
Psalms 1
1 Happy the people who refuse (Psalms 1)
840 How blessed is life if lived for you (Psalms 1:1-2)
Psalms 2
2A Why do all the nations rage (Psalms 2)
2B Why do the nations rage and cry (Psalms 2)
46A God is our refuge and our strength (Psalms 2:1-2)
83 O God, do not keep silent (Psalms 2:1-2)
172 Bring to the Lord a glad new song (Psalms 2:10)
155 Almighty Father, Lord and King (Psalms 2:11)
194 O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness (Psalms 2:11)
240 Lo, God is here; let us adore! (Psalms 2:11)
431 Jesus in the olive grove (Psalms 2:11)
543 Sovereign Lord, we sing your glory (Psalms 2:11)
34 Tell his praise in song and story (Psalms 2:12)
40 Patient in hope, I sought the Lord (Psalms 2:12)
517 Breathe on me, breath of God (Psalms 2:12)
698 I am trusting you, Lord Jesus (Psalms 2:12)
768 Through all the changing scenes of life (Psalms 2:12)
906 How blest are they who trust in Christ (Psalms 2:12)
Psalms 3
3 O Lord, how many enemies (Psalms 3)
91A Shelter safely in the shadow (Psalms 3:1-6)
4 O hear my cry, my righteous God (Psalms 3:5)
35 Contend, O Lord, with those (Psalms 3:5)
218 Lord, as the day begins (Psalms 3:5)
219 New every morning is the love (Psalms 3:5)
223 Glory to you, my God, this night (Psalms 3:5)
224 Saviour, again to your dear name we raise (Psalms 3:5)
840 How blessed is life if lived for you (Psalms 3:5)
Psalms 4
4 O hear my cry, my righteous God (Psalms 4)
311 Jesus, you are the radiance of the Father's glory (Psalms 4:2-3)
840 How blessed is life if lived for you (Psalms 4:7-8)
3 O Lord, how many enemies (Psalms 4:8)
48 Great is the Lord: His praise is great (Psalms 4:8)
223 Glory to you, my God, this night (Psalms 4:8)
224 Saviour, again to your dear name we raise (Psalms 4:8)
746 As water to the thirsty (Psalms 4:8)
Psalms 5
5 O Lord, at early morning hear (Psalms 5)
88 O Lord, the God who saves me (Psalms 5:1-3)
215 Awake, my soul, and with the sun (Psalms 5:1-3)
218 Lord, as the day begins (Psalms 5:1-3)
220 Lord, as I wake I turn to you (Psalms 5:1-8)
Psalms 6
6 O Lord, do not rebuke me (Psalms 6)
38 Rebuke me not in anger, Lord (Psalms 6)
1173 Not in anger, but in love (Psalms 6)
37 When lawless people thrive (Psalms 6:1)
38 Rebuke me not in anger, Lord (Psalms 6:1)
61 O God, hear me calling and answer, I pray! (Psalms 6:1)
887 O safe to the rock that is higher than I (Psalms 6:1)
231 Sweet is the work, my God, my King (Psalms 6:2-3)
577 The church's one foundation (Psalms 6:3)
30A I exalt you, Lord eternal (Psalms 6:5)
30B I'll lift my voice, O Lord (Psalms 6:5)
65 Every heart its tribute pays (Psalms 6:5)
88 O Lord, the God who saves me (Psalms 6:5)
115 Not to us be glory given (Psalms 6:5)
Psalms 7
7 From my pursuers keep me safe (Psalms 7)
249 King of the universe, Lord of the ages (Psalms 7:11-12)
363 Joy to the world, the Lord has come (Psalms 7:17)
635 Baptized in water (Psalms 7:17)
705 Rock of Ages, cleft for me (Psalms 7:17)
Psalms 8
8 In all the earth, O Lord, our Lord (Psalms 8)
211 Roar the waves, the waters praising (Psalms 8:3-4)
912 Bless the Lord for all the honours (Psalms 8:4-6)
Psalms 9
9 Your praises, Lord, with all my heart (Psalms 9)
1170 Extol the God of justice (Psalms 9)
96 O sing a new song (Psalms 9:7-8)
98A Sing to God new songs of worship (Psalms 9:8)
98B New songs of celebration render (Psalms 9:8)
363 Joy to the world, the Lord has come (Psalms 9:8)
94 O Lord, O Judge of all the earth (Psalms 9:9)
99 The Lord is King: tremble, O earth, and fear him (Psalms 9:9)
260 Our God, our help in ages past (Psalms 9:9)
443 Stricken, smitten, and afflicted (Psalms 9:9)
767 Though troubles assail (Psalms 9:9-10)
131 Lord, you have weaned my heart from pride (Psalms 9:10)
792 I'm not ashamed to name my Lord (Psalms 9:10)
74 O God, why have you cast us off for ever (Psalms 9:11)
121A I to the hills lift up my eyes (Psalms 9:11)
121B Unto the hills around me I lift up (Psalms 9:11)
236 By gracious powers so wonderfully sheltered (Psalms 9:11)
260 Our God, our help in ages past (Psalms 9:11)
732 Lord, be my vision, supreme in my heart (Psalms 9:11)
Psalms 10
10 In my hour of grief or need (Psalms 10)
71 Lord, in you I've taken refuge (Psalms 10:1)
101 Of loyal love and justice (Psalms 10:1)
14 The fool whose heart declares in pride (Psalms 10:4)
53 The fool has said within his heart (Psalms 10:4)
104 O worship the King (Psalms 10:4)
480 Crown him with many crowns (Psalms 10:16)
491 Jesus shall reign where'er the sun (Psalms 10:16)
500 The Lord is King! Lift up your voice (Psalms 10:16)
82 God is King—be warned, you mighty (Psalms 10:18)
Psalms 11
11 I've found my refuge in the Lord (Psalms 11)
663 O walk with Jesus! You will know (Psalms 11)
55 Listen to my prayer, O God (Psalms 11:1)
91A Shelter safely in the shadow (Psalms 11:1)
91B Safe in the shadow of the Lord (Psalms 11:1)
111 Give to the Lord wholehearted praise (Psalms 11:1)
703 Jesus, I will trust you (Psalms 11:1)
47 O clap your hands, all nations, cry (Psalms 11:4)
114 When Israel fled from Egypt (Psalms 11:4)
123 Up to you I lift my eyes (Psalms 11:4)
156 God is in his temple (Psalms 11:4)
238 Here on the threshold of a new beginning (Psalms 11:4)
249 King of the universe, Lord of the ages (Psalms 11:4)
255 Do you not know? Have you not heard (Psalms 11:4)
546 God has spoken-by his prophets (Psalms 11:4)
793 I hear the words of love (Psalms 11:4)
Psalms 12
12 Help us, O Lord, the righteous all have vanished (Psalms 12)
119A All your commandments Father Almighty (Psalms 12)
545 Father of mercies, in your Word (Psalms 12)
847 Lord, make your word my rule (Psalms 12)
82 God is King—be warned, you mighty (Psalms 12:5)
125 Those who rely on the Lord are unshakeable (Psalms 12:5)
Psalms 13
13 How long will you forget me, Lord (Psalms 13)
1059 How long, O Lord, will you forget (Psalms 13)
1167 When anxious thoughts assail my mind (Psalms 13)
80 Israel's shepherd, hear our prayer (Psalms 13:1-2)
89 For ever, Lord, I'll sing your love (Psalms 13:1-2)
577 The church's one foundation (Psalms 13:1-2)
Psalms 14
14 The fool whose heart declares in pride (Psalms 14)
53 The fool has said within his heart (Psalms 14)
126 The Lord restored us - we were freed (Psalms 14:7)
147 O praise the Lord! Sing praises! (Psalms 14:7)
619 From the sun's rising (Psalms 14:7)
Psalms 15
15 Lord, who may venture where you dwell (Psalms 15)
188 O holy, holy Lord (Psalms 15:1)
820 Who may ascend the hill of the Lord (Psalms 15:1-2)
24A The whole earth is the Lord's (Psalms 15:1-3)
24B This earth belongs to God (Psalms 15:1-3)
851 You that do your master's will (Psalms 15:2)
Psalms 16
16 O God, my refuge, keep me safe (Psalms 16)
874 Your way, not mine, O Lord (Psalms 16)
748 In heavenly love abiding (Psalms 16:1)
757 Be still and know that I am God (Psalms 16:1)
73 What blessings God bestows (Psalms 16:2)
302 Immortal honours rest on Jesus' head (Psalms 16:5)
731 Jesus, the joy of loving hearts (Psalms 16:5)
732 Lord, be my vision, supreme in my heart (Psalms 16:5)
813 O sweetest love, O love divine (Psalms 16:5)
592 All-creating heavenly giver (Psalms 16:5-6)
943 All who wake tonight (Psalms 16:7)
940 Forth in your name, O Lord, I go (Psalms 16:8)
959 For ever with the Lord (Psalms 16:8)
681 Jesus, Lamb of God (Psalms 16:10)
