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5022. As far as east is from the west AS FAR AS EAST IS FROM THE WEST, as high the sky is from the depths, as long as now till yesterday, our sins are cast away, so far away. 2. Up higher than the stars we see and wider…
CP71. You stepped down from heaven YOU STEPPED DOWN FROM HEAVEN, humbly you came: God of all creation, here with us. In a starlit manger Emmanuel, light of the world, here to save. Adore, come let us adore, O come, let us adore…
1067. King of Kings, majesty King of kings, majesty, God of heaven living in me, gentle Saviour, closest friend, strong deliverer, beginning and end, all within me falls at your throne. Your majesty, I can but bow, I lay…
635. Baptized in water Baptized in water, sealed by the Spirit, cleansed by the blood of Christ our King; heirs of salvation, trusting his promise- faithfully now God's praise we sing. 2. Baptized in water, sealed by the…
CP40. Mary, did you know? MARY, DID YOU KNOW THAT YOUR BABY BOY would one day walk on water? Mary, did you know that your baby boy would save our sons and daughters? Did you know that your baby boy has come to make you…
464. In the tomb so cold they laid him In the tomb so cold they laid him, death its victim claimed. Powers of hell, they could not hold him, back to life he came! Christ is risen! (Christ is risen!) Death has been conquered! (Death has…
201. We declare your majesty We declare your majesty, we proclaim that your name is exalted; for you reign magnificently, rule victoriously and your power is shown throughout the earth. And we exclaim our God is mighty, lift up…
643. Bread of the world in mercy broken Bread of the world in mercy broken, wine of the soul in mercy shed; by whom the words of life were spoken and in whose death our sins are dead: look on the heart by sorrow broken, look on the tears by…
454. He rose triumphantly He rose triumphantly in power and majesty; the Saviour rose no more to die. O let us now proclaim the glory of his name and tell to all, he lives today!
1047. We come with reverence and respect We come with reverence and respect, to God our praise we bring: creation's powerful architect – our Lord, our Rock, our King. 2. No one is holy like you Lord, none can with you compare; on…
1236. Search our hearts, we pray, Lord Search our hearts, we pray, Lord; shine your light within, when we call our failings anything but sin: 2. Proud of our achievements, though our aims are wrong; you can see our…
1158. God of all human history God of all human history, of time long fled and faded, yours is the secret mastery by which the years are guided; King of unchanging glory from ages unrecorded. 2.Β Β  God of the hidden…
CP16. God comes among us in holiest mystery GOD COMES AMONG US IN HOLIEST MYSTERY, steps from eternity into our history: Sing of the Christ Child, the gift that Love gave us: God, born among us to find us and save us. 2 Gently and humbly…
1087. May God be gracious May God be gracious, may he richly bless us, shining on us with his loving face; till his salvation reaches every nation and all the people know his ways! 2. Our God, we pray you, may the…
1261. My worth is not in what I own MY WORTH IS NOT IN WHAT I OWN; not in the strength of flesh and bone, but in the costly wounds of love at the cross. 2. My worth is not in skill or name; in win or lose, in pride…
321. No other name but the name of Jesus No other name but the name of Jesus, no other name but the name of the Lord; no other name but the name of Jesus is worthy of glory and worthy of honour, and worthy of power and all…
1171. Ah, the bloodstained cross of Jesus Ah, the bloodstained cross of Jesus! While eternal years unfold, never shall it be forgotten nor its riches fully told. 2. Where the heavenly harps are sounding, one theme rings through every…
467. Low in the grave he lay Low in the grave he lay, Jesus my Saviour, waiting the coming day, Jesus my Lord! Up from the grave he arose as the Victor over all his foes; he arose in triumph from the dark domain, and he lives…
1018. Christ, in very nature God Christ, in very nature God, did not grasp equality, willingly gave up his throne, took on our humanity, on a cross he bled and died, Lord of glory, crucified. 2. One with him, then so should…
1206. Are you there when life is darkened Are you there when life is darkened by a peril few dare name? Are you there when those I turn to silently engender shame? When both strength and courage falter, when all hope is choked by…
CP69. Who is this baby? WHO IS THIS BABY? Why did he come? Why did he stoop so low? Who is this baby? Why did he come? Tell me, I need to know. He is Lord! He’s the Mighty God! Prince of peace is he! He is…
1098. Earth's celebration of God's ways Earth's celebration of God's ways is heard at best imperfectly; but all our major, minor praise on high or ordinary days still echoes heaven's harmony. 2. When wounds are fresh or scars…
5014. Hosanna to the Son of David Hosanna to the son of david! Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna!
798. Let not your hearts be troubled Let not your hearts be troubled, you who believe in him; let not your faith be shaken, nor your hope burn dim. Look to your risen Saviour, God's ever-living Word! Soon from the throne of heaven comes…
298. Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna in the highest Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna in the highest. Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna in the highest. Lord, we lift up your name, with hearts full of praise. Be exalted, O Lord my God; hosanna in the highest. 2.…
423. Higher than the hills Higher than the hills, deeper than the sea, broader than the skies above is my Redeemer's love for me. To his cross of shame Jesus freely came, bearing all my sin and sorrow- wondrous love!
539. Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on me Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on me. Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on me; break me, melt me, mould me, fill me; Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on me.
182. I will enter His gates with thanksgiving in my heart I will enter His gates with thanksgiving in my heart, I will enter His courts with praise; I will say, β€˜This is the day that the Lord has made,’ I will rejoice for He has made me glad. He has made…
681. Jesus, Lamb of God Jesus, lamb of God: have mercy on us. Jesus, Lamb of God: have mercy on us. For you alone are the Holy One, you alone are the Most High. Jesus, Lamb of God: have mercy, mercy on us. 2. Jesus, bearer…
339. True light, blazing in the darkest place True light, blazing in the darkest place; true light, shining out from Jesus' face; true light, chasing all the dark away; true light, burning in our hearts today; true light, shadows cannot make it…