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832. We have not known you as we ought We have not known you as we ought, nor learned your wisdom, grace and power; the things of earth have filled our thought, mere shadows of the passing hour. Lord, in our minds the truth renew and make…
81. To God our strength come, sing aloud To God our strength come, sing aloud and shout for joy to Jacob's God! Come, play the timbrel as you sing, make harp and lyre with music ring: at new moon, let the trumpet blow, full moon and…
735. My Jesus, I love you, I know you are mine; My Jesus, I love you, I know you are mine; for you all the pleasures of sin I resign: to you, my Redeemer and Saviour, I bow- if ever I loved you, if ever I loved you, if ever I loved you, my Jesus,…
30C. O my Lord, I will exalt you O MY LORD, I WILL EXALT YOU: from the depths you drew me up; when I called, O God, you healed me, saved my life and gave me hope. Sing, you saints, to God the Saviour! Angry he will not…
1031. Lord of the universe Lord of the universe, hope of the world, Lord of the limitless reaches of space, here on this planet you took on our flesh, vastness confined in the womb of a maid, born in our likeness, you…
790. Why all my fear and unbelief Why all my fear and unbelief? Has not the Father put to grief his spotless Son for me? And will the righteous Judge of men, condemn me for that debt of sin discharged at Calvary? 2. Complete…
44. We have heard of your deeds, Lord, in days that are past We have heard of your deeds, Lord, in days that are past- our fathers have told us the story- how the nations, defeated, were driven away; to you they ascribed all the glory. For the strength of…
399. I have a friend whose faithful love I have a friend whose faithful love is more than all the world to me; it's higher than the heights above, and deeper than the deepest sea; so old, so new, so strong, so true; before the earth received…
303. Into a world of war and struggle Into a world of war and struggle, born in a shed where cattle trod, born of a woman, flesh, yet sinless, come to redeem us to our God. Mercy and truth are met together; righteousness and peace each…
1103. Lord, you enjoyed a sabbath rest Lord, you enjoyed a sabbath rest when your creating work was done; and now you've set this day apart, special to you, the Holy One. Your mercies every day are new--- (Your mercies every day are…
1279. From the squalor of a borrowed stable FROM THE SQUALOR OF A BORROWED STABLE, by the Spirit and a virgin’s faith; to the anguish and the shame of scandal came the Saviour of the human race. But the skies were filled with the…
108. My heart is ready, O my God My heart is ready, O my God: let songs of joy be born, let music sound from strings and voice- I will awake the dawn. 2. Across the continents I sing, and growing praise shall rise; for your…
215. Awake, my soul, and with the sun Part 1 Awake, my soul, and with the sun your daily stage of duty run; shake off dull sleep and joyful rise to make your morning sacrifice. 2. Redeem your mis-spent time that’s past and live this…
35. Contend, O Lord, with those Contend, O Lord, with those who will contend with me; be foe to all my foes, my strong salvation be. Sly and unjust, they hunt me down; let them be blown away like dust! 2. The angel of the…
659. We come as guests invited We come as guests invited when Jesus bids us dine, his friends on earth united to share the bread and wine; the bread of life is broken, the wine is freely poured for us, in solemn token of Christ,…
538. For your gift of God the Spirit For your gift of God the spirit, power to make our lives anew, pledge of life and hope of glory, Saviour, we would worship you. Crowning gift of resurrection, sent from your ascended throne; fulness…
571. Head of your church triumphant Head of your church triumphant, we joyfully adore you! Till you appear your members here shall sing with those in glory. We lift our hearts and voices in glad anticipation and cry aloud and give to…
CP49. Of the Father's heart begotten OF THE FATHER’S HEART BEGOTTEN when no world had come to be, he is Alpha and Omega, he the source, the ending he, of the things that are, that have been, and that future years shall…
100A. All people that on earth do dwell All people that on earth do dwell, sing to the Lord with cheerful voice: serve him with joy, his praises tell, come now before him and rejoice! 2. Know that the Lord is God indeed, he formed us…
23A. The Lord my shepherd rules my life The Lord my shepherd rules my life and gives me all I need; he leads me by refreshing streams, in pastures green I feed; he leads me by refreshing streams, in pastures green I feed. 2. The…
198. Stand up and bless the Lord Stand up and bless the Lord, you people of his choice: stand up and bless the Lord your God with heart and soul and voice. 2. Though high above all praise, above all blessing high, who would not fear…
962. Great God, what do I see and hear Great God, what do I see and hear: the end of things created! Behold the Judge of all appear on clouds of glory seated! The trumpet sounds, the graves restore the dead which they contained…
483. Hail, O once rejected Jesus Hail, O once rejected Jesus! Hail, O Galilean King! You have suffered to release us and your free salvation bring. Hail, O agonizing Saviour, bearer of our sin and shame, by your merits we find…
348. On Jordan's bank the baptist's cry On Jordan's bank the baptist's cry announces that the Lord is nigh: awake and listen, for he brings good news of Christ, the King of kings. 2. Let every soul be cleansed from sin, make straight…
587. Blessed be the tie that binds Blessed be the tie that binds our hearts in Christian love; the fellowship of kindred minds foreshadows that above. 2. Before our Father's throne we pour our fervent prayers; our fears, our hopes,…
272. O what matchless condescension O what matchless condescension the eternal God displays, claiming our supreme attention to his boundless works and ways; his own glory, his own glory he reveals in gospel days. 2. In the person of…
8. In all the earth, O Lord, our Lord In all the earth, O Lord, our Lord, how glorious is your name! For you have set above the heavens your glory and your fame. 2. From infants’ and from children’s lips you ordered praise to…
146. I'll praise my Maker while I've breath I'll praise my maker while i've breath; and when my voice is lost in death, praise shall employ my nobler powers; my days of praise shall not be past, while life and thought and being last or…
616. Go forth and tell! O church of God, awake Go forth and tell! O church of God, awake! God's saving news to all the nations take: proclaim Christ Jesus, Saviour, Lord and King, that all the world his worthy praise may sing. 2. Go forth and…
804. When peace, like a river, attends all my way When peace, like a river, attends all my way, when sorrows like sea-billows roll, whatever my path, you have taught me to say, 'It is well, it is well with my soul.' 'It is well with my soul, it is…