Search Results


5022. As far as east is from the west AS FAR AS EAST IS FROM THE WEST, as high the sky is from the depths, as long as now till yesterday, our sins are cast away, so far away. 2. Up higher than the stars we see and wider…
1102. Come and join in the song Come and join in the song, Jesus Christ is Lord over all, and he lives to reign for evermore. The heavens applaud: 'He's alive! He's alive!' 1. Lift your hearts and your voices, fill the earth…
765. My times are in your hand My times are in your hand; my God, I wish them there! My life, my friends, my soul, I leave entirely to your care. 2. My times are in your hand whatever they may be, pleasing or painful, dark or…
739. Who is there like you Who is there like you and who else would give their life for me, even suffering in my place? And who could repay you? All of creation looks to you and you provide for all you have made. So I'm…
1183. Father, your love is a faithful love Father, your love is a faithful love, enduring and never-failing love. Throughout the ages, steady and true, and the dawn of each day brings your mercies new. And I will put my trust in…
213. Who can bind the raging sea Who can bind the raging sea or walk the ocean floor? Who can find where snow is made or hail is kept in store? Who can know how light begins or darkness ends the day? Who can go where planets grow or…
548. How sure the scriptures are! How sure the scriptures are! God's vital, urgent word, as true as steel, and far more sharp than any sword: so deep and fine, at his control they pierce where soul and spirit join. 2. They test each…
380. The God we seek, beyond all thought The God we seek, beyond all thought, has now his Christmas wonder wrought: behold, the seeker is the sought! Waiting ended, man befriended: Jesus is born! 2. Love is the manger where he lies, love is…
100B. Shout for joy Shout for joy! Rejoice in the Lord, every nation! Shout for joy! In his praise unite; serve the Lord with all jubilation, come before him, singing with delight. 2. Know that he, the Lord, is…
14. The fool whose heart declares in pride The fool whose heart declares in pride, ‘There is no God to fear,’ forgets the Lord's all-seeing eye who finds no goodness here. 2. For all have sinned and turned from God, not one has kept…
28. O Lord my rock, to you I cry aloud O Lord my rock, to you I cry aloud to hear my plea; I shall be lost, if you stay silent now and deaf to me. I lift my hands to your most holy place; do not withhold your mercy, love and…
514. When the King shall come again When the king shall come again all his power revealing, splendour shall announce his reign, life and joy and healing: earth no longer in decay, hope no more frustrated; this is God's…
589. Turn our hearts Turn our hearts, turn our hearts. Turn our hearts to one another, let your kindness show: where our words or deeds have wounded, let forgiveness flow. 2. Turn our hearts from pride and anger to your…
186. Now to the King eternal Now to the king eternal, now to the King immortal, now to the King invisible, the only God, be honour and glory for ever and ever. Yes to the one who destined us, yes to the one who ransomed us, yes…
CP45. O come, all you unfaithful O COME, ALL YOU UNFAITHFUL; come, weak and unstable— come, know you are not alone. 2. O come, barren and waiting ones, weary of praying, come— see what your God has done. Christ is born,…
96a. O sing a new song O sing a new song, O sing to the Lord; O sing all the earth: his name be adored! Tell forth his salvation as day follows day; among all the peoples his wonders display. 2. For great is the…
670. O precious words that Jesus said O, precious words that Jesus said!- All those who come to me, I will not ever turn away, whoever they may be. O, precious words that Jesus said!- Behold, I am the Door; and all who enter in by me have…
CP05. Child in the manger born CHILD IN A MANGER BORN lies in a cattle stall; safely he’s sleeping, Mary is keeping close beside her baby so small. 2 Angels watch over him, softly their praises sing; voices…
680. Heal us, Immanuel, hear our prayer Heal us, immanuel, hear our prayer; we wait to feel your touch. Deep-wounded souls to you draw near and, Saviour, we are such. 2. Our faith is feeble, we confess; we faintly trust your word. And will…
691. My Lord, I did not choose you My Lord, I did not choose you, for that could never be; this heart would still refuse you had you not chosen me: you took the sin that stained me, you cleansed and made me new; for you of old ordained…
30C. O my Lord, I will exalt you O MY LORD, I WILL EXALT YOU: from the depths you drew me up; when I called, O God, you healed me, saved my life and gave me hope. Sing, you saints, to God the Saviour! Angry he will not…
5004. Thank you, Lord Thank you, Lord, thank you, Lord, thank you, Lord, for all you've given to me. You have given life to me, made a world that is good to see. Each new day's a gift from my Creator.
1050. What if the One who shapes the stars What if the one who shapes the stars and puts the planets in their place should set all majesty aside and move amongst the human race? What if the One who engineers the eye, the ear, the heart,…
1248. Our Father in heaven Our father in heaven: we praise your wonderful name! Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth and heaven the same. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us the sins we do and…
937. God the Father, name we treasure God the father, name we treasure, each new generation draws from the past that you have given for the future that is yours: may these children, in your keeping, love your ways, obey your laws. 2.…
358. Good news, good news to you we bring Good news, good news to you we bring, hallelujah! News of great joy that angels sing, hallelujah! Tender mercy he has shown us, joy to all the world; for us God sends his only Son, hallelujah! 2.…
1311. Union with Christ UNION WITH CHRIST! WHAT A GLORIOUS THOUGHT, what a wonderful truth we embrace; for his victory attained makes the children of God to endure, and to finish the race. 2. The hope that we have is…
423. Higher than the hills Higher than the hills, deeper than the sea, broader than the skies above is my Redeemer's love for me. To his cross of shame Jesus freely came, bearing all my sin and sorrow- wondrous love!
93. The Lord is King supreme The Lord is king supreme, enrobed in glory bright; the Lordis robed in majesty, and armed with awesome might. 2. The world is fixed upon foundations firm and broad; before all time your throne…
614. What a friend we have in Jesus What a friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear; what a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer! O what peace we often forfeit, O what needless pain we bear, all because we do…