199 The God of Abraham praise (Psalms 16:11)
562 The Spirit breathes upon the Word (Psalms 16:11)
687 Assist me here, my God and King (Psalms 16:11)
735 My Jesus, I love you, I know you are mine; (Psalms 16:11)
741 Jesus, the very thought of you (Psalms 16:11)
748 In heavenly love abiding (Psalms 16:11)
765 My times are in your hand (Psalms 16:11)
772 Amazing grace-how sweet the sound (Psalms 16:11)
777 He rescued me from the darkest night (Psalms 16:11)
794 Come, we that love the Lord (Psalms 16:11)
Psalms 17
17 Lord, hear my plea, my innocence declare (Psalms 17)
943 All who wake tonight (Psalms 17:3)
560 O that the Lord would guide my ways (Psalms 17:5)
611 O Lord, our guardian and our guide (Psalms 17:5-7)
830 Son of God, if your free grace (Psalms 17:7-8)
57 O God, from whom all mercy springs (Psalms 17:8)
223 Glory to you, my God, this night (Psalms 17:8)
682 Jesus, Lover of my soul (Psalms 17:8)
707 We praise the God in whom we trust (Psalms 17:13)
11 I've found my refuge in the Lord (Psalms 17:15)
167 A song breaks from our hearts (Psalms 17:15)
199 The God of Abraham praise (Psalms 17:15)
202 You holy angels bright (Psalms 17:15)
215 Awake, my soul, and with the sun (Psalms 17:15)
275 In Eden fair, a place divine (Psalms 17:15)
306 Jesus, eternal God (Psalms 17:15)
325 O the deep, deep love of Jesus (Psalms 17:15)
399 I have a friend whose faithful love (Psalms 17:15)
504 Mercy in our time of failure (Psalms 17:15)
509 The King shall come, when morning dawns (Psalms 17:15)
510 Jesus, Alpha and Omega (Psalms 17:15)
577 The church's one foundation (Psalms 17:15)
729 I stand amazed in the presence (Psalms 17:15)
807 Blessed are the humble souls we see (Psalms 17:15)
851 You that do your master's will (Psalms 17:15)
966 Away with our sorrow and fear (Psalms 17:15)
Psalms 18
18 I love you, O Lord, you alone (Psalms 18)
144 I'll praise the Lord, my rock (Psalms 18:1)
200 We are here to praise you (Psalms 18:1)
337 O Jesus, King most wonderful (Psalms 18:1)
723 All I once held dear, built my life upon (Psalms 18:1)
735 My Jesus, I love you, I know you are mine; (Psalms 18:1)
743 You laid aside your majesty (Psalms 18:1)
744 Lord, you are so precious to me (Psalms 18:1)
794 Come, we that love the Lord (Psalms 18:1)
866 To him we come (Psalms 18:1)
319 My Jesus, my Saviour (Psalms 18:1-2)
742 You I will love, my strength, my tower (Psalms 18:1-2)
116 I love my Lord because he heard my voice (Psalms 18:1-6)
61 O God, hear me calling and answer, I pray! (Psalms 18:2)
62 My soul finds rest in God alone (Psalms 18:2)
199 The God of Abraham praise (Psalms 18:2)
239 For your mercy and your grace (Psalms 18:2)
252 Faithful God, faithful God (Psalms 18:2)
254 Ascribe greatness to our God, the Rock (Psalms 18:2)
299 How sweet the name of Jesus sounds (Psalms 18:2)
578 We come before our Fathers' God (Psalms 18:2)
585 For all the saints, who from their labours rest (Psalms 18:2)
600 Approach my soul, the mercy-seat (Psalms 18:2)
686 All of us in sin were dying (Psalms 18:2)
705 Rock of Ages, cleft for me (Psalms 18:2)
707 We praise the God in whom we trust (Psalms 18:2)
718 O hidden source of calm repose (Psalms 18:2)
732 Lord, be my vision, supreme in my heart (Psalms 18:2)
749 O how the grace of God (Psalms 18:2)
759 I rest in God alone (Psalms 18:2)
786 Our confidence is in the Lord (Psalms 18:2)
868 Guide me, O my great Redeemer (Psalms 18:2)
888 Our God stands like a fortress rock (Psalms 18:2)
261 Sing praise to God who reigns above (Psalms 18:2-6)
302 Immortal honours rest on Jesus' head (Psalms 18:4-6)
730 Jesus, priceless treasure (Psalms 18:4-17)
357 Glory be to God on high (Psalms 18:9)
207 God is great, amazing! (Psalms 18:10)
794 Come, we that love the Lord (Psalms 18:10)
104 O worship the King (Psalms 18:10-11)
29 Let all in heaven and earth unite (Psalms 18:13-14)
777 He rescued me from the darkest night (Psalms 18:16-17)
779 My hope is built on nothing less (Psalms 18:16-18)
866 To him we come (Psalms 18:18)
31 In you, O Lord, I find my refuge (Psalms 18:19)
789 Through the darkness of the ages (Psalms 18:28)
297 Hallelujah! Raise the anthem (Psalms 18:46)
183 I will give thanks to you (Psalms 18:50)
Psalms 19
19A The heavens declare God's glory (Psalms 19)
19B God's glory fills the heavens with hymns (Psalms 19)
549 The heavens declare your glory, Lord! (Psalms 19)
1042 The stars declare his glory (Psalms 19)
1093 The wonders of the skies above (Psalms 19)
177 God, we praise you! God, we bless you! (Psalms 19:1)
190 O Lord my God! When I in awesome wonder (Psalms 19:1)
192 O Lord our God, how majestic is your name (Psalms 19:1)
216 Christ, whose glory fills the skies (Psalms 19:1)
477 All heaven declares (Psalms 19:1)
542 See how great a flame aspires (Psalms 19:1)
206 For the beauty of the earth (Psalms 19:1-3)
295 Fairest Lord Jesus (Psalms 19:4-6)
911 Praise, O praise our God and King (Psalms 19:4-6)
550 Lamp of our feet, by which we trace (Psalms 19:7)
561 Sometimes my eyes are blind (Psalms 19:7)
678 You are the way: From sin and death (Psalms 19:7)
545 Father of mercies, in your Word (Psalms 19:7-8)
264 The Lord eternal reigns (Psalms 19:7-9)
558 O God who shaped the starry skies (Psalms 19:7-11)
1321 Your Word (Psalms 19:7-11)
119A All your commandments Father Almighty (Psalms 19:7-14)
119B With all my heart I seek (Psalms 19:7-14)
1 Happy the people who refuse (Psalms 19:8)
545 Father of mercies, in your Word (Psalms 19:8)
547 God, in the Gospel of his Son (Psalms 19:8)
867 With joy I welcome, Lord, your right (Psalms 19:8)
556 Jesus, Master, at your word (Psalms 19:9)
703 Jesus, I will trust you (Psalms 19:10)
639 When Jesus died upon the cross (Psalms 19:11)
69B Help me, O God, and hear my cry (Psalms 19:12)
177 God, we praise you! God, we bless you! (Psalms 19:12-13)
417 Give me a sight, O Saviour (Psalms 19:12-13)
831 Teach us how grave a thing it is (Psalms 19:13)
171 From all that dwell beneath the skies (Psalms 19:14)
261 Sing praise to God who reigns above (Psalms 19:14)
289 Christ is the world's Redeemer (Psalms 19:14)
301 I greet my sure Redeemer and my King (Psalms 19:14)
324 O for a thousand tongues to sing (Psalms 19:14)
334 There is a Redeemer (Psalms 19:14)
401 My dear Redeemer and my Lord (Psalms 19:14)
422 He was pierced for our transgressions (Psalms 19:14)
515 You are coming, O my Saviour (Psalms 19:14)
526 Our great Redeemer, as he breathed (Psalms 19:14)
734 My heart is full of Christ, and longs (Psalms 19:14)
735 My Jesus, I love you, I know you are mine; (Psalms 19:14)
812 O for a heart to praise my God (Psalms 19:14)
837 Father, Holy Spirit, Son (Psalms 19:14)
868 Guide me, O my great Redeemer (Psalms 19:14)
883 Fight the good fight with all your might (Psalms 19:14)
907 I know that my Redeemer (Psalms 19:14)
935 Shine now upon us, Lord (Psalms 19:14)
941 O splendour of God's glory bright (Psalms 19:14)
Psalms 20
20 The Lord be near us as we pray (Psalms 20)
769 We trust in you, our shield and our defender (Psalms 20:1-2)
226 Christ is our cornerstone (Psalms 20:5)
922 God! As with silent hearts we bring to mind (Psalms 20:7)
Psalms 21
21 Lord, to you we lift our voices (Psalms 21)
187 O God beyond all praising (Psalms 21:3)
805 I cannot count your blessings, Lord, they're wonderful (Psalms 21:3)
