Search Results


445. Throned upon the awful tree Throned upon the awful tree, King of grief, your form we see; shadows veil your anguished face, none its lines of woe can trace: none can tell what pangs unknown hold you silent and alone. 2. Silent…
1084. God, loving ruler of our world God, loving ruler of our world, all things were made by you; by your creative, gracious power you made us rulers too. 2. But we reject you; godless lives spin out our sorry tale, and in…
1238. Lord, help me to know your presence Lord, help me to know your presence in all I do today, Lord, help me declare your praises in everything I say: live in my heart and fill every part with your Holy Spirit's flameβ€” O let the world…
1004. Our God is great Our God is great, he made the seas and holds them in his hand. He weighs the mountains on his scales, they move at his command. 2. He raises rulers in the world, he breathes, and they are…
358. Good news, good news to you we bring Good news, good news to you we bring, hallelujah! News of great joy that angels sing, hallelujah! Tender mercy he has shown us, joy to all the world; for us God sends his only Son, hallelujah! 2.…
448. Were you there when they crucified my Lord? Were you there when they crucified my Lord? Were you there when they crucified my Lord? O, sometimes it causes me to tremble, tremble, tremble; were you there when they crucified my Lord? 2. Were you…
CP27. Infant holy, infant lowly INFANT HOLY, infant lowly, for his bed a cattle stall; oxen lowing, little knowing Christ the babe is Lord of all. Swift are winging angels singing, nowells ringing, tidings bringing: Christ…
1239. Father, you know the way Father, you know the way that I am taking, you're watching over me from day to day, you are my refuge when my world is shakingβ€” all-seeing, Sovereign Lord, you know my way. 2. Jesus, for me…
563. Speak, Lord, in the stillness Speak, Lord, in the stillness speak your word to me; hushed my heart to listen in expectancy. 2. Speak, O gracious Master, in this quiet hour; let me see your face, Lord, feel your touch of…
1117. I live, dependent on Jesus I live, dependent on Jesus in everything I do, being sure that he who has promised is faithful, good and true. Being confident I'm forgiven and stains of guilt are gone, I live, secure in his…
1040. Where is Elijah's God? Where is elijah's God, the God who answers prayer? Where is our great almighty Lord who promised to be here? Where is the God of power who comes in flaming fire, to demonstrate before the…
1065. Easter Garden Easter garden: winter has gone away. From the dark ground seeds are rising into the light. What a sight for watching eyes: seeds from their graves are waking. Easter garden tells us that God gives…
1175. In the darkness of the valley In the darkness of the valley, when our hearts are filled with fear, knowing this should give us comfort: Christ our Lord is standing near. He will be our powerful helper, ever-present…
752. Wonderful grace that gives what I don't deserve Wonderful grace that gives what I don't deserve, pays me what Christ has earned then lets me go free. Wonderful grace that gives me the time to change, washes away the stains that once covered…
119E. Remember what you said to me your servant Remember what you said to me your servant, for you have given hope to me, O Lord; this is my comfort throughout my affliction: my life is kept in safety by your word. 2. The arrogant have mocked…
180. Hallelujah, for the Lord our God Hallelujah, for the Lord our God, the Almighty, reigns! Hallelujah, for the Lord our God, the Almighty, reigns! Let us rejoice, and be glad, and give the glory unto him: Hallelujah, for the Lord our…
228. Jesus, stand among us Jesus, stand among us in your risen power; let this time of worship be a hallowed hour. 2. Breathe the Holy Spirit into every heart; bid the fears and sorrows from each soul depart. 3. Thus with…
181. Holy, holy, Lord God Almighty Holy, holy, Lord God almighty, who was and who is and is to come. Holy, holy, Lord God almighty, who was and who is and is to come. All the angels cry, β€˜Holy’, all the angels cry, β€˜Holy’, all…
266. Behold his love! Behold his love! I stand amazed and marvel at the God of grace; that the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, the Creator of the universe on whom all life depends, should be clothed in frail…
175. Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Holy, holy, holy is the Lord, holy is the Lord God almighty. Worthy, worthy, worthy is the Lord, worthy is the Lord God almighty, who was and is and is to come. Glory, glory, glory to the Lord.
373. Ring out the bells Ring out the bells, the joyful news is breaking. Ring out the bells, for Jesus Christ is born. 1. Angels in wonder sing of his glory. Shepherds returning tell us the story. 2. Let all…
1306. Let every soul worship the King LET EVERY SOUL WORSHIP THE KING who was crucified; his glorious grace covers our sin: in him receive new life. Protector of faith: shielded by grace, held in your…
793. I hear the words of love I hear the words of love, I trust in Jesus' blood, I see the mighty sacrifice: and I have peace with God. 2. This everlasting peace, as certain as his name, is sure as God's eternal…
5013. God said to Noah God said to noah, 'never again will I flood the earth with all that rain; and this is how you'll know it's true; I've put these colours in the sky for you.' 2. So if you ever wonder why there's a…
667. Above the clash of creeds Above the clash of creeds, the many voices that call on so many names, into these final days our God has spoken by sending his only Son. There is no other way by which we must be saved; his name is…
569. Father, we adore you Father, we adore you, we are your children gathered here; to be with you is our delight, a feast beyond compare. You are the fountain of life, you are the fountain of life and as we drink, we…
759. I rest in God alone I rest in God alone, from him comes my salvation; my soul finds rest in him, my fortress-I'll not be shaken. 1. My hope is in the Lord my honour and strength; my refuge is in him for ever, my…
54. By your name, O God, now save me By your name, O God, now save me; grant me justice by your might. As I pray to you, now hear me; keep me safe within your sight. Strangers have come up against me, violent in both deed and…
377. Silent night! holy night! Silent night! holy night! all is calm, all is bright round the virgin and her child: holy infant, so tender and mild, sleep in heavenly peace; sleep in heavenly peace! 2. Silent night! holy…
716. I stand before the presence I stand before the presence of the Lord God of hosts, a child of my Father and an heir of his grace, for Jesus paid the debt for me, the veil was torn in two, and the Holy of Holies has become my…