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1025. Through centuries long Through centuries long the prophets of old in story and song this promise foretold: a Saviour anointed, a Sovereign supreme, divinely appointed to rule and redeem. 2. In judgment and peace his…
672. The kingdom of God The kingdom of God is justice and joy, for Jesus restores what sin would destroy. God's power and glory in Jesus we know; and here and hereafter the kingdom shall grow. 2. The kingdom of God is mercy…
45. With hearts in love abounding With hearts in love abounding we now prepare to sing a lofty theme, resounding your praise, almighty King; whose love, rich gifts bestowing, has blessed the human race, whose lips are…
632. We have a Gospel to proclaim We have a gospel to proclaim, good news for all throughout the earth; the gospel of a Saviour's name: we sing his glory, tell his worth. 2. Tell of his birth at Bethlehem, not in a royal house or…
698. I am trusting you, Lord Jesus I am trusting you, Lord Jesus, you have died for me; trusting you for full salvation great and free. 2. I am trusting you for pardon; at your feet I bow, for your grace and tender mercy trusting…
588. Singing songs of expectation Singing songs of expectation, onward goes the pilgrim band, through the night of doubt and sorrow marching to the promised land. 2. Clear before us through the darkness gleams and burns the guiding…
249. King of the universe, Lord of the ages King of the universe, Lord of the ages, maker of all things, sustainer of life; source of authority, wise and just creator, hope of the nations: we praise and adore. 2. Powerful in majesty, throned…
1096. We come to you, our gracious, holy King We come to you, our gracious, holy king, redeemed from sin by Jesus' precious blood; in Christ we join our thankful hearts and sing affirming: 'You are worthy, you are good!' 2. You sent your…
625. Jesus, the name high over all Jesus, the name high over all in hell or earth or sky; angels and men before it fall and devils fear and fly, and devils fear and fly. 2. Jesus, the name to sinners dear, the name to sinners…
20. The Lord be near us as we pray The Lord be near us as we pray and help us, through the darkest day, to find our spirits’ strength and stay in his most holy name. To him be heartfelt homage paid and sacrifice of prayer be…
1127. Glory and power to the one who loves us Glory and power to the one who loves us. Honour and praise him for ever. Come, Lord Jesus; come, Lord Jesus. 2.   Glory and power to the One who freed us from all our sins by his…
913. Come you thankful people come Come, you thankful people, come, raise the song of harvest-home! All is safely gathered in now, before the storms begin: God our maker will provide for our needs to be supplied; come, with all his…
30A. I exalt you, Lord eternal I exalt you, Lord eternal, from the depths you raised my soul; all my enemies were silent, all their gloating tongues were still. Lord, I called on you to help me, and you healed me in my…
968. Christ has prepared for us a place Christ has prepared for us a place of joy as yet unseen, unheard, of glory promised by his grace to all who take him at his word: 2. A place where no disease is found, no sin, no sickness, no…
901. O Jesus, I have promised O Jesus, I have promised to serve you to the end; be now and ever near me, my master and my friend: I shall not fear the battle if you are by my side, nor wander from the pathway if you will be my…
575. Onward! Christian Soldiers Onward! Christian soldiers, marching as to war, looking up to Jesus, who has gone before: Christ, the royal Master, leads against the foe; forward into battle, see, his banners go! Onward! Christian…
446. Through all our days, we'll sing the praise Through all our days we'll sing the praise of Christ, the resurrected; who, though divine, did not decline to be by men afflicted: pain, pain and suffering- he knew its taste, he bore its…
457. Christ the Lord is risen again Christ the Lord is risen again, Hallelujah! Christ has broken every chain; Hallelujah! hear the angel voices cry, Hallelujah! singing evermore on high: Hallelujah! 2. He who gave for us his life, who…
955. Who can sound the depths of sorrow Who can sound the depths of sorrow in the father-heart of God, for the children we've rejected, for the lives so deeply scarred? And each light that we've extinguished has brought darkness to our…
412. Ah, holy Jesus, how have you offended Ah, holy Jesus, how have you offended that man to judge you has in hate pretended? By foes derided, by your own rejected, O most afflicted! 2. Who was the guilty? Who brought this upon you? It is my…
807. Blessed are the humble souls we see Blessed are the humble souls who see their emptiness and poverty; treasures of grace to them are given: the kingdom of their God in heaven. 2. Blessed are the mourners, grieved in heart that inward…
687. Assist me here, my God and King Assist me here, my God and king, your everlasting love to sing, and gladly spread your praise abroad as one, through grace, who's born of God. 2. It was not by the will of man my soul its heavenly…
841. How rich and deep God's judgements are How rich and deep God's judgements are, his knowledge, how profound! Who understands the path he takes? His wisdom, who can sound? If we should try to guide his thoughts no counsel could we find to…
1053. Our refuge and our strength is God Our refuge and our strength is God, sure help in every trouble; though earth gives way and mountains fall, yet we will fear no evil. And though the mountains quake and shift beneath the roaring…
779. My hope is built on nothing less My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness; no merit of my own I claim, but wholly trust in Jesus' name. On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand, all other ground is sinking…
368. O little town of Bethlehem O little town of Bethlehem, how still we see you lie! Above your deep and dreamless sleep the silent stars go by: yet in your streets is shining the everlasting light; the hopes and fears of all the…
442. Sing, my tongue, the glorious battle Sing, my tongue, the glorious battle, sing the final, fierce affray! how the cross became a triumph where our sin was borne away; how, the pains of death enduring, earth's Redeemer won the day. 2.…
345. Hark, the glad sound! The Saviour comes Hark, the glad sound! the saviour comes, the Saviour promised long; let every heart prepare a throne and every voice a song. 2. On him the Holy Spirit pours the promised sacred fire; his power and…
631. We believe in God Almighty We believe in God almighty, who the heavens and earth has made, Father, who in power created all things, hidden and displayed. We believe in one Lord, Jesus, God's unique and only Son, God from God,…
275. In Eden fair, a place divine In eden fair, a place divine, image of God, stood man, created whole; through Satan's guile, he fell by sin's design: a guilty soul. 2. In ancient days, in Edom far, there stood a warrior wounded…