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901. O Jesus, I have promised O Jesus, I have promised to serve you to the end; be now and ever near me, my master and my friend: I shall not fear the battle if you are by my side, nor wander from the pathway if you will be my…
808. Jesus, my strength, my hope Jesus, my strength, my hope, on you I cast my care, with humble confidence look up and know you hear my prayer. On you alone I wait till I can all things do; on you, almighty to create, almighty to…
1316. I lift my eyes up to the hills - Psalm 121 I LIFT MY EYES UP TO THE HILLS; from where does my help come? My help comes from the Maker of the heavens and the earth. He will not let my foot be moved; he keeps my journey safe. O my soul,…
1198. O God of grace and mercy O God of grace and mercy, your time has fully come when, joined by love and promise our friends are now made one; we pray that you will bless them with joyful hope and peace and guide their life…
704. Just as I am, without one plea Just as I am, without one plea but that you died to set me free, and at your bidding, 'Come to me!' O Lamb of God, I come. 2. Just as I am, and waiting not to rid my soul of one dark blot, to you,…
1216. When you think what you were told When you think what you were told does it take your breath away— how the Saviour of the world once a tiny infant lay? Where the sheep and donkey fed our Redeemer we can see born this human…
879. Trouble may break with the dawn Trouble may break with the dawn and evil may come and darkness will fall; clouds will appear in the sky and tears in our eyes and pain in the soul. But God stands at his people's side, gives them a…
865. The Son of God rides out to war The son of God rides out to war the ancient foe to slay; his blood-red banner streams afar- who follows him today? Who bears his cross? Who shares his grief? Who walks his narrow way? Who faces…
238. Here on the threshold of a new beginning Here on the threshold of a new beginning, by grace forgiven, now we leave behind our long-repented selfishness and sinning, and all our blessings call again to mind: Christ to redeem us, ransom and…
40. Patient in hope, I sought the Lord Patient in hope, I sought the Lord; he turned to me-my cry was heard! Raising me from the miry pit, on solid rock he set my feet. He turned my cry to newborn song: from heart and voice God’s…
429. It is a thing most wonderful It is a thing most wonderful, almost too wonderful to be, that God's own Son should come from heaven and die to save a child like me. 2. And yet I know that it is true; he came to this poor world…
80. Israel's shepherd, hear our prayer Israel's shepherd, hear our prayer, leading Joseph by your care, throned between the cherubim, light for us, as once for him: waken all your mighty powers; Israel's Shepherd, Lord, be…
836. All for Jesus, all for Jesus All for Jesus, all for Jesus! This our song shall ever be: you our only hope, our Saviour, yours the love that sets us free! 2. All for Jesus: you will give us strength to serve you hour by…
352. Christians, awake! Salute the happy morn Christians, awake! salute the happy morn on which the Saviour of the world was born; rise to adore the mystery of his love which hosts of angels chanted from above! With them the joyful tidings first…
1288. For mistakes we can't forget FOR MISTAKES WE CAN’T FORGET and the sins that still beset, we have a Lamb, we have a Lamb. For our fraught and anxious realm, for the fears that overwhelm, we have a throne, we have a…
598. Thank you, Lord, for gifts of teaching Thank you, Lord, for gifts of teaching, so that we might understand all your word, and its far-reaching truth for life; head, heart and hand: in our studies may we find truth renewing every mind. 2.…
47. O clap your hands, all nations, cry O clap your hands, all nations, cry with joy to God, declare his worth: how awesome is the Lord most High, the mighty King of all the earth! 2. Beneath us he has cast our foes and raised us up…
450. When you prayed beneath the trees When you prayed beneath the trees, it was for me, O Lord; when you cried upon your knees, how could it be, O Lord? When in blood and sweat and tears you dismissed your final fears, when you faced the…
596. Great God, your love has called us here Great God, your love has called us here, as we, by love for love were made. Your living likeness still we bear, though marred, dishonoured, disobeyed. We come, with all our heart and mind your call to…
1190. To see the King of Heaven fall To see the king of heaven fall in anguish to his knees, the light and hope of all the world now overwhelmed with grief. What nameless horrors must he see, to cry out in the garden: ‘Oh, take…
897. In the hour of trial In the hour of trial, Jesus, pray for me, lest by base denial I should traitor be; when you see me waver, with a look recall, nor, for fear or favour, ever let me fall. 2. With bewitching…
1165. Have you not heard? Have you not heard? Was it never told to you that he who brought a universe to birth can raise up nations and then bring them to nothing again— the sovereign over heaven and earth? But those…
634. Baptized in water for our Lord Baptized in water for our Lord, we follow and obey his word. In him we die, in him we rise to reign with him beyond the skies. 2. Baptized into the triune name, the Father's promises we…
123. Up to you I lift my eyes Up to you I lift my eyes, high enthroned above the skies: teach me, Lord, to follow you, see your hand in all I do. 2. As a servant watches still, set to know his master's will: so we fix our…
151. Glory be to God the Father Glory be to God the Father, glory be to God the Son, glory be to God the Spirit, great I AM, the Three-in-One: glory, glory, while eternal ages run! 2. Glory be to him who loved us, washed us…
775. All my hope on God is founded All my hope on God is founded, all my trust he shall renew; he, my guide through changing order, only good and only true: God unknown, he alone, calls my heart to be his own. 2. Human pride and…
1279. From the squalor of a borrowed stable FROM THE SQUALOR OF A BORROWED STABLE, by the Spirit and a virgin’s faith; to the anguish and the shame of scandal came the Saviour of the human race. But the skies were filled with the…
1079. From the heights of glory From the heights of glory to a humble birth, the Lord of heaven came down to earth. And the greatest story that is known to man in a stable room began. What a gift, what a gift we are…
1185. He came to earth He came to earth, not to be served, but gave his life to be a ransom for many; the Son of God, the Son of man, he shared our pain and bore our sins in his body. King of kings and Lord of…
605. How weak my spirit is, O Lord How weak my spirit is, O Lord, when I desire to pray: how shall I come before your throne? What shall I find to say? 2. You know, dear Lord, how much I long for closer ties with you; to feel your…