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5018. Zacchaeus was a very little man Zacchaeus was a very little man, and a very little man was he. He climbed up into a sycamore tree for the Saviour he wanted to see. And when Jesus passed that way he looked into the tree and said,…
261. Sing praise to God who reigns above Sing praise to God who reigns above, the God of all creation, the God of power, the God of love, the God of our salvation; with healing balm my soul he fills, and every faithless murmur stills: to God…
940. Forth in your name, O Lord, I go Forth in your name, O Lord, I go my daily labour to pursue; you, Lord, alone I choose to know in all I think or speak or do. 2. The task your wisdom has assigned here let me cheerfully fulfil; in all…
452. Yes, finished! The Messiah dies Yes, finished! the messiah dies, cut off for sins, but not his own; completed is the sacrifice, the great redeeming work is done. Yes, finished! all the debt is paid, justice divine is satisfied, the…
329. Priest and victim, Jesus dies Priest and victim, Jesus dies— gives himself in sacrifice. Christ, the sinless Son of God, offers up for us his blood, gives himself in sacrifice— Priest and victim, Jesus dies! 2. Mighty victor,…
1321. Your Word YOUR WORD IS GOOD, IT'S EVER FAITHFUL; worth more than gold, the heart's delight. Your word gives life to all who hear and obey: your word endures for ever. 2 Your word is true, it never…
921. Father of all, whose laws have stood Father of all, whose laws have stood as signposts for our earthly good; whose Son has come with truth and grace, your likeness shining in his face: Give us Christ's love, its depth and length, its…
945. Our God, supreme and good Our God, supreme and good, how richly you have loved! But nations die for lack of food and are we still unmoved? 2. While human lives are lost in misery and fear, shall we complain about the cost of…
364. Let earth and heaven combine Let earth and heaven combine, angels and men agree to praise in songs divine the incarnate Deity; our God contracted to a span, incomprehensibly made man. 2. He laid his glory by, took form in mortal…
141. Come quickly, Lord, and hear the cries Come quickly, Lord, and hear the cries my heart and hands uplifted raise; and let my prayer as incense rise, an evening sacrifice of praise. Guard now the lips that speak your name, lest they,…
1078. Every land in all creation Every land in all creation shall see his glory; every creed and every tribe and tongue. People out of every nation shall tell his story, every knee shall bow before his throne. The First, the…
641. According to your gracious word According to your gracious word, because you died for me, I will remember you, my Lord, in meek humility. 2. Your body, broken for my sake, my bread from heaven shall be; I will remember you, and…
428. In silent pain the eternal Son In silent pain the eternal son hangs derelict and still; in darkened day his work is done, fulfilled, his Father's will. Uplifted for the world to see he hangs in strangest victory, for in his body on…
297. Hallelujah! Raise the anthem Hallelujah! raise the anthem, let the skies resound with praise; sing to Christ who paid our ransom, wonderful his works and ways: God eternal, Word incarnate, whom the heaven of heavens obeys. 2.…
585. For all the saints, who from their labours rest For all the saints, who from their labours rest, who to the world by faith their Lord confessed, your name, O Jesus, be for ever blessed: Hallelujah! Hallelujah! 2. You were their rock, their…
1151. Our view across the miles gone by Our view across the miles gone by is filled with thankfulness. The years that crept now seem to fly; past peaks and valleys, low and high, our Lord and God we bless, his goodness we…
920. As the light upon the river As the light upon the river at the rising of the sun, shine, O Lord, upon our city; here on earth, your will be done: here we meet in glad thanksgiving, worship, praise and prayer we bring, grief for…
774. A sovereign protector I have A sovereign protector I have, unseen, yet for ever at hand, unchangeably faithful to save, almighty to rule and command. He smiles, and my comforts abound; his grace as the dew shall descend, and…
1135. Creator of the universe Creator of the universe and ruler of all things, the Judge of every person and the King above all kings; our God is righteous, holy, good and great in every way; his infinite perfections he's…
855. Go, labour on; spend and be spent Go, labour on; spend and be spent, your joy to do the Father's will; it is the way the Master went: should not the servant tread it still? 2. Go, labour on, true wealth to know; find heavenly gain in…
828. O Jesus, full of truth and grace O Jesus, full of truth and grace, more full of grace than I of sin, yet once again I seek your face; open your arms and take me in, and freely my backslidings heal and love the faithless sinner…
590. They lack no friends, who have your love They lack no friends, who have your love and may converse and walk with you, and with your saints here, and above where we with them shall be made new. 2. In the communion of your saints is wisdom,…
327. Praise be to Christ in whom we see Praise be to Christ in whom we see the image of the Father shown, the firstborn Son revealed and known, the truth and grace of deity; through whom creation came to birth, whose fingers set the stars…
508. I cannot tell why he whom angels worship I cannot tell why he whom angels worship should set his love upon the sons of men, or why as shepherd he should seek the wanderers, to bring them back, they know not how nor when. But this I know,…
749. O how the grace of God O how the grace of God amazes me! It loosed me from my bonds and set me free! What made it happen so? His own will, this much I know, set me, as now I show, at liberty. 2. My God has chosen…
808. Jesus, my strength, my hope Jesus, my strength, my hope, on you I cast my care, with humble confidence look up and know you hear my prayer. On you alone I wait till I can all things do; on you, almighty to create, almighty to…
682. Jesus, Lover of my soul Jesus, lover of my soul, let me to your presence fly, while the gathering waters roll, while the tempest still is high. Hide me, O my Saviour, hide, till the storm of life is past; safe into the…
291. Christ triumphant, ever reigning Christ triumphant, ever reigning, Saviour, Master, King! Lord of heaven, our lives sustaining, hear us as we sing. Yours the glory and the crown, the high renown, the eternal name. 2. Word incarnate,…
595. Give me the faith which can remove Give me the faith which can remove and sink the mountain to a plain; give me the child-like, praying love which longs to build your house again; fill with your love my longing heart- possess my soul…
853. When we walk with the Lord When we walk with the Lord in the light of his word, what a glory he sheds on our way! While we do his good will he abides with us still, and with all who will trust and obey! Trust and obey! For…