324 O for a thousand tongues to sing (Psalms 21:5)
734 My heart is full of Christ, and longs (Psalms 21:5)
211 Roar the waves, the waters praising (Psalms 21:13)
298 Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna in the highest (Psalms 21:13)
543 Sovereign Lord, we sing your glory (Psalms 21:13)
Psalms 22
22 Why, God, have you forsaken me (Psalms 22)
408 Ride on, ride on in majesty (Psalms 22)
435 O perfect life of love! (Psalms 22)
443 Stricken, smitten, and afflicted (Psalms 22)
484 Hail to the Lord's anointed (Psalms 22)
1182 Lord, hear the lonely sufferer's cry (Psalms 22)
426 How deep the Father's love for us (Psalms 22:1)
445 Throned upon the awful tree (Psalms 22:1)
899 Lord, in our lonely hours (Psalms 22:1)
948 As if you were not there (Psalms 22:1-2)
271 O love of God, how strong and true (Psalms 22:2)
938 Dear Lord, for all in pain (Psalms 22:2)
943 All who wake tonight (Psalms 22:2)
177 God, we praise you! God, we bless you! (Psalms 22:3)
283 All hail the Lamb (Psalms 22:3)
451 Who believes what we have heard (Psalms 22:6)
161 Now thank we all our God (Psalms 22:9-10)
206 For the beauty of the earth (Psalms 22:9-10)
262 Sovereign ruler of the skies (Psalms 22:9-10)
71 Lord, in you I've taken refuge (Psalms 22:10)
357 Glory be to God on high (Psalms 22:15)
265 All nature is an open book (Psalms 22:16)
425 His hands were pierced, the hands that made (Psalms 22:16)
453 When I survey the wondrous cross (Psalms 22:16)
511 Lo! He comes with clouds descending (Psalms 22:16)
640 A feast of joy unspeakable is spread (Psalms 22:16)
753 You souls redeemed with blood (Psalms 22:23)
342 You servants of God (Psalms 22:25)
721 O happy day, that fixed my choice (Psalms 22:25)
887 O safe to the rock that is higher than I (Psalms 22:25)
67 God of mercy, God of grace (Psalms 22:27)
98A Sing to God new songs of worship (Psalms 22:27)
98B New songs of celebration render (Psalms 22:27)
489 I will build my church (Psalms 22:29)
451 Who believes what we have heard (Psalms 22:30)
Psalms 23
23A The Lord my shepherd rules my life (Psalms 23)
23B The Lord's my shepherd, I'll not want (Psalms 23)
23C The King of love my shepherd is (Psalms 23)
1107 Christ is my Shepherd-King (Psalms 23)
258 Great is thy faithfulness, O God my Father (Psalms 23:1)
599 The gifts we bring express our love (Psalms 23:1)
767 Though troubles assail (Psalms 23:1)
902 Loving Shepherd of your sheep (Psalms 23:1)
748 In heavenly love abiding (Psalms 23:1-2)
974 How bright these glorious spirits shine (Psalms 23:1-3)
276 Now may he who from the dead (Psalms 23:1-4)
771 When circumstances make my life (Psalms 23:1-4)
965 Children of the heavenly King (Psalms 23:2-3)
870 Father, although I cannot see (Psalms 23:2-4)
549 The heavens declare your glory, Lord! (Psalms 23:3)
603 Come, my soul, your plea prepare (Psalms 23:3)
611 O Lord, our guardian and our guide (Psalms 23:3)
770 Within the busy rush of life (Psalms 23:3)
139 You, O Lord, have searched and known me (Psalms 23:3-4)
293 Blessed be God our God (Psalms 23:4)
797 Peace, perfect peace (Psalms 23:4)
801 Not what I am, O Lord, but what you are (Psalms 23:4)
905 Abide with me, fast falls the eventide (Psalms 23:4)
907 I know that my Redeemer (Psalms 23:4)
908 I saw a new vision of Jesus (Psalms 23:4)
592 All-creating heavenly giver (Psalms 23:5)
654 My God, now is your table spread (Psalms 23:5)
770 Within the busy rush of life (Psalms 23:5)
874 Your way, not mine, O Lord (Psalms 23:5)
674 The trumpets sound, the angels sing (Psalms 23:5-6)
26 In judgement, Lord, arise (Psalms 23:6)
27A The Lord is my light and salvation (Psalms 23:6)
27B Light and salvation is the Lord for me (Psalms 23:6)
196 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation (Psalms 23:6)
263 When all your mercies, O my God (Psalms 23:6)
424 Here is love, vast as the ocean (Psalms 23:6)
Psalms 24
24A The whole earth is the Lord's (Psalms 24)
24B This earth belongs to God (Psalms 24)
59 Deliver me from all my foes (Psalms 24)
211 Roar the waves, the waters praising (Psalms 24)
214 I sing the almighty power of God (Psalms 24:1)
1325 You have called us out of darkest night (Psalms 24:1)
104 O worship the King (Psalms 24:2)
188 O holy, holy Lord (Psalms 24:3)
820 Who may ascend the hill of the Lord (Psalms 24:3-4)
517 Breathe on me, breath of God (Psalms 24:4)
806 Blessed are the pure in heart (Psalms 24:4)
807 Blessed are the humble souls we see (Psalms 24:4)
812 O for a heart to praise my God (Psalms 24:4)
195 Praise the Lord, you heavens, adore him (Psalms 24:5)
615 What various hindrances we meet (Psalms 24:5)
608 Lord Jesus Christ, we seek your face (Psalms 24:6)
177 God, we praise you! God, we bless you! (Psalms 24:7-10)
287 At the name of Jesus (Psalms 24:7-10)
341 You are the King of glory (Psalms 24:7-10)
458 Christ, the Lord, is risen today (Psalms 24:7-10)
482 God is gone up on high (Psalms 24:7-10)
487 He is Lord, he is Lord (Psalms 24:7-10)
496 See, the conqueror mounts in triumph (Psalms 24:7-10)
503 Before the throne of God above (Psalms 24:7-10)
585 For all the saints, who from their labours rest (Psalms 24:7-10)
845 Lift up your heads, you mighty gates (Psalms 24:7-10)
888 Our God stands like a fortress rock (Psalms 24:7-10)
890 Stand up, stand up for Jesus (Psalms 24:7-10)
496 See, the conqueror mounts in triumph (Psalms 24:8)
Psalms 25
25 All my soul to God I raise (Psalms 25)
275 In Eden fair, a place divine (Psalms 25:1)
495 Rejoice, the Lord is King (Psalms 25:1)
1089 To you, O Lord, I lift my soul (Psalms 25:1-22)
876 God of my life, to you I call (Psalms 25:3)
874 Your way, not mine, O Lord (Psalms 25:4)
119F Teach me, O Lord, your way of truth (Psalms 25:4-5)
195 Praise the Lord, you heavens, adore him (Psalms 25:4-5)
560 O that the Lord would guide my ways (Psalms 25:4-5)
871 I do not know what lies ahead (Psalms 25:4-5)
218 Lord, as the day begins (Psalms 25:4-12)
894 Come, O fount of every blessing (Psalms 25:6)
952 O God of love, O King of peace (Psalms 25:7)
254 Ascribe greatness to our God, the Rock (Psalms 25:8)
874 Your way, not mine, O Lord (Psalms 25:8-9)
86 Bow down your ear, O Lord, and hear (Psalms 25:11)
605 How weak my spirit is, O Lord (Psalms 25:11)
770 Within the busy rush of life (Psalms 25:12)
806 Blessed are the pure in heart (Psalms 25:14)
123 Up to you I lift my eyes (Psalms 25:15)
140 Deliver me from evil (Psalms 25:15)
141 Come quickly, Lord, and hear the cries (Psalms 25:15)
909 The sands of time are sinking (Psalms 25:15-17)
757 Be still and know that I am God (Psalms 25:20)
130 From the depths of shame and sorrow (Psalms 25:22)
Psalms 26
26 In judgement, Lord, arise (Psalms 26)
192 O Lord our God, how majestic is your name (Psalms 26)
199 The God of Abraham praise (Psalms 26)
482 God is gone up on high (Psalms 26)
829 Search me, O God, and know my heart today (Psalms 26:2)
1 Happy the people who refuse (Psalms 26:4-5)
139 You, O Lord, have searched and known me (Psalms 26:5)
222 The day you gave us, Lord, is ended (Psalms 26:7)
Psalms 27
27A The Lord is my light and salvation (Psalms 27)
27B Light and salvation is the Lord for me (Psalms 27)
264 The Lord eternal reigns (Psalms 27)
322 No other prophet ever spoke (Psalms 27)
408 Ride on, ride on in majesty (Psalms 27)
