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1208. Holy God, I cry for mercy Holy God, I cry for mercy - not that I deserve your care, but, since you are always faithful, hear my urgent prayer. 2. Once my heart was filled with wonder at the marvels you had…
5019. First God said, 'Let there be light' First God said, 'let there be light!' With the angels let us sing: made and named the day and night-- praise to our Creator-King! 2. Formed a great expanse on high, with the angels let us sing: tamed…
710. Your work, not mine, O Christ Your work, not mine, O Christ, speaks gladness to this heart, it tells me all is done and bids my fear depart. To whom but you, who can alone for sin atone, Lord, shall I go? 2. Your wounds, not…
1033. Great and wonderful Great and wonderful are your deeds and works, Lord God, the Almighty. Just and true and righteous are all your ways, ruler of the nations. Who shall not fear and praise your name, O Sovereign…
CP57. Silent night! Holy night! SILENT NIGHT! HOLY NIGHT! all is calm, all is bright round the virgin and her child: holy infant, so tender and mild, sleep in heavenly peace; sleep in heavenly peace! 2 Silent night! holy…
5010. Lord Jesus, you have sent your truth Lord Jesus, you have sent your truth to people everywhere, to tell them how you died for them and show how much you care. 2. In Asia and America and Australasia too, in Africa and Europe we must tell…
1315. What is our hope in life and death? WHAT IS OUR HOPE IN LIFE AND DEATH? Christ alone, Christ alone. What is our only confidence? That our souls to him belong. Who holds our days within his hand? What comes, apart from his…
1089. To you, O Lord, I lift my soul To you, O Lord, I lift my soul--- don't let some scoffer win the day: I trust in you to take control and show me evermore your way. 2. Remember still your love of old and not the times I've…
1075. Now to him who is able Now to him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you before him with joy: to him be the glory, the power and authority before all time and for ever. O the depth of his riches of…
1176. I will sing your mercies, Lord I will sing your mercies, Lord, how you heard and answered prayer: foes disarmed and fears relieved— you have lifted my despair. 2. Your displeasure swiftly fades, even when your anger…
1177. I will sing your mercies, Lord I will sing your mercies, Lord, how you heard and answered prayer: foes disarmed and fears relieved— you have lifted my despair. 2. Your displeasure swiftly fades, even when your anger…
58. O mighty rulers, can you claim O mighty rulers, can you claim that you speak righteousness? Do you defend the poor and weak in truth and uprightness? No, in your heart you plot and scheme; injustice marks your life; you deal…
605. How weak my spirit is, O Lord How weak my spirit is, O Lord, when I desire to pray: how shall I come before your throne? What shall I find to say? 2. You know, dear Lord, how much I long for closer ties with you; to feel your…
805. I cannot count your blessings, Lord, they're wonderful I cannot count your blessings, Lord, they're wonderful. I can't begin to measure your great love. I cannot count the times you have forgiven me and changed me by your Spirit from above. How I worship…
907. I know that my Redeemer I know that my redeemer lives crowned upon the throne; Lord over earth and heaven, he saves, and he alone; he conquered death by dying upon the accursed tree, and from his death sprang…
474. This joyful Eastertide This joyful eastertide away with sin and sadness! our Lord, the Crucified, has filled our hearts with gladness: Had Christ, who once was slain, not burst his three-day prison our faith would be in…
852. Take up your cross, the Saviour said 'Take up your cross,' the saviour said, 'if you would my disciple be; deny yourself, forsake the world, and humbly follow after me.' 2. Take up your cross-let not its weight fill your weak soul with…
1202. I choose to set my thoughts I choose to set my thoughts the way the Spirit tells me to: to let his life within my mind control me through and through, control me through and through. 2. I choose to turn my thoughts…
561. Sometimes my eyes are blind Sometimes my eyes are blind, I cannot read your word. The light I need I cannot find, nor can I see my Lord. 2. Remove the veil of sin, that I may truly see. Then, Holy Spirit, shine within, reveal…
117. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! hallelujah! All you peoples, praise proclaim; for God's grace and loving-kindness O sing praises to his name; for the greatness of his mercy constant praise to him accord; for his…
280. The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning, new every morning, great is your faithfulness, O Lord, great is your faithfulness!
895. God sent his son God sent his son; they called him Jesus; he came to love, heal and forgive; he lived and died to buy my pardon; an empty grave is there to prove my Saviour lives. Because he lives I can face…
1078. Every land in all creation Every land in all creation shall see his glory; every creed and every tribe and tongue. People out of every nation shall tell his story, every knee shall bow before his throne. The First, the…
1223. Great Lord and God, we greet the day Great Lord and God, we greet this day of light and joy, of love and life; we honour this, your hallowed way, that makes a couple man and wife. 2. We come as family and friends to bless your…
1091. The Saviour comes The saviour comes from heaven down to earth: God's gift of love displayed in servant-birth. A cattle trough is all this world affords as cradle for the infant Lord of lords. When no one else…
CP68. Who is this baby? What is his name? WHO IS THIS BABY? AND WHAT IS HIS NAME? He is Christ Jesus, for ever the same: King of all kings and the Lord of all lords, Saviour eternal, the true living Word! 2 Look at him lying asleep in…
121B. Unto the hills around me I lift up Unto the hills around me I lift up my longing eyes; from where for me shall my salvation come, my help arise? From God the Lord shall come my certain aid, from God the Lord, who heaven and earth…
1100. As we open up your word today As we open up your word today, give us ears for what you have to say, for your Spirit's help we humbly pray; speak to us, Lord. Gladly now we come to learn from you, wholly trusting that your…
5003. Many, many planets Many, many planets, (many, many planets) many, many mountains, (many, many mountains) many, many rivers, (many, many rivers): God made them all. Many, many flowers, (many, many flowers) many, many…
910. O Christ, you wept when grief was raw O Christ, you wept when grief was raw, and felt for those who mourned their friend; come close to where we would not be and hold us, numbed by this life's end. 2. The well-loved voice is silent…