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211. Roar the waves, the waters praising Roar the waves, the waters praising God who saves; and from beneath creatures rise in shapes amazing to our eyes—he gives them breath: God who set the planets blazing holds us yet in life or…
CP31. Jesus, joy of the highest heaven JESUS, JOY OF THE HIGHEST HEAVEN, born as a little baby under a wondrous star. Like us, crying he takes his first breath, held by his mother, helpless, close to her beating heart. Jesus, laid in a…
CP07. Come, adore the humble King COME, ADORE THE HUMBLE KING, lowly in the manger; fall before his majesty, hail the little Saviour. Hope what hope no tongue could tell: God has come with us to dwell; his name is Immanuel— O…
1017. Lord, from the splendour of heaven you came Lord, from the splendour of heaven you came, entered our world in its sin and its shame and humbly you laid all your glory aside: born ‘Man of sorrows’, rejected, denied. 2. How can it be…
737. O matchless beauty of our God O matchless beauty of our God so ancient and so new, kindle in us your fire of love; fall on us as the dew! 2. How late we came to love you, Lord; how strong the hold of sin! Your beauty speaks from…
1058. When you secured our freedom, Lord When you secured our freedom, Lord, it was just like a dream come true: with laughter and songs our lips overflowed as we thanked and worshipped you. Lord, you have done great things for us and…
1243. Have you not planted in the human spirit Have you not planted in the human spirit a restlessness we cannot satisfy? Have you not set eternity within us, a taste that haunts us till the day we die? Have you not fostered in our lives a…
1205. God who gives the second chance God who gives the second chance, calling, calling more than once: patriarchs, apostles, kings, priests and prophets knew these things: how our patient Lord is kind, guiding us to seek and…
46B. God is our strength and refuge God is our strength and refuge, our present help in trouble; and we therefore will not fear, though the earth should change! Though mountains shake and tremble, though swirling floods are…
474. This joyful Eastertide This joyful eastertide away with sin and sadness! our Lord, the Crucified, has filled our hearts with gladness: Had Christ, who once was slain, not burst his three-day prison our faith would be in…
1174. Light of the world, true light divine Light of the world, true light divine, in glory break and splendour shine upon our nature's night, upon our nature's night! The darkness dies before the morn and God himself a child is born, the…
171. From all that dwell beneath the skies From all that dwell beneath the skies let the Creator’s praise arise! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Let the Redeemer’s name be sung through every land, by every tongue! Hallelujah!…
514. When the King shall come again When the king shall come again all his power revealing, splendour shall announce his reign, life and joy and healing: earth no longer in decay, hope no more frustrated; this is God's…
1. Happy the people who refuse Happy the people who refuse to walk the way the wicked choose, who will not stand where sinners meet, nor with the scornful take their seat: the word of God is their delight, their meditation day…
1137. Lord, with all my heart I thank you Lord, with all my heart I thank you, sing my praise to you alone, and in reverence, awe and wonder bow in worship at your throne. Yours the name of tender mercy, yours the true, enduring…
240. Lo, God is here; let us adore! Lo, God is here; let us adore! How awe-inspiring is this place! Let all within us feel his power, and silent bow before his face; who know his power, his grace who prove, serve him with fear, with…
902. Loving Shepherd of your sheep Loving shepherd of your sheep, keep me, Lord, in safety keep; nothing can your power withstand, none can snatch me from your hand. 2. Loving Lord, you chose to give your own life that we might…
121B. Unto the hills around me I lift up Unto the hills around me I lift up my longing eyes; from where for me shall my salvation come, my help arise? From God the Lord shall come my certain aid, from God the Lord, who heaven and earth…
373. Ring out the bells Ring out the bells, the joyful news is breaking. Ring out the bells, for Jesus Christ is born. 1. Angels in wonder sing of his glory. Shepherds returning tell us the story. 2. Let all…
633. How beautiful their feet How beautiful their feet who stand on Zion's hill, who bring salvation on their tongues and words of peace reveal! 2. How cheering is their voice, how sweet their tidings are: 'Zion, behold your…
661. With this bread we will remember him With this bread we will remember him, Son of God, broken and suffering: for our guilt- innocent offering. As we eat, remember him. 2. With this wine we will remember him, on the cross, paying the…
527. Spirit of God, our hearts inspire Spirit of God, our hearts inspire, let us your influence prove, source of the old prophetic fire, fountain of light and love. 2. Come, Holy Spirit, Lord, by whom the prophets wrote and spoke: the key…
416. Deep is the love of Jesus Deep is the love of Jesus, deep is the love of Jesus. Deep as his cross; deep as the mocking soldier's spear deep as his wounded side. 2. Deep is the love of Jesus, deep is the love of Jesus. Deep as…
590. They lack no friends, who have your love They lack no friends, who have your love and may converse and walk with you, and with your saints here, and above where we with them shall be made new. 2. In the communion of your saints is wisdom,…
715. Loved with everlasting love Loved with everlasting love, led by grace that love to know; Spirit, breathing from above, you have taught me it is so: O what full and perfect peace, joy and wonder all divine! In a love which cannot…
509. The King shall come, when morning dawns The king shall come, when morning dawns and light triumphant breaks, when beauty gilds the eastern hills and life to joy awakes. 2. He who was born a little child to suffer and to die shall come with…
510. Jesus, Alpha and Omega Jesus, alpha and omega, God before the world began, first and last, beginning, ending, mighty Word and Son of Man, great Creator, Liberator! Author of salvation's plan! 2. You have loved us! You have…
114. When Israel fled from Egypt When Israel fled from egypt and Jacob's people left that foreign land, then Judah was God's temple, and Israel was the treasure in his hand. 2. The Red Sea looked, and wondered; the Jordan…
589. Turn our hearts Turn our hearts, turn our hearts. Turn our hearts to one another, let your kindness show: where our words or deeds have wounded, let forgiveness flow. 2. Turn our hearts from pride and anger to your…
1010. Whom have I in heaven but you? Whom have I in heaven but you? And earth has nothing I desire beside you. My heart and my body may fail and pass away, but God is the strength of my heart, my portion for ever. I know that you're…