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847. Lord, make your word my rule Lord, make your word my rule, in it may I rejoice; your glory be my aim, your holy will, my choice. 2. Your promises my hope, your providence my guard; your arm my strong support, yourself my great…
114. When Israel fled from Egypt When Israel fled from egypt and Jacob's people left that foreign land, then Judah was God's temple, and Israel was the treasure in his hand. 2. The Red Sea looked, and wondered; the Jordan…
CP41. May the blessing of the Christ-child MAY THE BLESSING OF THE CHRIST-CHILD rest upon you this night; may his peace fill your heart, his light and love fill your life. Unto us is born a Son and a Saviour: Christ the Lord!
1155. There is a higher throne There is a higher throne than all this world has known, where faithful ones from every tongue will one day come. Before the Son we'll stand, made faultless through the Lamb; believing hearts…
748. In heavenly love abiding In heavenly love abiding, no change my heart shall fear: and safe is such confiding, for nothing changes here: the storm may roar around me, my heart may low be laid; my Father's arms surround me, how…
251. There's a wideness in God's mercy There's a wideness in God's mercy that is wider than the greatest sea; and so I know-it covers even me. There's a depth to his compassion that is deeper than I'll understand; and so my life is safe…
1064. Lord Jesus Christ, we come to you Lord Jesus Christ, we come to you; we need your mercy now. Blot out our sin, our hearts renew— in penitence we bow. Your judgement seat we all must face, our inmost state you know; we are…
1069. Have mercy, O my God Have mercy, O my God, be gracious now I pray: forgive me, for I cry aloud, wash all my guilt away. You alone are love— blot out every stain: send your mercy from above and make me clean…
1087. May God be gracious May God be gracious, may he richly bless us, shining on us with his loving face; till his salvation reaches every nation and all the people know his ways! 2. Our God, we pray you, may the…
1222. Give me one pure and holy passion Give me one pure and holy passion, give me one magnificent obsession. Jesus, give me one glorious ambition for my life: to know and follow hard after you. To know and follow hard after you, to…
1058. When you secured our freedom, Lord When you secured our freedom, Lord, it was just like a dream come true: with laughter and songs our lips overflowed as we thanked and worshipped you. Lord, you have done great things for us and…
1059. How long, O Lord, will you forget How long, O Lord, will you forget, your face and favour hiding— that I should wrestle with my thoughts, my heart for sorrow sighing? How long will you forget me, Lord, O surely not for…
330. Released in praise we worship you, O Lord Released in praise we worship you, O Lord. We place our offerings before your throne, for you alone are worthy to receive blessing and honour, glory, might and power. Lord you have died, but now you…
1040. Where is Elijah's God? Where is elijah's God, the God who answers prayer? Where is our great almighty Lord who promised to be here? Where is the God of power who comes in flaming fire, to demonstrate before the…
5009. God's word is a light to show me the way God's word is a light to show me the way, a mirror to see myself as God sees me. God's word is a sword to fight against sin, to show me God's love and make me pure within. It is food for Christians,…
1206. Are you there when life is darkened Are you there when life is darkened by a peril few dare name? Are you there when those I turn to silently engender shame? When both strength and courage falter, when all hope is choked by…
1083. It was the winter wild It was the winter wild, when the heaven-born child, so small a creature in a manger lies. The heavens and nature bow; there lies their Master now in warming straw and tender human hands. 2.…
1205. God who gives the second chance God who gives the second chance, calling, calling more than once: patriarchs, apostles, kings, priests and prophets knew these things: how our patient Lord is kind, guiding us to seek and…
1181. What joy, when all the talk What joy, when all the talk is how things prosper well; and when believers love to walk in truth, with news to tell: 2.   When even strangers find a welcome on their ways; a church…
1243. Have you not planted in the human spirit Have you not planted in the human spirit a restlessness we cannot satisfy? Have you not set eternity within us, a taste that haunts us till the day we die? Have you not fostered in our lives a…
1140. One man, alone, in unremitting darkness One man, alone, in unremitting darkness, knowing his life is soon to reach its end, prays for the strength to face the coming moment: a traitor's kiss from one he called a friend. 2.   One…
684. Cleanse me from my sin, Lord Cleanse me from my sin, Lord; put your power within, Lord; take me as I am, Lord, and make me all your own. Keep me day by day, Lord, walking in your way, Lord; make my heart your palace and your…
182. I will enter His gates with thanksgiving in my heart I will enter His gates with thanksgiving in my heart, I will enter His courts with praise; I will say, ‘This is the day that the Lord has made,’ I will rejoice for He has made me glad. He has made…
30B. I'll lift my voice, O Lord I’ll lift my voice, O Lord, to glorify your name, for you have lifted me above defeat and shame; you heard my cry to heal and save, and stooped to raise me from the grave. 2. Then to his…
476. The Lord is risen indeed The Lord is risen indeed: can this good news be true? Yes! those who saw the Saviour bleed have seen him risen too. 2. The Lord is risen indeed! Now is his work performed: now is the mighty captive…
142. I seek the Lord in grief, in pain I seek the Lord in grief, in pain, and cry for help, and cry again; I tell him of my heavy load: oppressed and faint I gasp for God. 2. Yet you, O Lord, already know the dangerous path I have…
278. My Lord, you called my name My Lord, you called my name before the world began, and chose that I should be included in your plan. 2. How well you know my heart; its hidden depths you see; and yet you love me still and freely…
259. God shall alone the refuge be God shall alone the refuge be, and comfort of my mind; too wise to be mistaken, he, too good to be unkind. 2. In all his holy, sovereign will, he is, I daily find, too wise to be mistaken, still too…
1217. For times when we have work to do For times when we have work to do we thank you, gracious Lord: for challenge and for dignity, for purpose and reward. 2. Our skills, our time, our energies, the things we plan or make— may…
200. We are here to praise you We are here to praise you, lift our hearts and sing. We are here to give you the best that we can bring. And it is our love rising from our hearts, everything within us cries, ‘Abba Father.’ Help…