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1271. See, what a morning SEE, WHAT A MORNING, GLORIOUSLY BRIGHT, with the dawning of hope in Jerusalem; folded the grave clothes, tomb filled with light, as the angels announce, ā€˜Christ is risen!ā€™ See Godā€™s…
1126. Who is this baby? Who is this baby? and what is his name? He is Christ Jesus, for ever the same: King of all kings and the Lord of all lords, Saviour eternal, the true living Word! 2Ā Ā  Look at him lying asleep…
1035. When clouds block out the way to God When clouds block out the way to God and seem to stifle prayer, we still can find him in his word ā€“ there's hope and comfort there. 2 In his good time he'll answer prayer, his promise stands…
884. He who would valiant be He who would valiant be 'gainst all disaster, let him in constancy follow the Master. There's no discouragement shall make him once relent his first avowed intent to be a pilgrim. 2. Those who beset…
461. Hallelujah! The King is risen Hallelujah! the king is risen! Hallelujah! No death-dark prison holds him, now his glory shines on high! Hallelujah! He reigns eternal! Hallelujah! No power infernal stands before his majesty and…
19B. God's glory fills the heavens with hymns Godā€™s glory fills the heavens with hymns, the domed sky bears the Makerā€™s mark; new praises sound from day to day and echo through the knowing dark. Without a word their songs roll on- into…
786. Our confidence is in the Lord Our confidence is in the Lord, the source of our salvation. Rest is found in him alone, the author of creation. We will not fear the evil day, because we have a refuge; in every circumstance we…
594. Father and God, from whom the world derives Father and God, from whom the world derives all fatherhood in every family, we bow our knees for power to fill our lives, your mighty grace, your Spirit's energy. 2. For Christ to make his home in…
397. He walked where I walk He walked where I walk, (echo) he stood where I stand, (echo) he felt what I feel, (echo) he understands. (echo) He knows my frailty, (echo) shared my humanity, (echo) tempted in every way,…
1198. O God of grace and mercy O God of grace and mercy, your time has fully come when, joined by love and promise our friends are now made one; we pray that you will bless them with joyful hope and peace and guide their life…
938. Dear Lord, for all in pain Dear Lord, for all in pain our prayer shall be, O come and smite again your enemy. 2. Give to your servants skill to soothe and bless, and to the tired and ill give quietness. 3. And, Lord, to those…
708. O my Saviour, lifted O my saviour, lifted from the earth for me, draw me, in your mercy, nearer Calvary. 2. Lift my earth-bound longings; fix them, Lord, above: draw me with the magnet of your mighty love. 3. Lord, your…
2B. Why do the nations rage and cry Why do the nations rage and cry, plotting against the Lord most high? And why do kings and people scorn his Christ, forsaken and forlorn? The Lord in heaven shall laugh aloud at all the boasting…
128. Blessed are those who fear the Lord Blessed are those who fear the Lord, walking in God's perfect ways: all they do shall bring reward; love enriches all their days. 2. Blessings greet the husband, wife, parents, children, old…
336. This is my beloved Son This is my beloved son, who tasted death that you, my child, should live. See the blood he shed for you- what suffering! Say what more could he give? Clothed in his perfection bring praise, a…
554. Help us, O Lord, to learn Help us, O Lord, to learn the truths your word imparts: to study that your laws may be inscribed upon our hearts. 2. Help us, O Lord, to live the faith which we proclaim, that all our thoughts and…
874. Your way, not mine, O Lord Your way, not mine, O Lord, whatever it may be; lead me by your own hand, choose out the road for me. 2. Smooth let it be or rough, your path will be the best; direct or winding, still it leads me to…
5006. Anytime, anywhere I can talk to God Anytime, anywhere I can talk to God. Anytime, anywhere I can talk to God. Sometimes on my knees I pray; always as I work or play he is near me through the day. My best friend is Jesus.
743. You laid aside your majesty You laid aside your majesty, gave up everything for me, suffered at the hands of those you had created. You took all my guilt and shame, when you died and rose again: now today you reign, in heaven…
1327. Bless the Lord O my soul BLESS THE LORD, O MY SOUL, O MY SOUL, worship his holy name. Sing like never before, O my soul, I'll worship your holy name. 1 The sun comes up, it's a new day dawning; it's time to sing your…
1062. Come with thanksgiving - harvest is here Come with thanksgivingā€”harvest is here; for with his bounty God crowns the year! Fruits of the forest, crops from the seedsā€” God our Provider is meeting our needs. 2. Come as he offers…
CP26. In the bleak midwinter IN THE BLEAK MIDWINTER frosty wind made moan, earth stood hard as iron, water like a stone; snow had fallen, snow on snow, snow on snow, in the bleak midwinter long ago. 2 Our God, heaven…
1189. The Lord's my Shepherd The Lord's my Shepherd, I'll not want. He makes me lie in pastures green. He leads me by the still, still waters, his goodness restores my soul. Chorus (with descant): And I will trust in you…
485. He is exalted He is exalted, the King is exalted on high. I will praise him. He is exalted, for ever exalted and I will praise his name! He is the Lord, for ever his truth shall reign. Heaven and earth rejoice in…
1194. You are bread, you are life You are bread, you are life, and the words that you have spoken, they are life, they are truth, and they feed the hungry soul; so we come and we feed on the bread, your body broken, as in faith…
1240. The cry is heard from heaven The cry is heard from heaven: the Judge presides in court! He questions our integrity by judgements we distort. 2. The voiceless, powerless poor are harassed to despair; their welfare is God's…
CP03. Away in a manger AWAY IN A MANGER,Ā  NO CRIB FOR A BED, the little Lord Jesus laid down his sweet head; the stars in the bright sky looked down where he lay, the little Lord Jesus asleep on the hay. 2Ā Ā  The…
1149. When he comes again in splendour When he comes again in splendour we shall see him in the sky; everyone will then surrender to the Lord supreme on high. What an awe-inspiring prospect when he comes to claim his own, with his…
1239. Father, you know the way Father, you know the way that I am taking, you're watching over me from day to day, you are my refuge when my world is shakingā€” all-seeing, Sovereign Lord, you know my way. 2. Jesus, for me…
1125. You have pardoned all my sin You have pardoned all my sin, made me yours for evermore; now your family is mine and, in you, I stand secure. By your overwhelming grace you and I are reconciled-- Father, hear my joyful…