Search Results


1042. The stars declare his glory The stars declare his glory; the vault of heaven springs mute witness of the Master's hand in all created things, and through the silences of space their soundless music sings. 2. The dawn…
1166. At the throne of grace At the throne of grace let us seek God's face, all our sins and griefs confessing, longing only for his blessing, as in holy fear we in faith draw near. 2. Let us hear his voice and in hope…
255. Do you not know? Have you not heard Do you not know? have you not heard that firm remains on high the everlasting throne of him who formed the earth and sky? 2. Are you afraid his power will fail when comes your evil day? And can an…
1051. Lightning flash and rumbling thunder Lightning flash and rumbling thunder from the throne of God on high, where the creatures and the angels day and night forever cry: ‘Holy, holy, Lord Almighty, was and is and is to come! Praise…
1176. I will sing your mercies, Lord I will sing your mercies, Lord, how you heard and answered prayer: foes disarmed and fears relieved— you have lifted my despair. 2. Your displeasure swiftly fades, even when your anger…
1047. We come with reverence and respect We come with reverence and respect, to God our praise we bring: creation's powerful architect – our Lord, our Rock, our King. 2. No one is holy like you Lord, none can with you compare; on…
1177. I will sing your mercies, Lord I will sing your mercies, Lord, how you heard and answered prayer: foes disarmed and fears relieved— you have lifted my despair. 2. Your displeasure swiftly fades, even when your anger…
454. He rose triumphantly He rose triumphantly in power and majesty; the Saviour rose no more to die. O let us now proclaim the glory of his name and tell to all, he lives today!
669. Listen! Wisdom cries aloud Listen! wisdom cries aloud making truth and justice heard, calling to the careless crowd with the strong insistent word: 'Turn from foolishness and lies: come, and I will make you wise!' 2. Not the…
12. Help us, O Lord, the righteous all have vanished Help us, O Lord, the righteous all have vanished, now in their place are those who peddle lies. They boast in tongues from which the truth is banished, ‘We need no lord!’-all lordship they…
128. Blessed are those who fear the Lord Blessed are those who fear the Lord, walking in God's perfect ways: all they do shall bring reward; love enriches all their days. 2. Blessings greet the husband, wife, parents, children, old…
93. The Lord is King supreme The Lord is king supreme, enrobed in glory bright; the Lordis robed in majesty, and armed with awesome might. 2. The world is fixed upon foundations firm and broad; before all time your throne…
645. By Christ redeemed, in Christ restored By Christ redeemed, in Christ restored, we keep the memory adored and show the death of our dear Lord until he comes. 2. His body, broken in our stead, is seen in this memorial bread, and so our…
1225. Only by the grace of Jesus Only by the grace of Jesus, only by his sacrifice, love unmerited, love unlimited pours upon our lives. Jesus, King of kings, Lord of lords who paid the cost, took our guilt, took our…
1057. I worship you, my Lord I worship you, my Lord, I gladly bow the knee, for anything I give you now is what you first gave me. I worship you, my Lord, I gladly bow the knee, and give you all the rights to all I am or hope…
1065. Easter Garden Easter garden: winter has gone away. From the dark ground seeds are rising into the light. What a sight for watching eyes: seeds from their graves are waking. Easter garden tells us that God gives…
241. Begin, my soul, a heavenly theme Begin, my soul, a heavenly theme, awake, my voice, and sing the mighty works and mightier name of our eternal King. 2. Tell of his changeless faithfulness, make known his power abroad, sing the sweet…
1223. Great Lord and God, we greet the day Great Lord and God, we greet this day of light and joy, of love and life; we honour this, your hallowed way, that makes a couple man and wife. 2. We come as family and friends to bless your…
1260. O Jesus, light of life O JESUS, LIGHT OF LIFE! shine your pure beam divine: O uncreated light, visit this soul of mine. Let sin and darkness all depart, O come and fill my waiting heart. 2. The…
1138. When numbers are against us When numbers are against us and rival gods seem strong, when truth appears defeated by what is plainly wrong; the God of fire and water, of mountain, sea and sky, the Lord God of Elijah will…
1257. The splendour of the King The splendour of the king, clothed in majesty: let all the earth rejoice, all the earth rejoice. He wraps himself in light, and darkness tries to hide and trembles at his voice, and trembles at…
148. Praise him, praise him, praise him Praise him, praise him, praise him, powers and dominations! Praise his name in glorious light, you creatures of the day! Moon and stars, ring praises through the constellations: Lord God, whose…
801. Not what I am, O Lord, but what you are Not what I am, O Lord, but what you are! Your love, not mine, commands my doubt depart; this, this alone, dispels my lurking fear, and stills the tempest of my anxious heart. 2. Your name is love! I…
CP49. Of the Father's heart begotten OF THE FATHER’S HEART BEGOTTEN when no world had come to be, he is Alpha and Omega, he the source, the ending he, of the things that are, that have been, and that future years shall…
718. O hidden source of calm repose O hidden source of calm repose, O all-sufficient love divine, my help and refuge from my foes, secure I am if you are mine: and from all sin, and grief, and shame, I shelter, Jesus, in your name. 2.…
569. Father, we adore you Father, we adore you, we are your children gathered here; to be with you is our delight, a feast beyond compare. You are the fountain of life, you are the fountain of life and as we drink, we…
CP69. Who is this baby? WHO IS THIS BABY? Why did he come? Why did he stoop so low? Who is this baby? Why did he come? Tell me, I need to know. He is Lord! He’s the Mighty God! Prince of peace is he! He is…
1266. Fade, fade each earthly joy FADE, FADE, EACH EARTHLY JOY; Jesus is mine. Stronger than fleeting hopes, Jesus is mine. Dark is the wilderness, earth has no resting place, Jesus alone can bless; Jesus…
332. The brightness of God's glory The brightness of God's glory and the image of God’s being, the heir of richest majesty, the arm of regal might; creator of the universe all-knowing and all-seeing is Christ who brings…
728. I could not do without you I could not do without you, O Saviour of the lost, whose precious blood redeemed me at such tremendous cost; your righteousness, your pardon, your precious blood must be my only hope and comfort, my…