1195 I have a light to guide me (Psalms 27)
1320 You are my salvation (Psalms 27)
339 True light, blazing in the darkest place (Psalms 27:1)
412 Ah, holy Jesus, how have you offended (Psalms 27:1)
748 In heavenly love abiding (Psalms 27:1)
755 Alone with none but you, my God (Psalms 27:1)
758 Have faith in God, my heart (Psalms 27:1)
905 Abide with me, fast falls the eventide (Psalms 27:1)
56 Merciful and gracious be (Psalms 27:1-3)
1277 You are my anchor (Psalms 27:1-6)
187 O God beyond all praising (Psalms 27:4)
292 Come, sing the praise of Jesus (Psalms 27:4)
295 Fairest Lord Jesus (Psalms 27:4)
302 Immortal honours rest on Jesus' head (Psalms 27:4)
309 Jesus, Jesus, all-sufficient (Psalms 27:4)
323 Not the grandeur of the mountains (Psalms 27:4)
391 How good, Lord, to be here! (Psalms 27:4)
477 All heaven declares (Psalms 27:4)
509 The King shall come, when morning dawns (Psalms 27:4)
515 You are coming, O my Saviour (Psalms 27:4)
543 Sovereign Lord, we sing your glory (Psalms 27:4)
658 Sit down beneath his shadow (Psalms 27:4)
694 One thing I know (Psalms 27:4)
737 O matchless beauty of our God (Psalms 27:4)
746 As water to the thirsty (Psalms 27:4)
782 O Christ, in you my soul has found (Psalms 27:4)
965 Children of the heavenly King (Psalms 27:4)
966 Away with our sorrow and fear (Psalms 27:4)
970 Jerusalem on high (Psalms 27:4)
971 Jerusalem the golden (Psalms 27:4)
84 O Lord of hosts, how lovely is your dwelling-place! (Psalms 27:4-6)
682 Jesus, Lover of my soul (Psalms 27:5)
705 Rock of Ages, cleft for me (Psalms 27:5)
749 O how the grace of God (Psalms 27:5)
887 O safe to the rock that is higher than I (Psalms 27:5)
24A The whole earth is the Lord's (Psalms 27:8)
601 As we come before you to pray (Psalms 27:8)
606 Jesus, O sovereign Lord of all (Psalms 27:8)
608 Lord Jesus Christ, we seek your face (Psalms 27:8)
805 I cannot count your blessings, Lord, they're wonderful (Psalms 27:8)
828 O Jesus, full of truth and grace (Psalms 27:8)
830 Son of God, if your free grace (Psalms 27:8)
883 Fight the good fight with all your might (Psalms 27:8)
927 Father, in your dear name we meet (Psalms 27:8)
876 God of my life, to you I call (Psalms 27:8-9)
195 Praise the Lord, you heavens, adore him (Psalms 27:9)
260 Our God, our help in ages past (Psalms 27:9)
682 Jesus, Lover of my soul (Psalms 27:9)
119F Teach me, O Lord, your way of truth (Psalms 27:11)
874 Your way, not mine, O Lord (Psalms 27:11)
1277 You are my anchor (Psalms 27:11-14)
579 Your hand, O God, has guided (Psalms 27:13-14)
40 Patient in hope, I sought the Lord (Psalms 27:14)
130 From the depths of shame and sorrow (Psalms 27:14)
255 Do you not know? Have you not heard (Psalms 27:14)
608 Lord Jesus Christ, we seek your face (Psalms 27:14)
Psalms 28
28 O Lord my rock, to you I cry aloud (Psalms 28)
109 How wickedly they spread their lies (Psalms 28:1)
134 Bless the Lord as day departs (Psalms 28:2)
141 Come quickly, Lord, and hear the cries (Psalms 28:2)
739 Who is there like you (Psalms 28:2)
55 Listen to my prayer, O God (Psalms 28:3)
62 My soul finds rest in God alone (Psalms 28:3)
746 As water to the thirsty (Psalms 28:7)
791 Why should I fear the darkest hour (Psalms 28:7)
868 Guide me, O my great Redeemer (Psalms 28:7)
800 My Father divine (Psalms 28:7-8)
774 A sovereign protector I have (Psalms 28:7-9)
177 God, we praise you! God, we bless you! (Psalms 28:9)
Psalms 29
29 Let all in heaven and earth unite (Psalms 29)
83 O God, do not keep silent (Psalms 29)
178 Great is the gospel of our glorious God (Psalms 29)
513 Your Kingdom come, O God (Psalms 29)
742 You I will love, my strength, my tower (Psalms 29)
676 To God be the glory! Great things he has done (Psalms 29:1-2)
96 O sing a new song (Psalms 29:1-3)
194 O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness (Psalms 29:2)
212 Sing to the Lord with all of your heart (Psalms 29:2)
328 Praise him, praise him! Jesus, our blessed Redeemer (Psalms 29:2)
823 Almighty Lord most high, draw near (Psalms 29:3)
244 God of glory, we exalt your name (Psalms 29:3-4)
351 Child of the stable's secret birth (Psalms 29:3-5)
213 Who can bind the raging sea (Psalms 29:3-10)
290 Christ the Word who spoke creation (Psalms 29:4)
41 Lord, may our hearts within us burn (Psalms 29:9)
207 God is great, amazing! (Psalms 29:9)
596 Great God, your love has called us here (Psalms 29:9)
672 The kingdom of God (Psalms 29:9)
911 Praise, O praise our God and King (Psalms 29:9)
496 See, the conqueror mounts in triumph (Psalms 29:10)
500 The Lord is King! Lift up your voice (Psalms 29:10)
224 Saviour, again to your dear name we raise (Psalms 29:11)
508 I cannot tell why he whom angels worship (Psalms 29:11)
836 All for Jesus, all for Jesus (Psalms 29:11)
Psalms 30
30A I exalt you, Lord eternal (Psalms 30)
30B I'll lift my voice, O Lord (Psalms 30)
1176 I will sing your mercies, Lord (Psalms 30)
1177 I will sing your mercies, Lord (Psalms 30)
490 Jesus is King (Psalms 30:1)
275 In Eden fair, a place divine (Psalms 30:4)
500 The Lord is King! Lift up your voice (Psalms 30:4)
194 O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness (Psalms 30:5)
377 Silent night! holy night! (Psalms 30:5)
413 Approach with awe this holiest place (Psalms 30:5)
466 Jesus, Prince and Saviour (Psalms 30:5)
475 Welcome, happy morning! Age to age shall say (Psalms 30:5)
577 The church's one foundation (Psalms 30:5)
582 Come and bless us, Lord! While you are beside us (Psalms 30:5)
88 O Lord, the God who saves me (Psalms 30:9)
115 Not to us be glory given (Psalms 30:9)
156 God is in his temple (Psalms 30:11-12)
Psalms 31
31 In you, O Lord, I find my refuge (Psalms 31)
757 Be still and know that I am God (Psalms 31:1)
71 Lord, in you I've taken refuge (Psalms 31:1-3)
86 Bow down your ear, O Lord, and hear (Psalms 31:2)
261 Sing praise to God who reigns above (Psalms 31:3)
901 O Jesus, I have promised (Psalms 31:3)
25 All my soul to God I raise (Psalms 31:4)
245 God of majesty and splendour (Psalms 31:5)
262 Sovereign ruler of the skies (Psalms 31:5)
595 Give me the faith which can remove (Psalms 31:5)
765 My times are in your hand (Psalms 31:5)
870 Father, although I cannot see (Psalms 31:6)
273 Your mercy, my God, is the theme of my song (Psalms 31:7)
755 Alone with none but you, my God (Psalms 31:14-15)
765 My times are in your hand (Psalms 31:14-15)
262 Sovereign ruler of the skies (Psalms 31:15)
895 God sent his son (Psalms 31:15)
942 Teach me, dear Lord, to savour every moment (Psalms 31:15)
627 Tell all the world of Jesus (Psalms 31:19)
749 O how the grace of God (Psalms 31:20)
751 Where shall my wondering soul begin (Psalms 31:21)
830 Son of God, if your free grace (Psalms 31:21)
367 O come, all you faithful (Psalms 31:23)
Psalms 32
32 Happy are those, beyond all measure blessed (Psalms 32)
682 Jesus, Lover of my soul (Psalms 32:1)
781 Now I have found the ground wherein (Psalms 32:1)
51 Lord, have mercy: in your goodness (Psalms 32:5)
610 Lord, teach us how to pray aright (Psalms 32:5)
69A Save me, O God, I sink into the depths (Psalms 32:6)
69B Help me, O God, and hear my cry (Psalms 32:6)
781 Now I have found the ground wherein (Psalms 32:6)
299 How sweet the name of Jesus sounds (Psalms 32:7)
682 Jesus, Lover of my soul (Psalms 32:7)
