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896. He gives us more grace when the burdens grow greater He gives us more grace when the burdens grow greater, he sends us more strength when the labours increase; to greater affliction he adds his great mercy, to multiplied trials, his multiplied…
174. Give thanks with a grateful heart Give thanks with a grateful heart, give thanks to the Holy One, give thanks because he’s given Jesus Christ, his Son. Give thanks with a grateful heart, give thanks to the Holy One, give thanks…
56. Merciful and gracious be Merciful and gracious be, O most High, remember me. When my enemies assail may your grace and power prevail. Keep me in the day of fear firm in faith that God is near. 2. What though some…
750. The Lord made man, the scriptures tell The Lord made man, the scriptures tell, to bear his image and his sign; yet we by nature share as well the ancient mark of Adam's line. 2. In Adam's fall falls every man, with every gift the Father…
689. Good news is here: Let lameness turn to leaping Good news is here: let lameness turn to leaping, blind eyes will see and all the deaf will hear; prisoners will leave their cells and laugh with freedom, the hungry eat their fill, now God is…
353. Earth gave him no welcome Earth gave him no welcome, no shelter, no home; he slept in a stable, the inn had no room; no bed but a manger, no pillow but hay, no friends but the oxen who watched where he lay. 2. To seek and to…
829. Search me, O God, and know my heart today Search me, O God, and know my heart today; try me O Lord and know my thoughts, I pray. See if there is some wicked way in me; cleanse me from every sin and set me free.
CP33. Joy has dawned upon the world JOY HAS DAWNED UPON THE WORLD, promised from creation: God’s salvation now unfurled, hope for every nation. Not with fanfares from above, not with scenes of glory, but a humble gift of…
1088. See the Father's love made known See the father's love made known--- greater love could never be--- sending us his only Son, Lamb of Calvary, Lamb of Calvary. 2. How could such a holy God pardon my iniquity? Jesus cleansed me…
1158. God of all human history God of all human history, of time long fled and faded, yours is the secret mastery by which the years are guided; King of unchanging glory from ages unrecorded. 2.   God of the hidden…
390. Forty days and forty nights Forty days and forty nights you were fasting in the wild; forty days and forty nights tempted and yet undefiled. 2. Burning heat throughout the day, bitter cold when light had fled; prowling beasts…
485. He is exalted He is exalted, the King is exalted on high. I will praise him. He is exalted, for ever exalted and I will praise his name! He is the Lord, for ever his truth shall reign. Heaven and earth rejoice in…
CP16. God comes among us in holiest mystery GOD COMES AMONG US IN HOLIEST MYSTERY, steps from eternity into our history: Sing of the Christ Child, the gift that Love gave us: God, born among us to find us and save us. 2 Gently and humbly…
15. Lord, who may venture where you dwell Lord, who may venture where you dwell, or worship on your holy hill? The pure in heart, whose blameless lives by word and deed obey your will. 2. They never do their neighbour wrong and utter…
888. Our God stands like a fortress rock Our God stands like a fortress rock with walls that will not fail us; he helps us brace against the shock of fears which now assail us. The enemy of old in wickedness is bold; this seems his victory…
802. Now may the God of peace Now may the God of peace who raised up from the dead the one great shepherd of the sheep, Jesus our head, who shed his precious blood to save a sinful race, by the eternal covenant of sovereign…
642. Among us our beloved stands Among us our beloved stands, and bids us see his nail-pierced hands, points to his wounded feet and side, true emblems of the Crucified. 2. What generous food, what sweet accord, when at his table…
1333. Let us sing LET US SING (Let us sing) of the God (of the God) who has saved us, who by grace (who by grace) and through faith (and through faith) brings us home. Lift your heart, (Lift your heart) lift your…
121A. I to the hills lift up my eyes I to the hills lift up my eyes; from where shall help be given? My help comes only from the Lord who made the earth and heaven. 2. He will not let your foot be moved; guard over you he…
276. Now may he who from the dead Now may he who from the dead brought the Shepherd of the sheep, Jesus Christ, our King and head, all our souls in safety keep. 2. May he teach us to fulfil what is pleasing in his sight, make…
459. Come and see where Jesus lay Come and see where Jesus lay, cold within the silent cave. See, the stone is rolled away, void and tenantless the grave: clothes to shroud his form and head still their absent Lord display; Christ is…
1077. O God of our salvation O God of our salvation, we come with one accord in common supplication to Christ the living Lord; our Saviour's promise claiming that those who meet in prayer, the Name of Jesus naming, will…
269. God of grace, I turn my face to you God of grace, I turn my face to you, I cannot hide; my nakedness, my shame, my guilt, are all before your eyes. Strivings and all anguished dreams in rags lie at my feet, and only grace provides the…
785. Only by grace can we enter Only by grace can we enter, only by grace can we stand; not by our human endeavour but by the blood of the Lamb. Into your presence you call us, you call us to come, into your presence you draw us and…
1196. Come, stranger-God: reveal to us Come, stranger-God: reveal to us the God you really are; disturb our cosy, false ideas, our worship from afar. 2. Our minds are dulled by earthbound thoughts, our hearts confused and…
1175. In the darkness of the valley In the darkness of the valley, when our hearts are filled with fear, knowing this should give us comfort: Christ our Lord is standing near. He will be our powerful helper, ever-present…
1282. I have a shelter in the storm I HAVE A SHELTER IN THE STORM when troubles pour upon me; though fears are rising like a flood, my soul can rest securely. O Jesus, I will hide in you, my place of peace and…
1228. You're the word of God the Father You're the word of God the father, from before the world began; every star and every planet has been fashioned by your hand. All creation holds together by the power of your voice: let the skies…
CP24. How still the starry night above HOW STILL THE STARRY NIGHT ABOVE, how still the earth below; how small the greatest gift of love the world has ever known. The fullness of the deity a borrowed manger fills: the God of all…
335. There's no greater name than Jesus There's no greater name than Jesus, name of him who came to save us; in that saving name so gracious every knee shall bow. Let everything that's beneath the ground, let everything in the world…