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736. Now, O my soul, forget no more Now, O my soul, forget no more the friend who all your misery bore; let every idol be forgot, but, O my soul, forget him not. 2. Jesus for you a body takes, your guilt he bears, your fetters…
545. Father of mercies, in your Word Father of mercies, in your word what endless glory shines! for ever be your name adored for these celestial lines. 2. Here may the blind and hungry come and light and food receive; here shall the…
781. Now I have found the ground wherein Now I have found the ground wherein sure my soul's anchor shall remain- the wounds of Jesus, for my sin before the world's foundation slain; whose mercy shall unshaken stay when heaven and earth have…
785. Only by grace can we enter Only by grace can we enter, only by grace can we stand; not by our human endeavour but by the blood of the Lamb. Into your presence you call us, you call us to come, into your presence you draw us and…
271. O love of God, how strong and true O love of God, how strong and true, eternal and yet ever new, uncomprehended and unbought, beyond all knowledge and all thought! 2. O heavenly love, how precious still, in days of weariness and…
784. O Christ the same, through all our story's pages O Christ the same, through all our story's pages, our loves and hopes, our failures and our fears; eternal Lord, the King of all the ages, unchanging still amid the passing years: O living Word, the…
388. Wise men, they came to look for wisdom Wise men, they came to look for wisdom, finding one wiser than they knew; rich men, they met with one yet richer- King of the kings, they knelt to you: Jesus, our wisdom from above, wealth and…
379. While shepherds watched their flocks by night While shepherds watched their flocks by night all seated on the ground, the angel of the Lord came down and glory shone around. 2. 'Fear not!' said he-for mighty dread had seized their troubled…
65. Every heart its tribute pays Every heart its tribute pays, every tongue its song of praise; sin and sorrow, guilt and care, brought to him who answers prayer; there by grace may humankind full and free forgiveness…
161. Now thank we all our God Now thank we all our God with hearts and hands and voices; such wonders he has done! In him the world rejoices, who, from our mothers’ arms, has blessed us on our way with countless gifts of…
1268. Your love is greater than the highest heights of heaven There are two versions of the text for this song. The second version, shown further down the page, is for the alternative arrangement YOUR LOVE IS GREATER THAN the highest heights of…
46A. God is our refuge and our strength God is our refuge and our strength, our ever-present aid, and therefore though the earth should move, we will not be afraid; though hills are thrown into the sea, though foaming waters roar, and…
830. Son of God, if your free grace Son of God, if your free grace again has raised me up, called me still to seek your face, and given me back my hope; still your timely help afford, and all your loving-kindness show: keep me, keep me,…
515. You are coming, O my Saviour You are coming, O my saviour, you are coming, O my King, in your beauty all-resplendent, in your glory all-transcendent; well may we rejoice and sing. Coming! In the opening east brighter shines your…
1198. O God of grace and mercy O God of grace and mercy, your time has fully come when, joined by love and promise our friends are now made one; we pray that you will bless them with joyful hope and peace and guide their life…
346. O come, O come, Immanuel O come, O come, immanuel and ransom captive Israel who mourns in lonely exile here until the Son of God draws near: Rejoice! Rejoice! Immanuel shall come to you, O Israel. 2. O come, O come, great…
503. Before the throne of God above Before the throne of God above I have a strong, a perfect plea, a great high priest, whose name is love, who ever lives and pleads for me. My name is written on his hands, my name is hidden in his…
395. All praise to Christ, our Lord and King divine All praise to Christ , our Lord and king divine, yielding your glory in your love's design, that in our darkened hearts your grace might shine: Alleluia! 2. You came to us in lowliness of thought; by…
620. Glory to God, the source of all our mission Glory to God, the source of all our mission; Jesus be praised, the Saviour, Lord and Son! Praise to the Spirit who confirms the vision; in all the world the will of God be done! 2. Proud in our…
137. By rivers of sorrow we sat and remembered By rivers of sorrow we sat and remembered the city of happiness where we belong; our harps and our melodies hung in the branches, and there our tormentors demanded a song! 2. O how shall we sing…
971. Jerusalem the golden Jerusalem the golden with milk and honey blessed, O city of God's presence, his people's promised rest! I know not, O I know not, what joys await us there, what radiancy of glory, what peace beyond…
1213. Come see Mount Sinai Come see mount sinai, where God gave the law received by Moses from his hand divine; and where the man his maker’s glory saw, which made his face with dazzling radiance shine. So may we see the…
1080. Step by Step Step by step, Lord, come and lead me out of darkness into light; may my choices, words and actions show your love and bring delight. Help me fix my eyes on Jesus, dedicate myself to you, for…
506. Christ is surely coming, bringing his reward Christ is surely coming, bringing his reward, Alpha and Omega, first and last and Lord: Root and Stem of David, brilliant morning Star. Meet your Judge and Saviour, nations near and far! Meet your…
553. God in his wisdom, for our learning God in his wisdom, for our learning, gave his inspired and holy word: promise of Christ, for our discerning, by which our souls are moved and stirred, finding our hearts within us burning when, as of…
1204. From small beginnings in the past From small beginnings in the past, for those who planted, built to last, and followed Christ, the Way; for those with hope who pioneered, who kept the faith and persevered, we praise our God…
715. Loved with everlasting love Loved with everlasting love, led by grace that love to know; Spirit, breathing from above, you have taught me it is so: O what full and perfect peace, joy and wonder all divine! In a love which cannot…
42. As the fainting deer cries out As the fainting deer cries out for the streams in time of drought, so my soul cries out aloud, thirsting for the living God. All the day I feed on grief, darkness brings me no relief, while the…
166. In awe and wonder, Lord our God In awe and wonder, Lord our God, we bow before your throne; such holiness and burning love are yours and yours alone. 2. Angelic spirits, night and day adore your name on high. Eternal Lord in…
836. All for Jesus, all for Jesus All for Jesus, all for Jesus! This our song shall ever be: you our only hope, our Saviour, yours the love that sets us free! 2. All for Jesus: you will give us strength to serve you hour by…