699 Beneath the cross of Jesus (Psalms 32:7)
963 When you, my righteous judge, shall come (Psalms 32:7)
214 I sing the almighty power of God (Psalms 32:8)
698 I am trusting you, Lord Jesus (Psalms 32:8)
840 How blessed is life if lived for you (Psalms 32:8)
842 I bind myself to God today (Psalms 32:8)
878 Still near me, O my Saviour, stand (Psalms 32:8)
Psalms 33
33 Let all the righteous to the Lord (Psalms 33)
84 O Lord of hosts, how lovely is your dwelling-place! (Psalms 33)
578 We come before our Fathers' God (Psalms 33)
600 Approach my soul, the mercy-seat (Psalms 33)
648 Here, O my Lord, may I behold your face (Psalms 33)
769 We trust in you, our shield and our defender (Psalms 33)
774 A sovereign protector I have (Psalms 33)
868 Guide me, O my great Redeemer (Psalms 33)
150 Praise the Lord who reigns above (Psalms 33:1-3)
172 Bring to the Lord a glad new song (Psalms 33:1-3)
231 Sweet is the work, my God, my King (Psalms 33:2)
96 O sing a new song (Psalms 33:3)
98A Sing to God new songs of worship (Psalms 33:3)
98B New songs of celebration render (Psalms 33:3)
144 I'll praise the Lord, my rock (Psalms 33:3)
486 Behold the glories of the Lamb (Psalms 33:3)
879 Trouble may break with the dawn (Psalms 33:3)
245 God of majesty and splendour (Psalms 33:4)
197 Songs of praise the angels sang (Psalms 33:6)
296 God the Word addressed the darkness (Psalms 33:6)
214 I sing the almighty power of God (Psalms 33:6-9)
213 Who can bind the raging sea (Psalms 33:7)
318 My heart and voice I raise (Psalms 33:9)
542 See how great a flame aspires (Psalms 33:9)
552 Thanks to God, whose word was spoken (Psalms 33:9)
261 Sing praise to God who reigns above (Psalms 33:11)
262 Sovereign ruler of the skies (Psalms 33:11)
264 The Lord eternal reigns (Psalms 33:11)
144 I'll praise the Lord, my rock (Psalms 33:12)
845 Lift up your heads, you mighty gates (Psalms 33:12)
842 I bind myself to God today (Psalms 33:18)
260 Our God, our help in ages past (Psalms 33:20)
759 I rest in God alone (Psalms 33:20)
774 A sovereign protector I have (Psalms 33:20)
Psalms 34
34 Tell his praise in song and story (Psalms 34)
768 Through all the changing scenes of life (Psalms 34)
262 Sovereign ruler of the skies (Psalms 34:1-9)
768 Through all the changing scenes of life (Psalms 34:1-9)
273 Your mercy, my God, is the theme of my song (Psalms 34:2)
185 My soul exalts and magnifies the King (Psalms 34:2-3)
628 Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the Lord! (Psalms 34:2-3)
244 God of glory, we exalt your name (Psalms 34:3)
540 Revive your church, O Lord (Psalms 34:3)
886 Christian soldiers, onward go (Psalms 34:4)
859 Jesus, Master, whose I am (Psalms 34:5)
842 I bind myself to God today (Psalms 34:7)
545 Father of mercies, in your Word (Psalms 34:8)
572 Jesus, come, for we invite you (Psalms 34:8)
580 Come, dearest Lord, descend and dwell (Psalms 34:8)
625 Jesus, the name high over all (Psalms 34:8)
731 Jesus, the joy of loving hearts (Psalms 34:8)
781 Now I have found the ground wherein (Psalms 34:8)
800 My Father divine (Psalms 34:8)
906 How blest are they who trust in Christ (Psalms 34:8)
840 How blessed is life if lived for you (Psalms 34:8-10)
349 All my heart this night rejoices (Psalms 34:9-10)
748 In heavenly love abiding (Psalms 34:9-10)
599 The gifts we bring express our love (Psalms 34:10)
66 Shout with joy to God, all nations (Psalms 34:11)
141 Come quickly, Lord, and hear the cries (Psalms 34:13)
613 There is an eye that never sleeps (Psalms 34:15)
842 I bind myself to God today (Psalms 34:15)
214 I sing the almighty power of God (Psalms 34:15-18)
145A O Lord! My God and King (Psalms 34:18)
145B I will exalt you, God my King (Psalms 34:18)
147 O praise the Lord! Sing praises! (Psalms 34:18)
508 I cannot tell why he whom angels worship (Psalms 34:18)
607 Great Shepherd of your people, hear! (Psalms 34:18)
699 Beneath the cross of Jesus (Psalms 34:18)
32 Happy are those, beyond all measure blessed (Psalms 34:22)
155 Almighty Father, Lord and King (Psalms 34:22)
420 He stood before the court (Psalms 34:22)
452 Yes, finished! The Messiah dies (Psalms 34:22)
596 Great God, your love has called us here (Psalms 34:22)
639 When Jesus died upon the cross (Psalms 34:22)
685 Born of Adam, torn from Eden (Psalms 34:22)
688 Born by the Holy Spirit's breath (Psalms 34:22)
720 We come, O Christ, to you (Psalms 34:22)
Psalms 35
109 How wickedly they spread their lies (Psalms 35:1-8)
749 O how the grace of God (Psalms 35:2)
129 They have oppressed me from my youth (Psalms 35:4)
223 Glory to you, my God, this night (Psalms 35:9)
342 You servants of God (Psalms 35:18)
59 Deliver me from all my foes (Psalms 35:19)
69A Save me, O God, I sink into the depths (Psalms 35:19)
734 My heart is full of Christ, and longs (Psalms 35:23)
768 Through all the changing scenes of life (Psalms 35:27-28)
324 O for a thousand tongues to sing (Psalms 35:28)
Psalms 36
36 No fear of God before the eyes (Psalms 36)
57 O God, from whom all mercy springs (Psalms 36:5)
61 O God, hear me calling and answer, I pray! (Psalms 36:5)
108 My heart is ready, O my God (Psalms 36:5)
183 I will give thanks to you (Psalms 36:5)
251 There's a wideness in God's mercy (Psalms 36:5)
259 God shall alone the refuge be (Psalms 36:5)
280 The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases (Psalms 36:5)
399 I have a friend whose faithful love (Psalms 36:5)
579 Your hand, O God, has guided (Psalms 36:5)
781 Now I have found the ground wherein (Psalms 36:5)
893 Cast your burden on the Lord (Psalms 36:5)
325 O the deep, deep love of Jesus (Psalms 36:5-6)
340 Who can cheer the heart like Jesus (Psalms 36:5-6)
423 Higher than the hills (Psalms 36:5-6)
323 Not the grandeur of the mountains (Psalms 36:5-7)
248 Immortal, invisible, God only wise (Psalms 36:5-9)
57 O God, from whom all mercy springs (Psalms 36:7)
223 Glory to you, my God, this night (Psalms 36:7)
894 Come, O fount of every blessing (Psalms 36:8-9)
243 Eternal light! Eternal light! (Psalms 36:9)
518 Come down, O Love Divine (Psalms 36:9)
527 Spirit of God, our hearts inspire (Psalms 36:9)
550 Lamp of our feet, by which we trace (Psalms 36:9)
557 Lord, I have made your word my choice (Psalms 36:9)
569 Father, we adore you (Psalms 36:9)
682 Jesus, Lover of my soul (Psalms 36:9)
724 All my days I will sing this song of gladness (Psalms 36:9)
731 Jesus, the joy of loving hearts (Psalms 36:9)
742 You I will love, my strength, my tower (Psalms 36:9)
803 Such love, pure as the whitest snow (Psalms 36:9)
840 How blessed is life if lived for you (Psalms 36:9)
909 The sands of time are sinking (Psalms 36:9)
941 O splendour of God's glory bright (Psalms 36:9)
830 Son of God, if your free grace (Psalms 36:10-11)
Psalms 37
37 When lawless people thrive (Psalms 37)
209 My God, I thank you that you made (Psalms 37)
513 Your Kingdom come, O God (Psalms 37)
798 Let not your hearts be troubled (Psalms 37)
759 I rest in God alone (Psalms 37:3)
698 I am trusting you, Lord Jesus (Psalms 37:3-5)
799 Like a river glorious (Psalms 37:3-5)
20 The Lord be near us as we pray (Psalms 37:4)
21 Lord, to you we lift our voices (Psalms 37:4)
316 Jesus, our hope, our hearts' desire (Psalms 37:4)
517 Breathe on me, breath of God (Psalms 37:4)
813 O sweetest love, O love divine (Psalms 37:4)
