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314. Lord I lift your name on high Lord, I lift your name on high; Lord, I love to sing your praises. I’m so glad you’re in my life; I’m so glad you came to save us. You came from heaven to earth to show the way from the earth to…
1088. See the Father's love made known See the father's love made known--- greater love could never be--- sending us his only Son, Lamb of Calvary, Lamb of Calvary. 2. How could such a holy God pardon my iniquity? Jesus cleansed me…
1330. Christ, the Word from everlasting CHRIST, THE WORD FROM EVERLASTING: life before all time began; God with God in perfect union, Father’s radiance in the Son. All the glory, all the honour— praise him, for our God is…
1292. When anxious storms within us rage WHEN ANXIOUS STORMS WITHIN US RAGE, we will fear the Lord; when death, disease and darkness reign, we will fear the Lord. All things will bow at his command, to bring us good from…
733. More about Jesus would I know More about Jesus would I know, more of his grace to others show, more of his saving fulness see, more of his love-who died for me. More, more about Jesus, more, more about Jesus: more of his saving…
937. God the Father, name we treasure God the father, name we treasure, each new generation draws from the past that you have given for the future that is yours: may these children, in your keeping, love your ways, obey your laws. 2.…
CP16. God comes among us in holiest mystery GOD COMES AMONG US IN HOLIEST MYSTERY, steps from eternity into our history: Sing of the Christ Child, the gift that Love gave us: God, born among us to find us and save us. 2 Gently and humbly…
5003. Many, many planets Many, many planets, (many, many planets) many, many mountains, (many, many mountains) many, many rivers, (many, many rivers): God made them all. Many, many flowers, (many, many flowers) many, many…
1018. Christ, in very nature God Christ, in very nature God, did not grasp equality, willingly gave up his throne, took on our humanity, on a cross he bled and died, Lord of glory, crucified. 2. One with him, then so should…
563. Speak, Lord, in the stillness Speak, Lord, in the stillness speak your word to me; hushed my heart to listen in expectancy. 2. Speak, O gracious Master, in this quiet hour; let me see your face, Lord, feel your touch of…
1140. One man, alone, in unremitting darkness One man, alone, in unremitting darkness, knowing his life is soon to reach its end, prays for the strength to face the coming moment: a traitor's kiss from one he called a friend. 2.   One…
1055. O what glory O what glory the church has; an honour words cannot say: Jesus' bride, sanctified, waiting for the wedding day. God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, we live to serve you in all that we…
892. Ahead of us, a race to run Ahead of us, a race to run: so, looking at the past no more, forgetting what has gone before, we fix our eyes on God the Son- with eager diligence we train as for the prize ahead we strain, until at…
1196. Come, stranger-God: reveal to us Come, stranger-God: reveal to us the God you really are; disturb our cosy, false ideas, our worship from afar. 2. Our minds are dulled by earthbound thoughts, our hearts confused and…
1206. Are you there when life is darkened Are you there when life is darkened by a peril few dare name? Are you there when those I turn to silently engender shame? When both strength and courage falter, when all hope is choked by…
1039. We trust the strength of God alone We trust the strength of God alone, we do not need to fear though dark, uncertain days may come or fearful times be near. The Son of God came down to earth his Father's love to tell. He healed…
1290. Highest heights or deepest deep HIGHEST HEIGHTS OR DARKEST DEEP, be there pain or poverty, there is nothing that can keep my redeemer's love from me. 2. All alone though I may feel, all the world my…
675. There's a way back to God There's a way back to God from the dark paths of sin; there's a door that is open and you may go in; at Calvary's cross is where you begin, when you come as a sinner to Jesus.
70. Come quickly, Lord, to rescue me Come quickly, Lord, to rescue me and hasten to my help, I pray. May all who seek to take my life be put to shame without delay. 2. May all who seek your name rejoice, your praise in gratitude…
353. Earth gave him no welcome Earth gave him no welcome, no shelter, no home; he slept in a stable, the inn had no room; no bed but a manger, no pillow but hay, no friends but the oxen who watched where he lay. 2. To seek and to…
1260. O Jesus, light of life O JESUS, LIGHT OF LIFE! shine your pure beam divine: O uncreated light, visit this soul of mine. Let sin and darkness all depart, O come and fill my waiting heart. 2. The…
1282. I have a shelter in the storm I HAVE A SHELTER IN THE STORM when troubles pour upon me; though fears are rising like a flood, my soul can rest securely. O Jesus, I will hide in you, my place of peace and…
133B. When brothers are together When brothers are together, in unity together, in the Lord together, it is pleasant, it is good. The fellowship keeps growing, like sacred oil it's flowing, so that everyone is knowing they are…
373. Ring out the bells Ring out the bells, the joyful news is breaking. Ring out the bells, for Jesus Christ is born. 1. Angels in wonder sing of his glory. Shepherds returning tell us the story. 2. Let all…
119E. Remember what you said to me your servant Remember what you said to me your servant, for you have given hope to me, O Lord; this is my comfort throughout my affliction: my life is kept in safety by your word. 2. The arrogant have mocked…
454. He rose triumphantly He rose triumphantly in power and majesty; the Saviour rose no more to die. O let us now proclaim the glory of his name and tell to all, he lives today!
467. Low in the grave he lay Low in the grave he lay, Jesus my Saviour, waiting the coming day, Jesus my Lord! Up from the grave he arose as the Victor over all his foes; he arose in triumph from the dark domain, and he lives…
589. Turn our hearts Turn our hearts, turn our hearts. Turn our hearts to one another, let your kindness show: where our words or deeds have wounded, let forgiveness flow. 2. Turn our hearts from pride and anger to your…
777. He rescued me from the darkest night He rescued me from the darkest night and brought me into his glorious light. To know his presence is my delight. Hallelujah, he rescued me. 1. A joy that keeps overflowing- A peace words cannot…
1067. King of Kings, majesty King of kings, majesty, God of heaven living in me, gentle Saviour, closest friend, strong deliverer, beginning and end, all within me falls at your throne. Your majesty, I can but bow, I lay…