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613. There is an eye that never sleeps There is an eye that never sleeps beneath the wing of night; there is an ear that never shuts when sink the beams of light. 2. There is an arm that never tires when human strength gives way; there is…
464. In the tomb so cold they laid him In the tomb so cold they laid him, death its victim claimed. Powers of hell, they could not hold him, back to life he came! Christ is risen! (Christ is risen!) Death has been conquered! (Death has…
21. Lord, to you we lift our voices Lord, to you we lift our voices, sing to praise your glorious might; see, the anointed king rejoices! In your strength is his delight; heart’s desires, heartfelt prayers- he finds favour in…
CP44. O come, all you faithful O COME, ALL YOU FAITHFUL, joyful and triumphant! O come now, O come now to Bethlehem! Come and behold him, born the King of angels: O come, let us adore him, O come, let us adore him, O come,…
14. The fool whose heart declares in pride The fool whose heart declares in pride, ‘There is no God to fear,’ forgets the Lord's all-seeing eye who finds no goodness here. 2. For all have sinned and turned from God, not one has kept…
228. Jesus, stand among us Jesus, stand among us in your risen power; let this time of worship be a hallowed hour. 2. Breathe the Holy Spirit into every heart; bid the fears and sorrows from each soul depart. 3. Thus with…
CP58. Silently we watch SILENTLY WE WATCH AS OUR GOD STEPS DOWN from his glorious throne into this poor world. Taking to himself his tiny human form, he who made the world lies in Mary’s arms. We worship you,…
174. Give thanks with a grateful heart Give thanks with a grateful heart, give thanks to the Holy One, give thanks because he’s given Jesus Christ, his Son. Give thanks with a grateful heart, give thanks to the Holy One, give thanks…
1298. From life's beginning FROM LIFE’S BEGINNING to all eternity, there is a song to be sung; in deepest oceans, across the galaxies, in every nation and tongue. Let praise resound, let praise…
1091. The Saviour comes The saviour comes from heaven down to earth: God's gift of love displayed in servant-birth. A cattle trough is all this world affords as cradle for the infant Lord of lords. When no one else…
181. Holy, holy, Lord God Almighty Holy, holy, Lord God almighty, who was and who is and is to come. Holy, holy, Lord God almighty, who was and who is and is to come. All the angels cry, ‘Holy’, all the angels cry, ‘Holy’, all…
321. No other name but the name of Jesus No other name but the name of Jesus, no other name but the name of the Lord; no other name but the name of Jesus is worthy of glory and worthy of honour, and worthy of power and all…
304. Jesus is the name we honour Jesus is the name we honour; Jesus is the name we praise. Majestic name above all other names; the highest heaven and earth proclaim that Jesus is our God. We will glorify, we will lift him high, we…
CP27. Infant holy, infant lowly INFANT HOLY, infant lowly, for his bed a cattle stall; oxen lowing, little knowing Christ the babe is Lord of all. Swift are winging angels singing, nowells ringing, tidings bringing: Christ…
325. O the deep, deep love of Jesus O the deep, deep love of Jesus! vast, unmeasured, boundless, free, rolling as a mighty ocean in its fulness over me: underneath me, all around me, is the current of his love, leading onward, leading…
1062. Come with thanksgiving - harvest is here Come with thanksgiving—harvest is here; for with his bounty God crowns the year! Fruits of the forest, crops from the seeds— God our Provider is meeting our needs. 2. Come as he offers…
1258. Holy Father, rich in mercy HOLY FATHER, RICH IN MERCY, holy Saviour, rich in grace, great in glory everlasting— how I long to see your face. Lead me to your new creation, lead me to your throne of…
851. You that do your master's will You that do your master's will, meek in heart, be meeker still: day by day your sins confess, you that walk in righteousness: gracious souls in grace abound, seek the Lord, whom you have found. 2.…
1141. You give us so much: a world to enjoy You give us so much: a world to enjoy, such treasures to find, such skills to employ: the lavish abundance of all that you give invites us to flourish, not merely to live! 2.   You give…
286. Almighty God Almighty God, we bring you praise for your Son, the Word of God, by whose power the world was made, by whose blood we are redeemed. Morning Star, the Father's glory, we now worship and adore you: in…
1329. Praise to Christ Jesus, Maker eternal PRAISE TO CHRIST JESUS, MAKER ETERNAL: praise for his splendour, amply displayed; praise for his strength, upholding the cosmos, ever sustaining all that he made. Praise to the Prophet sent by…
117. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! hallelujah! All you peoples, praise proclaim; for God's grace and loving-kindness O sing praises to his name; for the greatness of his mercy constant praise to him accord; for his…
1177. I will sing your mercies, Lord I will sing your mercies, Lord, how you heard and answered prayer: foes disarmed and fears relieved— you have lifted my despair. 2. Your displeasure swiftly fades, even when your anger…
1176. I will sing your mercies, Lord I will sing your mercies, Lord, how you heard and answered prayer: foes disarmed and fears relieved— you have lifted my despair. 2. Your displeasure swiftly fades, even when your anger…
1095. To you, my God, all praise is due To you, my God, all praise is due, I will exalt and worship you! In faithfulness you will fulfil each ancient purpose of your will. In hollow walls the godless trust--- you turn their strongholds…
1201. Can God be with the brothers Can God be with the brothers who take Christ’s body down, and step into the limelight as darkness grips the town? Yes, God is with his people who dare do something new, with courage to…
710. Your work, not mine, O Christ Your work, not mine, O Christ, speaks gladness to this heart, it tells me all is done and bids my fear depart. To whom but you, who can alone for sin atone, Lord, shall I go? 2. Your wounds, not…
1065. Easter Garden Easter garden: winter has gone away. From the dark ground seeds are rising into the light. What a sight for watching eyes: seeds from their graves are waking. Easter garden tells us that God gives…
5009. God's word is a light to show me the way God's word is a light to show me the way, a mirror to see myself as God sees me. God's word is a sword to fight against sin, to show me God's love and make me pure within. It is food for Christians,…
1238. Lord, help me to know your presence Lord, help me to know your presence in all I do today, Lord, help me declare your praises in everything I say: live in my heart and fill every part with your Holy Spirit's flame— O let the world…