862 O Lord, who came from realms above (Psalms 37:4)
257 God of the ages (Psalms 37:5)
761 Leave God to order all your ways (Psalms 37:5)
893 Cast your burden on the Lord (Psalms 37:5)
874 Your way, not mine, O Lord (Psalms 37:5-7)
40 Patient in hope, I sought the Lord (Psalms 37:7)
255 Do you not know? Have you not heard (Psalms 37:7)
754 Be still, my soul: The Lord is on your side (Psalms 37:7)
757 Be still and know that I am God (Psalms 37:7)
759 I rest in God alone (Psalms 37:7)
808 Jesus, my strength, my hope (Psalms 37:7)
626 Love songs from heaven are filling the earth (Psalms 37:7-9)
73 What blessings God bestows (Psalms 37:7-10)
807 Blessed are the humble souls we see (Psalms 37:11)
903 Rejoice, believer, in the Lord (Psalms 37:23-24)
214 I sing the almighty power of God (Psalms 37:24)
741 Jesus, the very thought of you (Psalms 37:24)
839 God be in my head (Psalms 37:30-31)
40 Patient in hope, I sought the Lord (Psalms 37:31)
554 Help us, O Lord, to learn (Psalms 37:31)
608 Lord Jesus Christ, we seek your face (Psalms 37:34)
348 On Jordan's bank the baptist's cry (Psalms 37:39)
Psalms 38
38 Rebuke me not in anger, Lord (Psalms 38)
166 In awe and wonder, Lord our God (Psalms 38)
348 On Jordan's bank the baptist's cry (Psalms 38)
6 O Lord, do not rebuke me (Psalms 38:1)
94 O Lord, O Judge of all the earth (Psalms 38:16)
Psalms 39
39 I kept my mouth from every sinful word (Psalms 39)
560 O that the Lord would guide my ways (Psalms 39:1)
871 I do not know what lies ahead (Psalms 39:4)
755 Alone with none but you, my God (Psalms 39:4-5)
260 Our God, our help in ages past (Psalms 39:5)
102 Lord, hear my prayer! My cry shall come before you (Psalms 39:12)
605 How weak my spirit is, O Lord (Psalms 39:12)
884 He who would valiant be (Psalms 39:12)
Psalms 40
40 Patient in hope, I sought the Lord (Psalms 40)
130 From the depths of shame and sorrow (Psalms 40:1)
255 Do you not know? Have you not heard (Psalms 40:1)
754 Be still, my soul: The Lord is on your side (Psalms 40:1)
179 Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise (Psalms 40:1-3)
777 He rescued me from the darkest night (Psalms 40:2)
779 My hope is built on nothing less (Psalms 40:2)
887 O safe to the rock that is higher than I (Psalms 40:2)
635 Baptized in water (Psalms 40:3)
879 Trouble may break with the dawn (Psalms 40:3)
755 Alone with none but you, my God (Psalms 40:4)
263 When all your mercies, O my God (Psalms 40:5)
307 How wonderful the works of God (Psalms 40:5)
429 It is a thing most wonderful (Psalms 40:5)
805 I cannot count your blessings, Lord, they're wonderful (Psalms 40:5)
709 What offering shall we give (Psalms 40:6-8)
37 When lawless people thrive (Psalms 40:8)
855 Go, labour on; spend and be spent (Psalms 40:8)
856 How urgent is the summons (Psalms 40:8)
792 I'm not ashamed to name my Lord (Psalms 40:9-10)
241 Begin, my soul, a heavenly theme (Psalms 40:10)
242 Eternal God, we come to you (Psalms 40:10)
559 Our Father God, your name we praise (Psalms 40:10)
751 Where shall my wondering soul begin (Psalms 40:10)
830 Son of God, if your free grace (Psalms 40:11)
823 Almighty Lord most high, draw near (Psalms 40:11-12)
70 Come quickly, Lord, to rescue me (Psalms 40:13-17)
48 Great is the Lord: His praise is great (Psalms 40:16)
768 Through all the changing scenes of life (Psalms 40:16)
86 Bow down your ear, O Lord, and hear (Psalms 40:17)
Psalms 41
41 Lord, may our hearts within us burn (Psalms 41)
749 O how the grace of God (Psalms 41)
933 Our children, Lord, in faith and prayer (Psalms 41)
82 God is King—be warned, you mighty (Psalms 41:1)
916 For the fruits of his creation (Psalms 41:1)
924 O God, whose all-sustaining hand (Psalms 41:1)
55 Listen to my prayer, O God (Psalms 41:9)
614 What a friend we have in Jesus (Psalms 41:9)
767 Though troubles assail (Psalms 41:9)
843 Jesus, I my cross have taken (Psalms 41:9)
72 A King on high is reigning (Psalms 41:13)
106 Praise the Lord! give thanks for ever (Psalms 41:13)
160 Infinite God, to you we raise (Psalms 41:13)
191 Praise God from whom all blessings flow (Psalms 41:13)
199 The God of Abraham praise (Psalms 41:13)
491 Jesus shall reign where'er the sun (Psalms 41:13)
Psalms 42
42 As the fainting deer cries out (Psalms 42)
43 God defend me; traitors rise (Psalms 42)
63 God is my great desire (Psalms 42:1-2)
142 I seek the Lord in grief, in pain (Psalms 42:1-2)
143 Hear me, O Lord, in my distress (Psalms 42:1-2)
540 Revive your church, O Lord (Psalms 42:1-2)
612 Prayer is the soul's sincere desire (Psalms 42:1-2)
691 My Lord, I did not choose you (Psalms 42:1-2)
730 Jesus, priceless treasure (Psalms 42:1-2)
746 As water to the thirsty (Psalms 42:1-2)
813 O sweetest love, O love divine (Psalms 42:1-2)
605 How weak my spirit is, O Lord (Psalms 42:1-3)
651 I hunger and I thirst (Psalms 42:2)
876 God of my life, to you I call (Psalms 42:2)
79 O God, the heathen have attacked (Psalms 42:3)
80 Israel's shepherd, hear our prayer (Psalms 42:3)
102 Lord, hear my prayer! My cry shall come before you (Psalms 42:3)
84 O Lord of hosts, how lovely is your dwelling-place! (Psalms 42:4)
759 I rest in God alone (Psalms 42:4)
811 O for a closer walk with God (Psalms 42:4-5)
775 All my hope on God is founded (Psalms 42:5)
781 Now I have found the ground wherein (Psalms 42:7)
876 God of my life, to you I call (Psalms 42:7-8)
63 God is my great desire (Psalms 42:8)
157 God of my life, to you I pray (Psalms 42:8)
79 O God, the heathen have attacked (Psalms 42:10)
775 All my hope on God is founded (Psalms 42:11)
Psalms 43
42 As the fainting deer cries out (Psalms 43)
43 God defend me; traitors rise (Psalms 43)
157 God of my life, to you I pray (Psalms 43:2-4)
518 Come down, O Love Divine (Psalms 43:3)
533 Lord, the light of your love is shining (Psalms 43:3)
541 O breath of life, come sweeping through us (Psalms 43:3)
955 Who can sound the depths of sorrow (Psalms 43:3)
564 Behold, the mountain of the Lord (Psalms 43:3-4)
498 The head that once was crowned with thorns (Psalms 43:4)
813 O sweetest love, O love divine (Psalms 43:4)
920 As the light upon the river (Psalms 43:4)
775 All my hope on God is founded (Psalms 43:5)
Psalms 44
44 We have heard of your deeds, Lord, in days that are past (Psalms 44)
943 All who wake tonight (Psalms 44)
77 I cried out to God to help me (Psalms 44:1)
78 Listen, my friends, to each word (Psalms 44:1)
143 Hear me, O Lord, in my distress (Psalms 44:1)
257 God of the ages (Psalms 44:1)
578 We come before our Fathers' God (Psalms 44:1)
579 Your hand, O God, has guided (Psalms 44:1-3)
847 Lord, make your word my rule (Psalms 44:3)
888 Our God stands like a fortress rock (Psalms 44:3-4)
890 Stand up, stand up for Jesus (Psalms 44:3-4)
74 O God, why have you cast us off for ever (Psalms 44:4)
324 O for a thousand tongues to sing (Psalms 44:4)
316 Jesus, our hope, our hearts' desire (Psalms 44:8)
426 How deep the Father's love for us (Psalms 44:8)
453 When I survey the wondrous cross (Psalms 44:8)
74 O God, why have you cast us off for ever (Psalms 44:9)
79 O God, the heathen have attacked (Psalms 44:13)
611 O Lord, our guardian and our guide (Psalms 44:18)
829 Search me, O God, and know my heart today (Psalms 44:21)
834 Search me, O God! My actions try (Psalms 44:21)
