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430. Jesus Christ, I think upon your sacrifice Jesus Christ, I think upon your sacrifice; you became nothing, poured out to death. Many times I've wondered at your gift of life and I'm in that place once again, I'm in that place once again. And…
777. He rescued me from the darkest night He rescued me from the darkest night and brought me into his glorious light. To know his presence is my delight. Hallelujah, he rescued me. 1. A joy that keeps overflowing- A peace words cannot…
134. Bless the Lord as day departs Bless the Lord as day departs, let your lamps be brightly burning, lifting holy hands and hearts to the Lord till day's returning. 2. As within the darkened shrine, faithful to their sacred…
173. Come into his presence singing, 'Hallelujah' Come into his presence singing, ‘hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah!’ 2. Come into his presence singing, ‘Jesus is Lord, Jesus is Lord, Jesus is Lord!’ 3. Come into his presence singing,…
1236. Search our hearts, we pray, Lord Search our hearts, we pray, Lord; shine your light within, when we call our failings anything but sin: 2. Proud of our achievements, though our aims are wrong; you can see our…
1087. May God be gracious May God be gracious, may he richly bless us, shining on us with his loving face; till his salvation reaches every nation and all the people know his ways! 2. Our God, we pray you, may the…
1123. Never let the songs end Never let the songs end: songs of joy and praise, songs to chart God's purpose from the dawn of days: called to be his children, chosen as his own, we will sing with gladness, making God's love…
153. Praise the Father, God of justice Praise the father, God of justice: sinners tremble at his voice, crowns and creatures fall before him, saints triumphantly rejoice. 2. Praise the Son, who brings redemption, purging sin and…
250. O Father, you are sovereign O father, you are sovereign in all the worlds you made; your mighty word was spoken and light and life obeyed. Your voice commands the seasons and bounds the ocean's shore, sets stars within their…
330. Released in praise we worship you, O Lord Released in praise we worship you, O Lord. We place our offerings before your throne, for you alone are worthy to receive blessing and honour, glory, might and power. Lord you have died, but now you…
CP38. Lord from the splendour of heaven you came LORD, FROM THE SPLENDOUR OF HEAVEN YOU CAME, entered our world in its sin and its shame and humbly you laid all your glory aside: born ‘Man of sorrows’, rejected, denied. 2 How can it be…
1083. It was the winter wild It was the winter wild, when the heaven-born child, so small a creature in a manger lies. The heavens and nature bow; there lies their Master now in warming straw and tender human hands. 2.…
447. We sing the praise of him who died We sing the praise of him who died, of him who died upon the cross; the sinner's hope let men deride- for this we count the world but loss. 2. Inscribed upon the cross we see in shining letters, 'God…
397. He walked where I walk He walked where I walk, (echo) he stood where I stand, (echo) he felt what I feel, (echo) he understands. (echo) He knows my frailty, (echo) shared my humanity, (echo) tempted in every way,…
783. Blessed be the everlasting God Blessed be the everlasting God, the Father of our Lord! His boundless mercy now be praised, his majesty adored! 2. When from the dead he raised his Son and called him to the sky, he gave our souls a…
19A. The heavens declare God's glory The heavens declare God’s glory, their grandeur tells his worth; by day and night, though silent, their witness rings the earth. The sun, a radiant bridegroom, steps forth with eager feet to…
175. Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Holy, holy, holy is the Lord, holy is the Lord God almighty. Worthy, worthy, worthy is the Lord, worthy is the Lord God almighty, who was and is and is to come. Glory, glory, glory to the Lord.
1084. God, loving ruler of our world God, loving ruler of our world, all things were made by you; by your creative, gracious power you made us rulers too. 2. But we reject you; godless lives spin out our sorry tale, and in…
1238. Lord, help me to know your presence Lord, help me to know your presence in all I do today, Lord, help me declare your praises in everything I say: live in my heart and fill every part with your Holy Spirit's flame— O let the world…
532. River, wash over me River, wash over me, cleanse me and make me new; bathe me, refresh me and fill me anew- river, wash over me. 2. Spirit, watch over me, lead me to Jesus' feet; cause me to worship and fill me…
382. The story has broken The story has broken, an angel has spoken, and this is the token that Jesus is here: he comes as a stranger regardless of danger, the Lord in a manger, the babe without peer. 2. O counsel of…
1173. Not in anger, but in love Not in anger but in love answer my impassioned plea: how long till you free my soul from this gnawing agony? 2. Grievous sorrow weighs me down; conflict often mars my days; tears of anguish fill my…
1120. Out of the darkness of the night Out of the darkness of the night Jesus called me. Into the radiance of his light Jesus brought me, giving my life a brand new start, changing my cold and stubborn heart. Now I am his adopted…
1212. Grace is the gift that God alone Grace is the gift that God alone provides in Christ his Son; unearned and free and undeserved and by his suffering won. 2. Grace is the mark of all his words, our creed, our prayers, our…
CP04. Beyond the hills of Bethlehem BEYOND THE HILLS OF BETHLEHEM the angel choir sings; a joyful chorus fills the skies: ‘A Saviour in a manger!’ 2 The promise of a coming King, the hope of all the earth, to dwell within…
493. Look, you saints, the sight is glorious Look, you saints, the sight is glorious! See the Man of sorrows now from the fight returned victorious; every knee to him shall bow: crown him, crown him, crown him, crown him, crowns adorn the…
CP70. Word of the Father everlasting WORD OF THE FATHER EVERLASTING, there at his side when time began; who but the Word reflects his glory, who but the Word may speak to man? Word of the Father everlasting, there at his side when…
1003. O praise the Lord O praise the Lord, Proclaimed, adored, Redeemer, God! All lands, sing loud Immanuel's name Spread far his fame! Earth's people, sing To heaven's King; His faithfulness Each tongue…
1045. Praise the Lord, all you nations Praise the Lord, all you nations, praise the name of the Lord! Sing his glory, all you peoples, praise the name of the Lord! For his love is great towards us, and his faithfulness lasts for…
5011. My God is so big My God is so big, so strong and so mighty there's nothing that he cannot do. My God is so big, so strong and so mighty there's nothing that he cannot do. The rivers are his, the mountains are his, the…