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270. I bow before the God of matchless care I bow before the God of matchless care; I bow in awe of one I know is always there- who holds the universe he made entirely in his hand, but speaks so simply that a little child may understand; I see…
119C. How can the way of youth be pure How can the way of youth be pure, what guiding light can wisdom give? Their path, O Lord, shall be secure if by your holy word they live. 2. With all my heart I seek you, Lord; O let me not…
87. Zion, founded on the mountain Zion, founded on the mountain, God, your maker loves you well; he has chosen you as precious, he delights in you to dwell; God's own city, who can all your glory tell? 2. Glorious things of…
785. Only by grace can we enter Only by grace can we enter, only by grace can we stand; not by our human endeavour but by the blood of the Lamb. Into your presence you call us, you call us to come, into your presence you draw us and…
679. Lord Jesus, think on me Lord Jesus, think on me, your servant, born in sin: from this world's sorrow set me free and make me clean within. 2. Lord Jesus, think on me, that, when I end my days, I may your radiant glory…
129. They have oppressed me from my youth They have oppressed me from my youth- let Israel now make this known- they have oppressed me from my youth, yet I have not been overthrown. 2. They drew their ploughs across my back; the…
1287. Come, behold the wondrous mystery COME, BEHOLD THE WONDROUS MYSTERY in the dawning of the King: he, the theme of heavenโ€™s praises, robed in frail humanity. In our longing, in our darkness, now the light of…
310. Jesus, the Everlasting Word Jesus, the everlasting word, the Fatherโ€™s only Son; God manifestly seen and heard and heavenโ€™s beloved One: Worthy, O Lamb of God adored, that every tongue should call you Lord. 2. In you, most…
626. Love songs from heaven are filling the earth Love songs from heaven are filling the earth, bringing great hope to all nations; evil has prospered but truth is alive in this dark world the light still shines. 2. Nothing has silenced this gospel…
354. Earth lies spellbound in darkness Earth lies spellbound in darkness, sin's oppressive night; yet in Bethlehem hope is burning bright. Mysteries are unfolding, but the only sign is a manger bed where a baby cries. Wake up, wake up,…
461. Hallelujah! The King is risen Hallelujah! the king is risen! Hallelujah! No death-dark prison holds him, now his glory shines on high! Hallelujah! He reigns eternal! Hallelujah! No power infernal stands before his majesty and…
477. All heaven declares All heaven declares the glory of the risen Lord, who can compare with the beauty of the Lord? For ever he will be the Lamb upon the throne. I gladly bow the knee and worship him alone. 2. I will…
5012. Who is this baby? Who is this baby? Why did he come? Why did he stoop so low? Who is this baby? Why did he come? Tell me I need to know. He is Lord! He's the Mighty God! Prince of peace is he! He is Lord! He's the…
1077. O God of our salvation O God of our salvation, we come with one accord in common supplication to Christ the living Lord; our Saviour's promise claiming that those who meet in prayer, the Name of Jesus naming, will…
702. In Eden-sad indeed that day- In eden-sad indeed that day- my countless blessings fled away, my crown fell in disgrace. But on victorious Calvary that crown was won again for me- my life shall all be praise. 2. Faith, see the…
532. River, wash over me River, wash over me, cleanse me and make me new; bathe me, refresh me and fill me anew- river, wash over me. 2. Spirit, watch over me, lead me to Jesus' feet; cause me to worship and fill me…
1123. Never let the songs end Never let the songs end: songs of joy and praise, songs to chart God's purpose from the dawn of days: called to be his children, chosen as his own, we will sing with gladness, making God's love…
434. My Lord, what love is this My Lord, what love is this that pays so dearly, that I, the guilty one may go free! Amazing love! O what sacrifice, the Son of God given for me! My debt he pays and my death he dies that I might…
CP08. Come and sing the christmas story COME AND SING THE CHRISTMAS STORY this holy night! Christ is born: the hope of glory dawns on our sight. Alleluia! earth is ringing with a thousand angels singingโ€” hear the message they are…
787. Reconciled, I'm reconciled Reconciled, i'm reconciled, I'm reconciled to God for ever; know he took away my sin, I know his love will leave me never. Reconciled, I am his child, I know it was on me he smiled; I'm reconciled,…
370. Child in the manger Child in the manger, infant of Mary, outcast and stranger, Lord of all! Child who inherits all our transgressions, all our demerits on him fall. 2. Once the most holy child of salvation gently and…
535. Silent, surrendered, calm and still Silent, surrendered, calm and still, open to the word of God. Heart humbled to his will, offered is the servant of God. 2. Come, Holy Spirit, bring us light, teach us, heal us, give us life. Come,…
449. What kind of love is this What kind of love is this, that gave itself for me? I am the guilty one, yet I go free. What kind of love is this? A love I've never known. I didn't even know his name, what kind of love is this? 2.…
1320. You are my salvation YOU ARE MY SALVATION; whom then shall I fear? In darkness and temptation my light and help are near. 2 You are all around me: stronger will I stand and danger will not crush me when we walk…
1110. Shelter me from the wind Shelter me from the wind, O Lord my God, when fears are haunting me; in your protection let me find complete tranquillity. 2ย ย  Father, from violent storms be my defender, be my…
131. Lord, you have weaned my heart from pride Lord, you have weaned my heart from pride, my eyes from scorn are free; no longer am I occupied with thoughts too high for me. 2. Contented now, and reconciled, secure from all alarms, my…
CP24. How still the starry night above HOW STILL THE STARRY NIGHT ABOVE, how still the earth below; how small the greatest gift of love the world has ever known. The fullness of the deity a borrowed manger fills: the God of all…
1292. When anxious storms within us rage WHEN ANXIOUS STORMS WITHIN US RAGE, we will fear the Lord; when death, disease and darkness reign, we will fear the Lord. All things will bow at his command, to bring us good from…
1219. When I fear my faith will fail When I fear my faith will fail, Christ will hold me fast; when the tempter would prevail, he will hold me fast. I could never keep my hold through lifeโ€™s fearful path; for my love is often…
1208. Holy God, I cry for mercy Holy God, I cry for mercy - not that I deserve your care, but, since you are always faithful, hear my urgent prayer. 2. Once my heart was filled with wonder at the marvels you had…