Lord confessed, one faith believed, one baptism its sign; one God and Father over…
119B. With all my heart I seek With all my heart I seek the true and living way! Lord, guide these steps of mine or I shall go astray. 2. Let me not waver now from simple honesty, or fail in my resolve to keep…
678. You are the way: From sin and death You are the way: from sin and death we turn to you alone, for those who would the Father seek must seek him through the Son. 2. You are the Truth, your word alone true wisdom can impart: you only can…
314. Lord I lift your name on high Lord, I lift your name on high; Lord, I love to sing your praises. I’m so glad you’re in my life; I’m so glad you came to save us. You came from heaven to earth to show the way from the earth to…
286. Almighty God Almighty God, we bring you praise for your Son, the Word of God, by whose power the world was made, by whose blood we are redeemed. Morning Star, the Father's glory, we now worship and adore you: in…
163. To him who chose us first To him who chose us first, before the world began; to him who bore sin’s curse to save rebellious man; to him who formed our hearts anew, is endless praise and glory due. 2. The Father’s love…
936. The Lord created family The Lord created family to make his kindness known: for when we care the way we ought our love reflects his own- a love which always reaches out to those who feel alone. 2. Give thanks for all the…
495. Rejoice, the Lord is King Rejoice, the Lord is king! Your Lord and King adore: mortals, give thanks and sing, and triumph evermore: Lift up your heart, lift up your voice: rejoice! Again I say, rejoice! 2. Jesus, the…