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305. Jesus shall take the highest honour Jesus shall take the highest honour. Jesus shall take the highest praise. Let all earth join heaven in exalting the name which is above all other names. Let’s bow the knee in humble adoration, for…
270. I bow before the God of matchless care I bow before the God of matchless care; I bow in awe of one I know is always there- who holds the universe he made entirely in his hand, but speaks so simply that a little child may understand; I see…
752. Wonderful grace that gives what I don't deserve Wonderful grace that gives what I don't deserve, pays me what Christ has earned then lets me go free. Wonderful grace that gives me the time to change, washes away the stains that once covered…
129. They have oppressed me from my youth They have oppressed me from my youth- let Israel now make this known- they have oppressed me from my youth, yet I have not been overthrown. 2. They drew their ploughs across my back; the…
131. Lord, you have weaned my heart from pride Lord, you have weaned my heart from pride, my eyes from scorn are free; no longer am I occupied with thoughts too high for me. 2. Contented now, and reconciled, secure from all alarms, my…
793. I hear the words of love I hear the words of love, I trust in Jesus' blood, I see the mighty sacrifice: and I have peace with God. 2. This everlasting peace, as certain as his name, is sure as God's eternal…
1239. Father, you know the way Father, you know the way that I am taking, you're watching over me from day to day, you are my refuge when my world is shaking— all-seeing, Sovereign Lord, you know my way. 2. Jesus, for me…
952. O God of love, O King of peace O God of love, O king of peace, make wars throughout the world to cease; the wrath of sinful man restrain: give peace, O God, give peace again. 2. Remember, Lord, your deeds of old, the wonders that…
1098. Earth's celebration of God's ways Earth's celebration of God's ways is heard at best imperfectly; but all our major, minor praise on high or ordinary days still echoes heaven's harmony. 2. When wounds are fresh or scars…
802. Now may the God of peace Now may the God of peace who raised up from the dead the one great shepherd of the sheep, Jesus our head, who shed his precious blood to save a sinful race, by the eternal covenant of sovereign…
1076. Take my life, move my heart Take my life: move my heart to love the wisdom of your way, to grow more like you every day until your glorious kingdom come, until your perfect will is done, until your glory fills the…
626. Love songs from heaven are filling the earth Love songs from heaven are filling the earth, bringing great hope to all nations; evil has prospered but truth is alive in this dark world the light still shines. 2. Nothing has silenced this gospel…
477. All heaven declares All heaven declares the glory of the risen Lord, who can compare with the beauty of the Lord? For ever he will be the Lamb upon the throne. I gladly bow the knee and worship him alone. 2. I will…
5001. God has given us many things God has given us many things, flowers that grow and birds that sing, Summer, Winter, Autumn, Spring. thank you God, for everything. Jesus died for my sin. Jesus lives! thank you God, for everything.
378. Silently we watch as our God Silently we watch as our God steps down from his glorious throne into this poor world. Taking to himself his tiny human form, he who made the world lies in Mary's arms. We worship you, Immanuel, we…
385. The virgin Mary had a baby boy The virgin mary had a baby boy, the virgin Mary had a baby boy, the virgin Mary had a baby boy and they say that his name is Jesus. He come from the glory, he come from the glorious kingdom; Yes! he…
1137. Lord, with all my heart I thank you Lord, with all my heart I thank you, sing my praise to you alone, and in reverence, awe and wonder bow in worship at your throne. Yours the name of tender mercy, yours the true, enduring…
1195. I have a light to guide me I have a light to guide me, a Saviour ever near: it is the Lord, my refuge, so who should make me fear? Though evil forces threaten to tear my life apart, they never will extinguish the peace that’s…
341. You are the King of glory You are the king of glory you are the Prince of peace, you are the Lord of heaven and earth, you're the sun of righteousness. Angels bow down before you, worship and adore, for you have the words of…
799. Like a river glorious Like a river glorious is God's perfect peace, over all victorious, in its bright increase: perfect, yet still flowing fuller every day; perfect, yet still growing deeper all the way. Trusting in the…
460. Glory to Jesus, risen, conquering Son Glory to Jesus, risen, conquering son! Endless is the victory over death you won; angels robed in splendour rolled the stone away, kept the folded grave clothes where your body lay: Glory to Jesus,…
560. O that the Lord would guide my ways O that the Lord would guide my ways to keep his statutes still! O that my God would grant me grace to know and do his will! 2. O send your Spirit down, to write your law upon my heart; nor let me…
330. Released in praise we worship you, O Lord Released in praise we worship you, O Lord. We place our offerings before your throne, for you alone are worthy to receive blessing and honour, glory, might and power. Lord you have died, but now you…
234. This is the day, this is the day This is the day, this is the day that the Lord has made, that the Lord has made: we will rejoice, we will rejoice and be glad in it, and be glad in it. This is the day that the Lord has made, we will…
642. Among us our beloved stands Among us our beloved stands, and bids us see his nail-pierced hands, points to his wounded feet and side, true emblems of the Crucified. 2. What generous food, what sweet accord, when at his table…
200. We are here to praise you We are here to praise you, lift our hearts and sing. We are here to give you the best that we can bring. And it is our love rising from our hearts, everything within us cries, ‘Abba Father.’ Help…
449. What kind of love is this What kind of love is this, that gave itself for me? I am the guilty one, yet I go free. What kind of love is this? A love I've never known. I didn't even know his name, what kind of love is this? 2.…
441. O the love that drew salvation's plan O the love that drew salvation's plan, O the grace that brought it down to man, O the mighty gulf that God did span at Calvary! Mercy there was great and grace was free, pardon there was multiplied to…
382. The story has broken The story has broken, an angel has spoken, and this is the token that Jesus is here: he comes as a stranger regardless of danger, the Lord in a manger, the babe without peer. 2. O counsel of…
667. Above the clash of creeds Above the clash of creeds, the many voices that call on so many names, into these final days our God has spoken by sending his only Son. There is no other way by which we must be saved; his name is…