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364. Let earth and heaven combine Let earth and heaven combine, angels and men agree to praise in songs divine the incarnate Deity; our God contracted to a span, incomprehensibly made man. 2. He laid his glory by, took form in mortal…
959. For ever with the Lord 'For ever with the Lord!' Amen, so let it be! Life from the dead is in that word, and immortality. In longing discontent, absent from him I roam, yet nightly pitch my moving tent a day's march nearer…
916. For the fruits of his creation For the fruits of his creation, thanks be to God; for his gifts to every nation, thanks be to God; for the ploughing, sowing, reaping, silent growth while we are sleeping, future needs in earth's safe…
1025. Through centuries long Through centuries long the prophets of old in story and song this promise foretold: a Saviour anointed, a Sovereign supreme, divinely appointed to rule and redeem. 2. In judgment and peace his…
1221. What joy it is to see our childrens' children What joy it is to see our children’s children! The growing family of our closest kin; each birth, each boy or girl, each man or woman, alike yet different, full of rich potential, with minds to…
431. Jesus in the olive grove Jesus in the olive grove, waiting for a traitor's kiss, rises free from bitterness. 2. As he wakes his comrades up, torches flicker in the glen: shadows turn to marching men. 3. In that dawn of…
297. Hallelujah! Raise the anthem Hallelujah! raise the anthem, let the skies resound with praise; sing to Christ who paid our ransom, wonderful his works and ways: God eternal, Word incarnate, whom the heaven of heavens obeys. 2.…
825. From a life of weariness From a life of weariness, from my guilt and my distress, Saviour, to your side I flee- bring me back to Calvary. 2. I am sinful, prone to fall, unresponsive to your call; yet I long your own to…
363. Joy to the world, the Lord has come Joy to the world, the Lord has come! Let earth receive her King, let every heart prepare him room, and heaven and nature sing, and heaven and nature sing, and heaven, and heaven and nature sing! 2.…
620. Glory to God, the source of all our mission Glory to God, the source of all our mission; Jesus be praised, the Saviour, Lord and Son! Praise to the Spirit who confirms the vision; in all the world the will of God be done! 2. Proud in our…
808. Jesus, my strength, my hope Jesus, my strength, my hope, on you I cast my care, with humble confidence look up and know you hear my prayer. On you alone I wait till I can all things do; on you, almighty to create, almighty to…
66. Shout with joy to God, all nations Shout with joy to God, all nations, sing the glory of his name; praise with loudest acclamations! His tremendous deeds proclaim! All his foes in fear and trembling bow beneath his mighty…
1310. Under the sun UNDER THE SUN we sow and hope to harvest; we labour on until the evening darkness bids us cease, to rest in peace. 2. Naked we come into a world that’s broken: unworthy ones but, by the…
865. The Son of God rides out to war The son of God rides out to war the ancient foe to slay; his blood-red banner streams afar- who follows him today? Who bears his cross? Who shares his grief? Who walks his narrow way? Who faces…
784. O Christ the same, through all our story's pages O Christ the same, through all our story's pages, our loves and hopes, our failures and our fears; eternal Lord, the King of all the ages, unchanging still amid the passing years: O living Word, the…
98A. Sing to God new songs of worship Sing to God new songs of worship - all his deeds are marvellous; he has brought salvation to us with his hand and holy arm. He has shown to all the nations righteousness and saving power; he…
18. I love you, O Lord, you alone I love you, O Lord, you alone, my refuge on whom I depend; my maker, my Saviour, my own, my hope and my trust without end. The Lord is my strength and my song, defender and guide of my ways; my…
971. Jerusalem the golden Jerusalem the golden with milk and honey blessed, O city of God's presence, his people's promised rest! I know not, O I know not, what joys await us there, what radiancy of glory, what peace beyond…
508. I cannot tell why he whom angels worship I cannot tell why he whom angels worship should set his love upon the sons of men, or why as shepherd he should seek the wanderers, to bring them back, they know not how nor when. But this I know,…
1305. My hymn of praise MY HYMN OF PRAISE SHALL BE ‘FOR EVER JESUS’, my firm foundation in shifting sands; my strength and hope through many fears and failures, the disappointments of the past— his…
1304. Out of the depths I cry to you OUT OF THE DEPTHS I CRY TO YOU; from darkest places I will call. Incline your ear to me anew, and hear my cry for mercy, Lord. Were you to count my sinful ways, how could I come before your…
551. Powerful in making us wise to salvation Powerful in making us wise to salvation, witness to faith in Christ Jesus the Word; breathed out for all by the life-giving Father- these are the Scriptures, and thus speaks the Lord. 2. Hammer for…
1156. There is an everlasting kindness There is an everlasting kindness you lavished on us, when the radiance of heaven came to rescue the lost. You called the sheep without a shepherd to leave their distress for your streams of…
1259. Have you believed the message received? HAVE YOU BELIEVED THE MESSAGE RECEIVED? The man who knew suffering, anguish and grief— not his desire to win worldly praise; we hide our faces from his disgrace— a man of sorrows.…
406. We were not there to see you come We were not there to see you come to this poor world of sin and death, nor did we see your humble home, your hidden life in Nazareth; but we believe your footsteps trod its streets and plains, O Son…
577. The church's one foundation The church's one foundation is Jesus Christ her Lord; she is his new creation by water and the word: from heaven he came and sought her to be his holy bride; with his own blood he bought her and for…
141. Come quickly, Lord, and hear the cries Come quickly, Lord, and hear the cries my heart and hands uplifted raise; and let my prayer as incense rise, an evening sacrifice of praise. Guard now the lips that speak your name, lest they,…
956. My Lord, you wore no royal crown My Lord, you wore no royal crown; you did not wield the powers of state, nor did you need a scholar's gown or priestly robe, to make you great. 2. You never used a killer's sword to end an unjust…
119D. Lord, I delight to recall your commandments Lord, I delight to recall your commandments and the perfection of your moral law; teach me, instruct me, and thus I'll retain them deep in my heart to the end of my days. 2. Keep me from…
271. O love of God, how strong and true O love of God, how strong and true, eternal and yet ever new, uncomprehended and unbought, beyond all knowledge and all thought! 2. O heavenly love, how precious still, in days of weariness and…