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119G. Your word's a lamp to guide my footsteps Your word's a lamp to guide my footsteps, your word lights up my path to you; I now confirm the oath I've taken: your righteous judgements I'll pursue. Many the times, O Lord, I've…
1278. O Church arise, and put your armour on O CHURCH, ARISE, AND PUT YOUR ARMOUR ON; hear the call of Christ, our captain. For now the weak can say that they are strong in the strength that God has given. With shield of faith…
1156. There is an everlasting kindness There is an everlasting kindness you lavished on us, when the radiance of heaven came to rescue the lost. You called the sheep without a shepherd to leave their distress for your streams of…
947. We give God thanks for those who knew We give God thanks for those who knew the touch of Jesus' healing love; they trusted him to make them whole, to give them peace, their guilt remove. 2. We offer prayer for all who go relying on his…
116. I love my Lord because he heard my voice I love my Lord because he heard my voice; my God, he listens to my prayer. Because he hears me when I call on him, through all my days I shall pray. 2. My soul was saved from death, my eyes from…
496. See, the conqueror mounts in triumph See, the conqueror mounts in triumph, see the King in royal state, riding on the clouds, his chariot, to his heavenly palace gate! Hear the choirs of angel voices joyful hallelujahs sing, and the…
920. As the light upon the river As the light upon the river at the rising of the sun, shine, O Lord, upon our city; here on earth, your will be done: here we meet in glad thanksgiving, worship, praise and prayer we bring, grief for…
365. Look to the skies, there's a celebration Look to the skies, there's a celebration; lift up your heads, join the angel song, for our Creator becomes our Saviour, as a baby born! Angels amazed bow in adoration: 'Glory to God in the highest…
86. Bow down your ear, O Lord, and hear Bow down your ear, O Lord, and hear, though poor and needy, I draw near, preserve my life, O God; have mercy, Lord, I cry to you, rejoice your servant's soul anew; I look to you, O Lord. 2. O…
848. Lord of our dawning, who brought us to birth Lord of our dawning, who brought us to birth, gave us your word for this sin-shattered earth, clothed us with promise of strength for our days- God of beginnings, we sing to your praise! 2. Lord of…
1129. I lift my eyes to the hills I lift my eyes to the hills, I lift my eyes to the hills- where does my help come from? Where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord. My help comes from the Lord, maker of heaven,…
1234. Come praise and glorify our God Come praise and glorify our God, the Father of our Lord; in Christ he has in heavenly realms his blessings on us poured. For pure and blameless in his sight he destined us to be, and now we’ve…
1258. Holy Father, rich in mercy HOLY FATHER, RICH IN MERCY, holy Saviour, rich in grace, great in glory everlasting— how I long to see your face. Lead me to your new creation, lead me to your throne of…
30A. I exalt you, Lord eternal I exalt you, Lord eternal, from the depths you raised my soul; all my enemies were silent, all their gloating tongues were still. Lord, I called on you to help me, and you healed me in my…
405. The darkness turns to dawn The darkness turns to dawn, the day-spring shines from heaven, for unto us a child is born, to us a son is given. 2. The Son of God most high, before all else began, a virgin's son behold him…
383. There was no room in Bethlehem There was no room in bethlehem for him who left his throne to seek the lost at countless cost and make their griefs his own: but there was room at Calvary upon a cross of shame for him to die,…
186. Now to the King eternal Now to the king eternal, now to the King immortal, now to the King invisible, the only God, be honour and glory for ever and ever. Yes to the one who destined us, yes to the one who ransomed us, yes…
917. Rain on the earth by heaven's blessing Rain on the earth by heaven's blessing, showers for the land from laden sky, water for well and spring and river- God grant us rain, or else we die! 2. Rain is your gift for wise or wicked, humans…
698. I am trusting you, Lord Jesus I am trusting you, Lord Jesus, you have died for me; trusting you for full salvation great and free. 2. I am trusting you for pardon; at your feet I bow, for your grace and tender mercy trusting…
1128. No greater love was ever shown No greater love was ever known, nor such compassion ever shown, than on the cross of Calvary where Jesus gave his life for me. Amazing love, amazing grace: Jesus my Redeemer dying in my…
348. On Jordan's bank the baptist's cry On Jordan's bank the baptist's cry announces that the Lord is nigh: awake and listen, for he brings good news of Christ, the King of kings. 2. Let every soul be cleansed from sin, make straight…
CP51. On Christmas night all Christians sing ON CHRISTMAS NIGHT ALL CHRISTIANS SING to hear the news the angels bring; on Christmas night all Christians sing to hear the news the angels bring: news of great joy for all the earth, news of…
1028. Not for ourselves Not for ourselves, O Lord, not for ourselves, would we claim glory, but for you alone, because of your great love and faithfulness, the steadfast care that makes your presence known. 2 The…
1143. You have not come to Sinai's mount You have not come to sinai's mount with fear of condemnation; but you have come to heaven's height, with angels' jubilation! For all God's wrath from broken law, the terror of his power, was…
1092. O Christ, you are the builder O Christ, you are the builder and we are living stones designed to be your dwelling and bring you praise alone. May we, the church you founded to serve you here on earth, be guided by your…
210. O Lord of heaven and earth and sea O Lord of heaven and earth and sea, to you all praise and glory be, who loved us from eternity — you give us all. 2. The golden sunshine, gentle air, sweet flowers and fruit, your love…
27A. The Lord is my light and salvation The Lord is my light and salvation; what person on earth shall I fear, what power in the whole of creation? The Lord, my life’s stronghold, is near. The wicked may look to devour me, but they…
1027. Who, for my sake Who, for my sake, so overwhelmingly suffered at Calvary; who, for my sake? Jesus the Lamb, in all his purity, slain on a cross to be Saviour of man. Chorus: O, what grace to me flows so…
66. Shout with joy to God, all nations Shout with joy to God, all nations, sing the glory of his name; praise with loudest acclamations! His tremendous deeds proclaim! All his foes in fear and trembling bow beneath his mighty…
30B. I'll lift my voice, O Lord I’ll lift my voice, O Lord, to glorify your name, for you have lifted me above defeat and shame; you heard my cry to heal and save, and stooped to raise me from the grave. 2. Then to his…