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304. Jesus is the name we honour Jesus is the name we honour; Jesus is the name we praise. Majestic name above all other names; the highest heaven and earth proclaim that Jesus is our God. We will glorify, we will lift him high, we…
952. O God of love, O King of peace O God of love, O king of peace, make wars throughout the world to cease; the wrath of sinful man restrain: give peace, O God, give peace again. 2. Remember, Lord, your deeds of old, the wonders that…
851. You that do your master's will You that do your master's will, meek in heart, be meeker still: day by day your sins confess, you that walk in righteousness: gracious souls in grace abound, seek the Lord, whom you have found. 2.…
416. Deep is the love of Jesus Deep is the love of Jesus, deep is the love of Jesus. Deep as his cross; deep as the mocking soldier's spear deep as his wounded side. 2. Deep is the love of Jesus, deep is the love of Jesus. Deep as…
589. Turn our hearts Turn our hearts, turn our hearts. Turn our hearts to one another, let your kindness show: where our words or deeds have wounded, let forgiveness flow. 2. Turn our hearts from pride and anger to your…
234. This is the day, this is the day This is the day, this is the day that the Lord has made, that the Lord has made: we will rejoice, we will rejoice and be glad in it, and be glad in it. This is the day that the Lord has made, we will…
1088. See the Father's love made known See the father's love made known--- greater love could never be--- sending us his only Son, Lamb of Calvary, Lamb of Calvary. 2. How could such a holy God pardon my iniquity? Jesus cleansed me…
891. We are marching in the light of God We are marching in the light of God. We are marching in the light of God. We are marching in the light of God. We are marching in the light of God. We are marching, marching, marching, O, we are…
CP70. Word of the Father everlasting WORD OF THE FATHER EVERLASTING, there at his side when time began; who but the Word reflects his glory, who but the Word may speak to man? Word of the Father everlasting, there at his side when…
937. God the Father, name we treasure God the father, name we treasure, each new generation draws from the past that you have given for the future that is yours: may these children, in your keeping, love your ways, obey your laws. 2.…
783. Blessed be the everlasting God Blessed be the everlasting God, the Father of our Lord! His boundless mercy now be praised, his majesty adored! 2. When from the dead he raised his Son and called him to the sky, he gave our souls a…
1196. Come, stranger-God: reveal to us Come, stranger-God: reveal to us the God you really are; disturb our cosy, false ideas, our worship from afar. 2. Our minds are dulled by earthbound thoughts, our hearts confused and…
1166. At the throne of grace At the throne of grace let us seek God's face, all our sins and griefs confessing, longing only for his blessing, as in holy fear we in faith draw near. 2. Let us hear his voice and in hope…
493. Look, you saints, the sight is glorious Look, you saints, the sight is glorious! See the Man of sorrows now from the fight returned victorious; every knee to him shall bow: crown him, crown him, crown him, crown him, crowns adorn the…
1176. I will sing your mercies, Lord I will sing your mercies, Lord, how you heard and answered prayer: foes disarmed and fears relievedโ€” you have lifted my despair. 2. Your displeasure swiftly fades, even when your anger…
1177. I will sing your mercies, Lord I will sing your mercies, Lord, how you heard and answered prayer: foes disarmed and fears relievedโ€” you have lifted my despair. 2. Your displeasure swiftly fades, even when your anger…
1119. Beneath the cross of Jesus Beneath the cross of Jesus I find a place to stand, and wonder at such mercy that calls me as I am; for hands that should discard me, hold wounds which tell me, 'Come'. Beneath the cross of…
82. God is Kingโ€”be warned, you mighty God is king-be warned, you mighty; God is Judge through all the land: order your affairs with justice, rule with firm but gentle hand. Help the weak, support the needy, take to heart the…
5005. The Bible says that God loves me The bible says that God loves me, that Jesus died to set me free. If I trust in him, his child I'll be. Thank you Lord.
CP07. Come, adore the humble King COME, ADORE THE HUMBLE KING, lowly in the manger; fall before his majesty, hail the little Saviour. Hope what hope no tongue could tell: God has come with us to dwell; his name is Immanuelโ€” O…
128. Blessed are those who fear the Lord Blessed are those who fear the Lord, walking in God's perfect ways: all they do shall bring reward; love enriches all their days. 2. Blessings greet the husband, wife, parents, children, old…
826. Lord, have mercy on us Lord, have mercy on us, come and heal our land. Cleanse with your fire, heal with your touch. Humbly we bow and call upon you now. O, Lord, have mercy on us.
330. Released in praise we worship you, O Lord Released in praise we worship you, O Lord. We place our offerings before your throne, for you alone are worthy to receive blessing and honour, glory, might and power. Lord you have died, but now you…
244. God of glory, we exalt your name God of glory, we exalt your name, you who reign in majesty; we lift our hearts to you and we will worship, praise and magnify your holy name. In power resplendent you reign in glory, eternal King,…
561. Sometimes my eyes are blind Sometimes my eyes are blind, I cannot read your word. The light I need I cannot find, nor can I see my Lord. 2. Remove the veil of sin, that I may truly see. Then, Holy Spirit, shine within, reveal…
397. He walked where I walk He walked where I walk, (echo) he stood where I stand, (echo) he felt what I feel, (echo) he understands. (echo) He knows my frailty, (echo) shared my humanity, (echo) tempted in every way,…
279. O thank the Lord, O thank the Lord O thank the Lord, O thank the Lord; give him the praise, for he is good! Because his mercy shall endure, his faithfulness is ever sure: O thank the Lord, O thank the Lord; give him the praise for…
733. More about Jesus would I know More about Jesus would I know, more of his grace to others show, more of his saving fulness see, more of his love-who died for me. More, more about Jesus, more, more about Jesus: more of his saving…
652. In memory of the Saviour's love In memory of the saviour's love we keep the sacred feast, where every humble contrite heart is made a welcome guest. 2. By faith we take the bread of life by which our souls are fed, and drink the…
485. He is exalted He is exalted, the King is exalted on high. I will praise him. He is exalted, for ever exalted and I will praise his name! He is the Lord, for ever his truth shall reign. Heaven and earth rejoice in…