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1139. In the stillness of the morning In the stillness of the morning when I wake, and day is new, Father, may your promised presence draw my thoughts to you. 2.Β Β  Through the never-ending clamour of the most demanding day, may…
661. With this bread we will remember him With this bread we will remember him, Son of God, broken and suffering: for our guilt- innocent offering. As we eat, remember him. 2. With this wine we will remember him, on the cross, paying the…
5006. Anytime, anywhere I can talk to God Anytime, anywhere I can talk to God. Anytime, anywhere I can talk to God. Sometimes on my knees I pray; always as I work or play he is near me through the day. My best friend is Jesus.
CP41. May the blessing of the Christ-child MAY THE BLESSING OF THE CHRIST-CHILD rest upon you this night; may his peace fill your heart, his light and love fill your life. Unto us is born a Son and a Saviour: Christ the Lord!
684. Cleanse me from my sin, Lord Cleanse me from my sin, Lord; put your power within, Lord; take me as I am, Lord, and make me all your own. Keep me day by day, Lord, walking in your way, Lord; make my heart your palace and your…
125. Those who rely on the Lord are unshakeable Those who rely on the Lord are unshakeable, firm as Mount Zion, supremely assured; just as the mountains encircle Jerusalem, round us for ever is standing the Lord. 2. Evil shall not always…
173. Come into his presence singing, 'Hallelujah' Come into his presence singing, β€˜hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah!’ 2. Come into his presence singing, β€˜Jesus is Lord, Jesus is Lord, Jesus is Lord!’ 3. Come into his presence singing,…
1057. I worship you, my Lord I worship you, my Lord, I gladly bow the knee, for anything I give you now is what you first gave me. I worship you, my Lord, I gladly bow the knee, and give you all the rights to all I am or hope…
1225. Only by the grace of Jesus Only by the grace of Jesus, only by his sacrifice, love unmerited, love unlimited pours upon our lives. Jesus, King of kings, Lord of lords who paid the cost, took our guilt, took our…
1290. Highest heights or deepest deep HIGHEST HEIGHTS OR DARKEST DEEP, be there pain or poverty, there is nothing that can keep my redeemer's love from me. 2. All alone though I may feel, all the world my…
1246. Where he reigns in holy light Where He reigns in holy light, praise the Lord! From deep space to heavens’ height praise the Lord! Great and awesome are his ways: sins forgiven, peace restored. God is mighty, give him…
847. Lord, make your word my rule Lord, make your word my rule, in it may I rejoice; your glory be my aim, your holy will, my choice. 2. Your promises my hope, your providence my guard; your arm my strong support, yourself my great…
335. There's no greater name than Jesus There's no greater name than Jesus, name of him who came to save us; in that saving name so gracious every knee shall bow. Let everything that's beneath the ground, let everything in the world…
5008. Daniel was a man of prayer Daniel was a man of prayer, daily he prayed three times. Then one day they had him thrown into a den of lions. Even then, in the den, fear could not alarm him. God just shut the lions' mouths so they…
133B. When brothers are together When brothers are together, in unity together, in the Lord together, it is pleasant, it is good. The fellowship keeps growing, like sacred oil it's flowing, so that everyone is knowing they are…
487. He is Lord, he is Lord He is Lord, he is Lord, he is risen from the dead and he is Lord! Every knee shall bow, every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.
693. Eternal Light, shine in my heart Eternal light, shine in my heart, eternal hope, lift up my eyes; eternal power, be my support, eternal wisdom, make me wise. 2. Eternal life, raise me from death, eternal brightness, make me…
1122. We, we are God's people We, we are God's people, once dead in our sin and now raised up with Christ in heaven. God, rich in his mercy, made us all alive in Christ, seated with him for ever. Chorus: By grace we are…
253. Truly God is good (a round) Truly God is good, truly God is good; his loving-kindness is everlasting.
CP57. Silent night! Holy night! SILENT NIGHT! HOLY NIGHT! all is calm, all is bright round the virgin and her child: holy infant, so tender and mild, sleep in heavenly peace; sleep in heavenly peace! 2 Silent night! holy…
1045. Praise the Lord, all you nations Praise the Lord, all you nations, praise the name of the Lord! Sing his glory, all you peoples, praise the name of the Lord! For his love is great towards us, and his faithfulness lasts for…
1041. Forsaken, did you cry aloud? Forsaken, did you cry aloud Dear Saviour, can it be that my sin drove you, God, from God, on Calvary? 2. Rejected, did you suffer scorn, despised because of me, reviled and treated like a…
1299. Jesus, you have called us JESUS, YOU HAVE CALLED US: Come, follow me, take up your cross, deny yourself and live. 2. Jesus, I am willing though I am weak; I'll trust you and I'll go where you lead. …
311. Jesus, you are the radiance of the Father's glory Jesus, you are the radiance of the father's glory. You are the Son, the appointed heir through whom all things are made. You are the one who sustains all things by your powerful word. You have…
803. Such love, pure as the whitest snow Such love, pure as the whitest snow; such love weeps for the shame I know; such love, paying the debt I owe; O Jesus, such love. 2. Such love, stilling my restlessness; such love, filling my…
309. Jesus, Jesus, all-sufficient Jesus, Jesus, all-sufficient, beyond telling is your worth, in your name lie greater treasures than the richest found on earth. Such abundance is my portion with my God. 2. In your gracious face…
835. Soften my heart, Lord Soften my heart, Lord, soften my heart. From all indifference set me apart, to feel your compassion, to weep with your tears; come, soften my heart, O Lord, soften my heart.
284. All hail, King Jesus! All hail, Immanuel All hail, king Jesus! all hail, immanuel! King of kings, Lord of lords, bright Morning Star. And throughout eternity I'll sing your praises, and I'll reign with you throughout eternity.
286. Almighty God Almighty God, we bring you praise for your Son, the Word of God, by whose power the world was made, by whose blood we are redeemed. Morning Star, the Father's glory, we now worship and adore you: in…
1263. What love could remember no wrongs we have done WHAT LOVE COULD REMEMBER NO WRONGS WE HAVE DONE? Omniscient, all-knowing, he counts not their sum; thrown into a sea without bottom or shore, our sins they are manyβ€” his mercy is…