513 Your Kingdom come, O God (Psalms 44:23-26)
Psalms 45
45 With hearts in love abounding (Psalms 45)
734 My heart is full of Christ, and longs (Psalms 45:1-4)
494 My heart is full of admiration (Psalms 45:1-8)
295 Fairest Lord Jesus (Psalms 45:2)
340 Who can cheer the heart like Jesus (Psalms 45:2)
192 O Lord our God, how majestic is your name (Psalms 45:3)
249 King of the universe, Lord of the ages (Psalms 45:3-4)
312 Join all the glorious names (Psalms 45:3-6)
408 Ride on, ride on in majesty (Psalms 45:4)
408 Ride on, ride on in majesty (Psalms 45:4-7)
93 The Lord is King supreme (Psalms 45:6)
255 Do you not know? Have you not heard (Psalms 45:6)
564 Behold, the mountain of the Lord (Psalms 45:6)
742 You I will love, my strength, my tower (Psalms 45:6)
793 I hear the words of love (Psalms 45:6)
845 Lift up your heads, you mighty gates (Psalms 45:6)
322 No other prophet ever spoke (Psalms 45:6-7)
345 Hark, the glad sound! The Saviour comes (Psalms 45:7)
Psalms 46
46A God is our refuge and our strength (Psalms 46)
46B God is our strength and refuge (Psalms 46)
1053 Our refuge and our strength is God (Psalms 46)
259 God shall alone the refuge be (Psalms 46:1)
260 Our God, our help in ages past (Psalms 46:1)
319 My Jesus, my Saviour (Psalms 46:1)
682 Jesus, Lover of my soul (Psalms 46:1)
705 Rock of Ages, cleft for me (Psalms 46:1)
718 O hidden source of calm repose (Psalms 46:1)
887 O safe to the rock that is higher than I (Psalms 46:1)
888 Our God stands like a fortress rock (Psalms 46:1-2)
48 Great is the Lord: His praise is great (Psalms 46:1-9)
570 Glorious things of you are spoken (Psalms 46:4)
833 Your mercy flows upon us like a river (Psalms 46:4)
894 Come, O fount of every blessing (Psalms 46:4)
918 To you, O Lord, our hearts we raise (Psalms 46:4)
965 Children of the heavenly King (Psalms 46:4)
974 How bright these glorious spirits shine (Psalms 46:4)
976 Then I saw a new heaven and earth (Psalms 46:4)
87 Zion, founded on the mountain (Psalms 46:4-5)
889 Soldiers of Christ, arise (Psalms 46:7)
76 In Judah's kingdom God is known (Psalms 46:9)
238 Here on the threshold of a new beginning (Psalms 46:9)
952 O God of love, O King of peace (Psalms 46:9)
362 It came upon the midnight clear (Psalms 46:9-10)
37 When lawless people thrive (Psalms 46:10)
166 In awe and wonder, Lord our God (Psalms 46:10)
201 We declare your majesty (Psalms 46:10)
535 Silent, surrendered, calm and still (Psalms 46:10)
566 Be still (Psalms 46:10)
754 Be still, my soul: The Lord is on your side (Psalms 46:10)
757 Be still and know that I am God (Psalms 46:10)
762 Let us draw near! The blood is spilt (Psalms 46:10)
889 Soldiers of Christ, arise (Psalms 46:11)
Psalms 47
47 O clap your hands, all nations, cry (Psalms 47)
570 Glorious things of you are spoken (Psalms 47)
715 Loved with everlasting love (Psalms 47)
717 May the grace of Christ our Saviour (Psalms 47)
731 Jesus, the joy of loving hearts (Psalms 47)
319 My Jesus, my Saviour (Psalms 47:1)
918 To you, O Lord, our hearts we raise (Psalms 47:1)
571 Head of your church triumphant (Psalms 47:1-2)
482 God is gone up on high (Psalms 47:1-8)
213 Who can bind the raging sea (Psalms 47:2)
352 Christians, awake! Salute the happy morn (Psalms 47:2)
632 We have a Gospel to proclaim (Psalms 47:2)
482 God is gone up on high (Psalms 47:5)
496 See, the conqueror mounts in triumph (Psalms 47:5)
368 O little town of Bethlehem (Psalms 47:6)
687 Assist me here, my God and King (Psalms 47:6)
911 Praise, O praise our God and King (Psalms 47:6-7)
24A The whole earth is the Lord's (Psalms 47:7)
24B This earth belongs to God (Psalms 47:7)
546 God has spoken-by his prophets (Psalms 47:7)
11 I've found my refuge in the Lord (Psalms 47:8)
123 Up to you I lift my eyes (Psalms 47:8)
238 Here on the threshold of a new beginning (Psalms 47:8)
Psalms 48
145A O Lord! My God and King (Psalms 48:1)
145B I will exalt you, God my King (Psalms 48:1)
179 Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise (Psalms 48:1)
190 O Lord my God! When I in awesome wonder (Psalms 48:1)
965 Children of the heavenly King (Psalms 48:1)
50 God the Lord, the King Almighty (Psalms 48:1-2)
87 Zion, founded on the mountain (Psalms 48:1-2)
971 Jerusalem the golden (Psalms 48:1-2)
125 Those who rely on the Lord are unshakeable (Psalms 48:1-3)
621 God of the world's great cities (Psalms 48:1-3)
122 How pleased and blessed was I (Psalms 48:8-14)
621 God of the world's great cities (Psalms 48:8-14)
495 Rejoice, the Lord is King (Psalms 48:11)
136 Give to our God immortal praise (Psalms 48:14)
161 Now thank we all our God (Psalms 48:14)
262 Sovereign ruler of the skies (Psalms 48:14)
315 Meekness and majesty (Psalms 48:14)
549 The heavens declare your glory, Lord! (Psalms 48:14)
603 Come, my soul, your plea prepare (Psalms 48:14)
611 O Lord, our guardian and our guide (Psalms 48:14)
868 Guide me, O my great Redeemer (Psalms 48:14)
869 All the way my Saviour leads me (Psalms 48:14)
871 I do not know what lies ahead (Psalms 48:14)
874 Your way, not mine, O Lord (Psalms 48:14)
875 Begone, unbelief! (Psalms 48:14)
878 Still near me, O my Saviour, stand (Psalms 48:14)
905 Abide with me, fast falls the eventide (Psalms 48:14)
965 Children of the heavenly King (Psalms 48:14)
Psalms 49
49 O people, listen—hear God's wisdom crying! (Psalms 49)
78 Listen, my friends, to each word (Psalms 49:1)
436 No weight of gold or silver (Psalms 49:6-8)
39 I kept my mouth from every sinful word (Psalms 49:10)
351 Child of the stable's secret birth (Psalms 49:14-15)
73 What blessings God bestows (Psalms 49:15)
189 O bless the Lord, my soul! (Psalms 49:15)
386 As with gladness men of old (Psalms 49:15)
552 Thanks to God, whose word was spoken (Psalms 49:15)
901 O Jesus, I have promised (Psalms 49:15)
Psalms 50
50 God the Lord, the King Almighty (Psalms 50)
113 O praise, you servants of the Lord (Psalms 50:1)
215 Awake, my soul, and with the sun (Psalms 50:1)
546 God has spoken-by his prophets (Psalms 50:1)
552 Thanks to God, whose word was spoken (Psalms 50:1)
619 From the sun's rising (Psalms 50:1-2)
94 O Lord, O Judge of all the earth (Psalms 50:2)
187 O God beyond all praising (Psalms 50:2)
309 Jesus, Jesus, all-sufficient (Psalms 50:2)
737 O matchless beauty of our God (Psalms 50:2)
563 Speak, Lord, in the stillness (Psalms 50:3)
97 The Lord is King! With joyful sound (Psalms 50:6)
363 Joy to the world, the Lord has come (Psalms 50:6)
963 When you, my righteous judge, shall come (Psalms 50:6)
453 When I survey the wondrous cross (Psalms 50:7-15)
204 All things bright and beautiful (Psalms 50:10-11)
207 God is great, amazing! (Psalms 50:10-11)
24A The whole earth is the Lord's (Psalms 50:12)
24B This earth belongs to God (Psalms 50:12)
214 I sing the almighty power of God (Psalms 50:12)
1325 You have called us out of darkest night (Psalms 50:12)
66 Shout with joy to God, all nations (Psalms 50:14)
215 Awake, my soul, and with the sun (Psalms 50:14)
411 Alas! And did my Saviour bleed (Psalms 50:14)
721 O happy day, that fixed my choice (Psalms 50:14)
116 I love my Lord because he heard my voice (Psalms 50:14-15)
261 Sing praise to God who reigns above (Psalms 50:14-15)
948 As if you were not there (Psalms 50:21)
Psalms 51
51 Lord, have mercy: in your goodness (Psalms 51)
