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Papa, Matt Matt has composed songs in association with: Matt Boswell at numbers 1263 and 1286 Matt Boswell and Michael Bleecker at 1287 Stuart Townend at Number 1305
Stralsund Gesangbuch (1665) a chorale-book, the Ernewertes Gesangbuch, published in 1665 at Stralsund on the Baltic coast of NE Germany. No.195.
Walker, Edward Charles b Silverdale, nr Lancaster, Lancs 1848, d Cheltenham, Glos 1872. Ordained 1872 in the CofE, he became curate of Whalley Range Parish Ch (St Edmund’s) on the outskirts of Manchester, but died a few…
Field, David David is published by Praise! online at number 1135
Gaskell, Chris Chris is published by Praise! online at number 1106
Heath, Harold Harold is published by Praise! online at number 1106
Howard, Brian Stanley b Hendon, Middx 1930. A contributor, by request or otherwise, of 3 tunes to the 1964 Hymns of Faith, all of them printed as alternatives to tunes which are well established but (in 2 cases) widely…
Sadler, Simon Simon is published by Praise! online at numbers 1074, 1075, 1199.
Hagues, Robin Robin is published by Praise! online at number 1080.
Rowland Phil Phil's song is published by Praise! at number 1057
Rowbory, Julie Julie's song is published by Praise! at number 1051
Prust's Supplementary Hymn Book, 1869 A compilation by E T Prust from which one text survives in several 20th-c books. No.840.
Phillips, Thomas b ?Bristol 1735, d Bristol 1807. A brushmaker by trade, he was known in his home city as one of the ‘lovers of Psalmody’. Several hymn tunes are credited to him, including the one classic…
Pedley, Simon Simon's song is published by Praise! online at number 1072.
Oakes, Graham Graham has seven songs published by Praise! online. numbers 1071, 1073, 1094, 1099, 1162, 1245 & 1318.
Cooper, Jarrod Jarrod's song is published by Praise! at number 1067
Moliant Seion (1883) A Welsh collection edited by Cledan Williams. No.135=908.
Creighton, Richard Richard is published by Praise! online at number 1147, which he composed with Keith Getty.
Simpson, Gillian Gillian's song is published by Praise! at number 1052
Burgoyne's Collection (1827) Montague Burgoyne published in London A Collection of Metrical Versions... with music edited by J Macdonald Harris. No.644.
Rea, Jonathan Jonathan is published by Praise! online at number 1144, which he composed with Keith Getty.
Chua, Daniel Daniel is published by Praise! online at number 1161
Edwards, Mark Mark is published by Praise! online at number 1230.
Plank, Doug Doug is published by Praise! online at number 1254, which he co-wrote with Bob Kauflin.
Fellingham, Nathan Nathan is published by Praise! Online at number 1269.
Small, Andrew Andrew is published by Praise! online at number 1253, written with Stuart Townend.
Wilson, Sheila Sheila is published by Praise! online at number 1248
Caterer, Josh Josh is published by Praise! online at number 1290.
Carl P Daws Jr Carl is published by Praise! Online at number 1028
Swanston, Thomas Thomas has composed the tune 'Ross', which is published by Praise! online at number 1241