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449. What kind of love is this What kind of love is this, that gave itself for me? I am the guilty one, yet I go free. What kind of love is this? A love I've never known. I didn't even know his name, what kind of love is this? 2.…
CP56. See Him lying on a bed of straw SEE HIM LYING ON A BED OF STRAW: a draughty stable with an open door; Mary cradling the babe she bore— the Prince of glory is his name. O now carry me to Bethlehem to see the Lord of love…
555. Lord God, who breathed your word of old Lord God, who breathed your word of old on those who wrote the sacred page, the same through all the years untold- to us, in our degenerate age, the Spirit of your word impart and breathe his life…
628. Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the Lord! Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the Lord! Unnumbered blessings, give my spirit voice; tender to me the promise of his word; in God my Saviour shall my heart rejoice. 2. Tell out, my soul, the…
1228. You're the word of God the Father You're the word of God the father, from before the world began; every star and every planet has been fashioned by your hand. All creation holds together by the power of your voice: let the skies…
697. Above the voices of the world around me Above the voices of the world around me, my hopes and dreams, my cares and loves and fears, the long-awaited call of Christ has found me, the voice of Jesus echoes in my ears: 'I gave my life to break…
443. Stricken, smitten, and afflicted Stricken, smitten, and afflicted, see him dying on the tree! See the Christ by all rejected, yes, my soul, this, this is he! See the long-expected prophet, David's son, yet David's Lord; by his Son…
369. O what a mystery I see O what a mystery I see, what marvellous design, that God should come as one of us, a son in David's line. Flesh of our flesh, of woman born, our humanness he owns; and for a world of wickedness his…
508. I cannot tell why he whom angels worship I cannot tell why he whom angels worship should set his love upon the sons of men, or why as shepherd he should seek the wanderers, to bring them back, they know not how nor when. But this I know,…
1088. See the Father's love made known See the father's love made known--- greater love could never be--- sending us his only Son, Lamb of Calvary, Lamb of Calvary. 2. How could such a holy God pardon my iniquity? Jesus cleansed me…
918. To you, O Lord, our hearts we raise To you, O Lord, our hearts we raise in hymns of adoration: accept our sacrifice of praise, our shouts of exultation; bright robes of gold the fields adorn, the hills with joy are ringing, the valleys…
1009. The God who set the stars in space The God who set the stars in space and gave the planets birth created for our dwelling place a green and fruitful earth; a world with wealth and beauty crowned of sky and sea and land, where…
1213. Come see Mount Sinai Come see mount sinai, where God gave the law received by Moses from his hand divine; and where the man his maker’s glory saw, which made his face with dazzling radiance shine. So may we see the…
638. The servants of God are baptized The servants of God are baptized, with Jesus made visibly one; come, Spirit, and clothe them with power, the world and its pleasures to shun. 2. The servants of God are baptized, salvation revealed…
1326. How I Love The Voice Of Jesus – It Was Finished Upon That Cross HOW I LOVE THE VOICE OF JESUS on the cross of Calvary; he declares his work is finished, he has spoken this hope to me. Though the sun had ceased its shining, though the war appeared as…
257. God of the ages God of the ages, history's maker, planning our pathway, holding us fast, shaping in mercy all that concerns us: Father, we praise you, Lord of the past! 2. God of this morning, gladly your…
776. And can it be that I should gain And can it be that I should gain an interest in the Saviour's blood? Died he for me, who caused his pain? For me, who him to death pursued? Amazing love! How can it be that you, my God, should die for…
273. Your mercy, my God, is the theme of my song Your mercy, my God, is the theme of my song, the joy of my heart, and the boast of my tongue; your free grace alone, from the first to the last, has won my affections, and bound my soul fast. 2. Your…
1130. Lamb of God Lamb of God, blameless one; dearly loved, only Son, cursed and scourged as he is hung on a cross of degradation. Man of grief, crowned with thorns. How his heart and flesh are torn as our sins…
367. O come, all you faithful O come, all you faithful, joyful and triumphant! O come now, O come now to Bethlehem! Come and behold him, born the King of angels: O come, let us adore him, O come, let us adore him, O come, let us…
531. Lord of the church, we pray for our renewing Lord of the church, we pray for our renewing: Christ over all, our undivided aim; fire of the Spirit, burn for our enduing, wind of the Spirit, fan the living flame! We turn to Christ amid our fear…
453. When I survey the wondrous cross When I survey the wondrous cross on which the Prince of glory died, my richest gain I count as loss, and pour contempt on all my pride. 2. Forbid it, Lord, that I should boast save in the cross of…
414. At the cross of Jesus At the cross of Jesus I would take my place, drawn by such a measure of redeeming grace. Fill my eyes with sorrow, lift my eyes to see Jesus Christ my Saviour crucified for me. 2. At the…
733. More about Jesus would I know More about Jesus would I know, more of his grace to others show, more of his saving fulness see, more of his love-who died for me. More, more about Jesus, more, more about Jesus: more of his saving…
734. My heart is full of Christ, and longs My heart is full of Christ, and longs its glorious subject to proclaim! Of him I make my noblest songs- I cannot cease to praise his name; my eager tongue delights to sing the glories of my heavenly…
275. In Eden fair, a place divine In eden fair, a place divine, image of God, stood man, created whole; through Satan's guile, he fell by sin's design: a guilty soul. 2. In ancient days, in Edom far, there stood a warrior wounded…
724. All my days I will sing this song of gladness All my days I will sing this song of gladness, give my praise to the Fountain of delights; for in my helplessness you heard my cry and waves of mercy poured down on my life. 2. I will trust in the…
1016. If I rise on the wings of the dawn If I rise on the wings of the dawn, seek the lands that lie over the sea; if I go to the heavens, if I live in the depths, if I hide in the darkness, you are there. You are there, where your light…
1272. Hear the call of the Kingdom HEAR THE CALL OF THE KINGDOM, LIFT YOUR EYES TO THE KING; let his song rise within you as a fragrant offering of how God, rich in mercy, came in Christ to redeem all who trust in his…
503. Before the throne of God above Before the throne of God above I have a strong, a perfect plea, a great high priest, whose name is love, who ever lives and pleads for me. My name is written on his hands, my name is hidden in his…