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John à Kempis, (Hemerken), translated by John Mason Neale
Roberts, Judith Judith is published by Praise! online at number 1235, which she co-wrote with Geoff Roberts
Roberts, Geoff Geoff is published by Praise! online at number 1235, which he co-wrote with Judith Roberts
Osgood, Matt Matt is published by Praise Online at number 1297
Pagnum, Marcus Marcus is published by Praise! Online at number 1298
Keyes Aaron Aaron is published by Praise! online at number 1229
Moger, Peter Roger is a composer who is published by Praise! Online at number 1226
Sadgrove, Michael Michael is published by Praise! Online at number 1223
Altrogge, Mark Mark is published by Praise! Online at number 1222
Jackman, David David is published by Praise! online at number 1218
Critchley, Dawn Dawn is published by Praise! online at number 1186, which she wrote with Robert Critchley.
Payne, Joel Joel is published by Praise! Online at number 1299
Harold Heath There is no information for this author at present.
Crockett, Peter Peter has composed the music for number 1311
Jordan Kauflin, Keith Getty, Matthew Merker, Stuart Townend Please see separate entries for these authors
Calkin, Ruth Harms There is no entry for this author at present
Campbell, Thomas b Sheffield, Yorks 1825, d 1876. For a composer of one highly popular hymn tune, some 90 years after the words to which it is sung, surprisingly little is known of his life. The Bouquet of 23 original…
Costain, George Arthur b 1901, d 1987. A secondary school music teacher at Leighton Park School, Reading. 1928–30, where David Preston (qv) also taught in the 1960s. Composed tunes for school use; Praise! is the first…
Harris, Charles b Islington, N London (Middx) 1865, d Oxford 1936. An ordained British composer whose one published hymn tune, for which he is now chiefly remembered, appeared first in Christian Worship (1976).…
Hatton, John b Warrington, Lancs c1710, d Windle, St Helens, Lancs 1793. Known as ‘John of Warrington’, he lived in Duke Street in Windle, a district or suburb of St Helens; hence the name of the one tune…
Salisbury Book of Hours, 1514 Aka the Sarum Book of ‘Hours’, the Daily Offices prescribed for its monastic house, which Richard Pynson printed in London; one copy survives, at Clare Coll Cambridge. This was one of a series of…
The Psalter, 1912 A notable landmark in the line of Scottish metrical Psalters beginning with the classic 1650 collection, which remained unchallenged for nearly a century until revisions began in 1745; the 1912 book…
Tilleard, James b Surrey 1827, d Lewisham, SE London (Kent) 1876. No further facts have yet emerged about this composer, known for his one tune in current use (included in The Companion Tune Book 1927, GH, CH etc)…
Ward, Samuel Augustus b Newark, New Jersey, USA 1847, d Newark 1903. After musical training in New York, in 1878 he set up a retail music store in Newark. Organist at Grace Episcopal Church from 1880; founder and (till…
Godfrey, Nathaniel Stedman b London 1817, d Southsea, Hants 1883. Although one tune of his occurs in mainly Baptist collections such as CH, GH, and The Companion Tune Book, almost nothing has been discovered about its composer.…
Rheinhardt Ms, Uttingen (1754) A German chorale book compiled between 21 June and 22 July 1754, bearing the name of Johann Heinrich Rheinhardt. No.194.
Grant, David (omitted from Praise! Index), b Aberdeen 1833, d Forest Hill, SE London 1893. A tobacconist in his home town of Aberdeen, he was a keen amateur musician. Known as the composer of CRIMOND from 1872 to…
Darmstadt Gesangbuch (1698) Full title, Geistreiches Gesangbuch; this tune is the most notable survivor of the German collection. See also notes to 556 and 943 in vol 1. No.313.
Allen, Oswald b Kirkby Lonsdale, Westmorland (Cumbria) 1816, d K Lonsdale 1878. Educated at home in Kirkby Lonsdale and suffering from a spinal disorder from boyhood onwards, he followed his father into the banking…
John Langley and Paul Campbell