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278. My Lord, you called my name My Lord, you called my name before the world began, and chose that I should be included in your plan. 2. How well you know my heart; its hidden depths you see; and yet you love me still and freely…
1333. Let us sing LET US SING (Let us sing) of the God (of the God) who has saved us, who by grace (who by grace) and through faith (and through faith) brings us home. Lift your heart, (Lift your heart) lift your…
1137. Lord, with all my heart I thank you Lord, with all my heart I thank you, sing my praise to you alone, and in reverence, awe and wonder bow in worship at your throne. Yours the name of tender mercy, yours the true, enduring…
816. Wake up, O sleeper, and rise from the dead Wake up, O sleeper, and rise from the dead and Christ will shine on you. Wake up, O sleeper, and rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you. 1. Once you were darkness, but now you are…
801. Not what I am, O Lord, but what you are Not what I am, O Lord, but what you are! Your love, not mine, commands my doubt depart; this, this alone, dispels my lurking fear, and stills the tempest of my anxious heart. 2. Your name is love! I…
1235. Draw me close to the cross Draw me close to the cross, to the place of your love, to the place where you poured out your mercy; where the river of life that flows from your wounded side brings refreshing to those who draw…
1155. There is a higher throne There is a higher throne than all this world has known, where faithful ones from every tongue will one day come. Before the Son we'll stand, made faultless through the Lamb; believing hearts…
685. Born of Adam, torn from Eden Born of Adam, torn from eden, child of exile and the flood, I was born again in Jesus, crowned with glory through his blood. 2. Though creation lies in shackles, forged on Satan's anvil grim, there…
119B. With all my heart I seek With all my heart I seek the true and living way! Lord, guide these steps of mine or I shall go astray. 2. Let me not waver now from simple honesty, or fail in my resolve to keep…
14. The fool whose heart declares in pride The fool whose heart declares in pride, ‘There is no God to fear,’ forgets the Lord's all-seeing eye who finds no goodness here. 2. For all have sinned and turned from God, not one has kept…
896. He gives us more grace when the burdens grow greater He gives us more grace when the burdens grow greater, he sends us more strength when the labours increase; to greater affliction he adds his great mercy, to multiplied trials, his multiplied…
717. May the grace of Christ our Saviour May the grace of Christ our saviour and the Father's boundless love, with the Holy Spirit's favour, rest upon us from above. 2. So may we remain in union with each other and the Lord, and possess, in…
758. Have faith in God, my heart Have faith in God, my heart, trust and be unafraid; God will fulfil in every part each promise he has made. 2. Have faith in God, my mind, although your light burns low; God's mercy holds a wiser…
171. From all that dwell beneath the skies From all that dwell beneath the skies let the Creator’s praise arise! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Let the Redeemer’s name be sung through every land, by every tongue! Hallelujah!…
455. Christ is risen! Hallelujah! Christ is risen! hallelujah! Risen, our victorious Head! Sing his praises! Hallelujah! Christ is risen from the dead. Gratefully our hearts adore him as his light once more appears, bowing down in joy…
474. This joyful Eastertide This joyful eastertide away with sin and sadness! our Lord, the Crucified, has filled our hearts with gladness: Had Christ, who once was slain, not burst his three-day prison our faith would be in…
1232. In Christ alone In Christ alone my hope is found, he is my light, my strength, my song; this cornerstone, this solid ground, firm through the fiercest drought and storm. What heights of love, what depths of…
CP45. O come, all you unfaithful O COME, ALL YOU UNFAITHFUL; come, weak and unstable— come, know you are not alone. 2. O come, barren and waiting ones, weary of praying, come— see what your God has done. Christ is born,…
117. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! hallelujah! All you peoples, praise proclaim; for God's grace and loving-kindness O sing praises to his name; for the greatness of his mercy constant praise to him accord; for his…
21. Lord, to you we lift our voices Lord, to you we lift our voices, sing to praise your glorious might; see, the anointed king rejoices! In your strength is his delight; heart’s desires, heartfelt prayers- he finds favour in…
314. Lord I lift your name on high Lord, I lift your name on high; Lord, I love to sing your praises. I’m so glad you’re in my life; I’m so glad you came to save us. You came from heaven to earth to show the way from the earth to…
43. God defend me; traitors rise God defend me; traitors rise, slandering me with monstrous lies; God my refuge, hear my plea: why have you deserted me? Why have I been left to mourn, crushed by their deceit and scorn? Send…
560. O that the Lord would guide my ways O that the Lord would guide my ways to keep his statutes still! O that my God would grant me grace to know and do his will! 2. O send your Spirit down, to write your law upon my heart; nor let me…
479. At your feet we fall At your feet we fall, mighty risen Lord, as we come before your throne to worship you. By your Spirit's power you now draw our hearts, and we hear your voice in triumph ringing clear: 'I am he who…
276. Now may he who from the dead Now may he who from the dead brought the Shepherd of the sheep, Jesus Christ, our King and head, all our souls in safety keep. 2. May he teach us to fulfil what is pleasing in his sight, make…
5007. Our God is king over all the world Our God is king over all the world; he made it all, the big and the small. He's pure and true and powerful too, he loves and cares for you. I don't deserve all the love he's shown. I cannot please him…
527. Spirit of God, our hearts inspire Spirit of God, our hearts inspire, let us your influence prove, source of the old prophetic fire, fountain of light and love. 2. Come, Holy Spirit, Lord, by whom the prophets wrote and spoke: the key…
533. Lord, the light of your love is shining Lord, the light of your love is shining, in the midst of the darkness, shining: Jesus, light of the world, shine upon us; set us free by the truth you now bring us- shine on me, shine on me: Shine,…
341. You are the King of glory You are the king of glory you are the Prince of peace, you are the Lord of heaven and earth, you're the sun of righteousness. Angels bow down before you, worship and adore, for you have the words of…
1. Happy the people who refuse Happy the people who refuse to walk the way the wicked choose, who will not stand where sinners meet, nor with the scornful take their seat: the word of God is their delight, their meditation day…