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463. If Christ had not been raised from death If Christ had not been raised from death our faith would be in vain, our preaching but a waste of breath, our sin and guilt remain. But now the Lord is risen indeed; he rules in earth and heaven: his…
1175. In the darkness of the valley In the darkness of the valley, when our hearts are filled with fear, knowing this should give us comfort: Christ our Lord is standing near. He will be our powerful helper, ever-present…
1281. I hear the Saviour say I HEAR THE SAVIOUR SAY, ‘Your strength indeed is small; in your weakness, watch and pray— find in me your all in all.’ Jesus paid it all, all to him I…
1134. A voice of love is calling A voice of love is calling - the voice that Mary heard the day she wept in anguish bereft of her dead Lord: when Jesus spoke, and with a breath removed her fears, revived her faith. 2.   An…
251. There's a wideness in God's mercy There's a wideness in God's mercy that is wider than the greatest sea; and so I know-it covers even me. There's a depth to his compassion that is deeper than I'll understand; and so my life is safe…
211. Roar the waves, the waters praising Roar the waves, the waters praising God who saves; and from beneath creatures rise in shapes amazing to our eyes—he gives them breath: God who set the planets blazing holds us yet in life or…
43. God defend me; traitors rise God defend me; traitors rise, slandering me with monstrous lies; God my refuge, hear my plea: why have you deserted me? Why have I been left to mourn, crushed by their deceit and scorn? Send…
649. Come, O everlasting Spirit Come, O everlasting spirit, bring to every thankful mind all the Saviour's dying merit, all his sufferings for mankind: 2. True Recorder of his passion, now the living faith impart, now reveal his…
1077. O God of our salvation O God of our salvation, we come with one accord in common supplication to Christ the living Lord; our Saviour's promise claiming that those who meet in prayer, the Name of Jesus naming, will…
493. Look, you saints, the sight is glorious Look, you saints, the sight is glorious! See the Man of sorrows now from the fight returned victorious; every knee to him shall bow: crown him, crown him, crown him, crown him, crowns adorn the…
CP05. Child in the manger born CHILD IN A MANGER BORN lies in a cattle stall; safely he’s sleeping, Mary is keeping close beside her baby so small. 2 Angels watch over him, softly their praises sing; voices…
661. With this bread we will remember him With this bread we will remember him, Son of God, broken and suffering: for our guilt- innocent offering. As we eat, remember him. 2. With this wine we will remember him, on the cross, paying the…
397. He walked where I walk He walked where I walk, (echo) he stood where I stand, (echo) he felt what I feel, (echo) he understands. (echo) He knows my frailty, (echo) shared my humanity, (echo) tempted in every way,…
182. I will enter His gates with thanksgiving in my heart I will enter His gates with thanksgiving in my heart, I will enter His courts with praise; I will say, ‘This is the day that the Lord has made,’ I will rejoice for He has made me glad. He has made…
684. Cleanse me from my sin, Lord Cleanse me from my sin, Lord; put your power within, Lord; take me as I am, Lord, and make me all your own. Keep me day by day, Lord, walking in your way, Lord; make my heart your palace and your…
885. In heavenly armour we'll enter the land In heavenly armour we'll enter the land, the battle belongs to the Lord. No weapon that's fashioned against us will stand, the battle belongs to the Lord. And we sing glory, honour, power and…
1119. Beneath the cross of Jesus Beneath the cross of Jesus I find a place to stand, and wonder at such mercy that calls me as I am; for hands that should discard me, hold wounds which tell me, 'Come'. Beneath the cross of…
1110. Shelter me from the wind Shelter me from the wind, O Lord my God, when fears are haunting me; in your protection let me find complete tranquillity. 2   Father, from violent storms be my defender, be my…
1123. Never let the songs end Never let the songs end: songs of joy and praise, songs to chart God's purpose from the dawn of days: called to be his children, chosen as his own, we will sing with gladness, making God's love…
891. We are marching in the light of God We are marching in the light of God. We are marching in the light of God. We are marching in the light of God. We are marching in the light of God. We are marching, marching, marching, O, we are…
1158. God of all human history God of all human history, of time long fled and faded, yours is the secret mastery by which the years are guided; King of unchanging glory from ages unrecorded. 2.   God of the hidden…
279. O thank the Lord, O thank the Lord O thank the Lord, O thank the Lord; give him the praise, for he is good! Because his mercy shall endure, his faithfulness is ever sure: O thank the Lord, O thank the Lord; give him the praise for…
762. Let us draw near! The blood is spilt Let us draw near! the blood is spilt, the Lamb has borne the sinner's guilt; the sacrifice for sin is made, we meet our Father unafraid: then let us draw near! 2. Let us draw near: the holy…
418. Go to dark Gethsemane Go to dark gethsemane, you that feel the tempter's power; your Redeemer's conflict see, watch with him one bitter hour; turn not from his griefs away: learn from Jesus Christ to pray. 2. Follow to…
765. My times are in your hand My times are in your hand; my God, I wish them there! My life, my friends, my soul, I leave entirely to your care. 2. My times are in your hand whatever they may be, pleasing or painful, dark or…
128. Blessed are those who fear the Lord Blessed are those who fear the Lord, walking in God's perfect ways: all they do shall bring reward; love enriches all their days. 2. Blessings greet the husband, wife, parents, children, old…
535. Silent, surrendered, calm and still Silent, surrendered, calm and still, open to the word of God. Heart humbled to his will, offered is the servant of God. 2. Come, Holy Spirit, bring us light, teach us, heal us, give us life. Come,…
244. God of glory, we exalt your name God of glory, we exalt your name, you who reign in majesty; we lift our hearts to you and we will worship, praise and magnify your holy name. In power resplendent you reign in glory, eternal King,…
241. Begin, my soul, a heavenly theme Begin, my soul, a heavenly theme, awake, my voice, and sing the mighty works and mightier name of our eternal King. 2. Tell of his changeless faithfulness, make known his power abroad, sing the sweet…
532. River, wash over me River, wash over me, cleanse me and make me new; bathe me, refresh me and fill me anew- river, wash over me. 2. Spirit, watch over me, lead me to Jesus' feet; cause me to worship and fill me…