681 Jesus, Lamb of God (Psalms 51:1)
828 O Jesus, full of truth and grace (Psalms 51:1)
903 Rejoice, believer, in the Lord (Psalms 51:1)
823 Almighty Lord most high, draw near (Psalms 51:1-3)
679 Lord Jesus, think on me (Psalms 51:1-10)
506 Christ is surely coming, bringing his reward (Psalms 51:2)
684 Cleanse me from my sin, Lord (Psalms 51:2)
814 Purify my heart (Psalms 51:2)
829 Search me, O God, and know my heart today (Psalms 51:2)
807 Blessed are the humble souls we see (Psalms 51:2-10)
24A The whole earth is the Lord's (Psalms 51:10)
24B This earth belongs to God (Psalms 51:10)
73 What blessings God bestows (Psalms 51:10)
465 Jesus lives! Your terrors now (Psalms 51:10)
472 The day of resurrection (Psalms 51:10)
517 Breathe on me, breath of God (Psalms 51:10)
684 Cleanse me from my sin, Lord (Psalms 51:10)
812 O for a heart to praise my God (Psalms 51:10)
814 Purify my heart (Psalms 51:10)
828 O Jesus, full of truth and grace (Psalms 51:10)
525 Wind of God, dynamic Spirit (Psalms 51:10-11)
529 Away with our fears (Psalms 51:10-11)
541 O breath of life, come sweeping through us (Psalms 51:12)
714 Love divine, all loves excelling (Psalms 51:12)
825 From a life of weariness (Psalms 51:12)
142 I seek the Lord in grief, in pain (Psalms 51:12-13)
727 Beyond all knowledge is your love divine (Psalms 51:12-13)
35 Contend, O Lord, with those (Psalms 51:14)
502 Arise, my soul, arise (Psalms 51:14)
850 Take my life, and let it be (Psalms 51:14-15)
157 God of my life, to you I pray (Psalms 51:15)
40 Patient in hope, I sought the Lord (Psalms 51:16)
50 God the Lord, the King Almighty (Psalms 51:16)
188 O holy, holy Lord (Psalms 51:17)
607 Great Shepherd of your people, hear! (Psalms 51:17)
610 Lord, teach us how to pray aright (Psalms 51:17)
643 Bread of the world in mercy broken (Psalms 51:17)
652 In memory of the Saviour's love (Psalms 51:17)
699 Beneath the cross of Jesus (Psalms 51:17)
812 O for a heart to praise my God (Psalms 51:17)
823 Almighty Lord most high, draw near (Psalms 51:17)
147 O praise the Lord! Sing praises! (Psalms 51:18)
Psalms 52
52 Why, mighty hero, must you boast (Psalms 52)
184 Let all the world in every corner sing (Psalms 52)
203 All creatures of our God and King (Psalms 52)
231 Sweet is the work, my God, my King (Psalms 52)
546 God has spoken-by his prophets (Psalms 52)
687 Assist me here, my God and King (Psalms 52)
760 I am not skilled to understand (Psalms 52)
302 Immortal honours rest on Jesus' head (Psalms 52:1)
92 Make music to the Lord most high (Psalms 52:8)
179 Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise (Psalms 52:8)
610 Lord, teach us how to pray aright (Psalms 52:8)
279 O thank the Lord, O thank the Lord (Psalms 52:9)
Psalms 53
14 The fool whose heart declares in pride (Psalms 53)
20 The Lord be near us as we pray (Psalms 53)
53 The fool has said within his heart (Psalms 53)
159 Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty (Psalms 53)
187 O God beyond all praising (Psalms 53)
217 When morning gilds the skies (Psalms 53)
219 New every morning is the love (Psalms 53)
222 The day you gave us, Lord, is ended (Psalms 53)
257 God of the ages (Psalms 53)
491 Jesus shall reign where'er the sun (Psalms 53)
941 O splendour of God's glory bright (Psalms 53)
621 God of the world's great cities (Psalms 53:1)
126 The Lord restored us - we were freed (Psalms 53:6)
277 O bless the God of Israel (Psalms 53:6)
Psalms 54
54 By your name, O God, now save me (Psalms 54)
754 Be still, my soul: The Lord is on your side (Psalms 54:4)
Psalms 55
55 Listen to my prayer, O God (Psalms 55)
950 Judge eternal, throned in splendour (Psalms 55:9)
925 Remember, Lord, the world you made (Psalms 55:9-11)
41 Lord, may our hearts within us burn (Psalms 55:12-14)
614 What a friend we have in Jesus (Psalms 55:12-14)
767 Though troubles assail (Psalms 55:12-14)
843 Jesus, I my cross have taken (Psalms 55:12-14)
546 God has spoken-by his prophets (Psalms 55:19)
28 O Lord my rock, to you I cry aloud (Psalms 55:21)
194 O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness (Psalms 55:22)
203 All creatures of our God and King (Psalms 55:22)
600 Approach my soul, the mercy-seat (Psalms 55:22)
607 Great Shepherd of your people, hear! (Psalms 55:22)
614 What a friend we have in Jesus (Psalms 55:22)
658 Sit down beneath his shadow (Psalms 55:22)
708 O my Saviour, lifted (Psalms 55:22)
808 Jesus, my strength, my hope (Psalms 55:22)
893 Cast your burden on the Lord (Psalms 55:22)
897 In the hour of trial (Psalms 55:22)
Psalms 56
56 Merciful and gracious be (Psalms 56)
57 O God, from whom all mercy springs (Psalms 56:1)
249 King of the universe, Lord of the ages (Psalms 56:1-7)
703 Jesus, I will trust you (Psalms 56:3)
682 Jesus, Lover of my soul (Psalms 56:4)
102 Lord, hear my prayer! My cry shall come before you (Psalms 56:8)
894 Come, O fount of every blessing (Psalms 56:8)
682 Jesus, Lover of my soul (Psalms 56:11)
758 Have faith in God, my heart (Psalms 56:11)
821 Walk in the light, and you shall know (Psalms 56:12)
261 Sing praise to God who reigns above (Psalms 56:13)
267 Bless the Lord, my soul (Psalms 56:13)
Psalms 57
57 O God, from whom all mercy springs (Psalms 57)
138 I'll praise you, Lord, with heart content and joyful (Psalms 57)
36 No fear of God before the eyes (Psalms 57:1)
56 Merciful and gracious be (Psalms 57:1)
61 O God, hear me calling and answer, I pray! (Psalms 57:1)
63 God is my great desire (Psalms 57:1)
91A Shelter safely in the shadow (Psalms 57:1)
682 Jesus, Lover of my soul (Psalms 57:1)
168 Almighty God, whose name is great (Psalms 57:5)
183 I will give thanks to you (Psalms 57:5)
298 Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna in the highest (Psalms 57:5)
352 Christians, awake! Salute the happy morn (Psalms 57:5)
485 He is exalted (Psalms 57:5)
108 My heart is ready, O my God (Psalms 57:5-11)
480 Crown him with many crowns (Psalms 57:7-9)
781 Now I have found the ground wherein (Psalms 57:7-10)
894 Come, O fount of every blessing (Psalms 57:7-10)
212 Sing to the Lord with all of your heart (Psalms 57:8)
183 I will give thanks to you (Psalms 57:9-11)
325 O the deep, deep love of Jesus (Psalms 57:10)
340 Who can cheer the heart like Jesus (Psalms 57:10)
168 Almighty God, whose name is great (Psalms 57:11)
183 I will give thanks to you (Psalms 57:11)
298 Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna in the highest (Psalms 57:11)
352 Christians, awake! Salute the happy morn (Psalms 57:11)
485 He is exalted (Psalms 57:11)
Psalms 58
58 O mighty rulers, can you claim (Psalms 58)
878 Still near me, O my Saviour, stand (Psalms 58)
950 Judge eternal, throned in splendour (Psalms 58:11)
Psalms 59
59 Deliver me from all my foes (Psalms 59)
143 Hear me, O Lord, in my distress (Psalms 59:1)
69A Save me, O God, I sink into the depths (Psalms 59:3-4)
2A Why do all the nations rage (Psalms 59:8)
2B Why do the nations rage and cry (Psalms 59:8)
883 Fight the good fight with all your might (Psalms 59:9)
83 O God, do not keep silent (Psalms 59:13)
219 New every morning is the love (Psalms 59:16)
273 Your mercy, my God, is the theme of my song (Psalms 59:16)
543 Sovereign Lord, we sing your glory (Psalms 59:16)
705 Rock of Ages, cleft for me (Psalms 59:16)
848 Lord of our dawning, who brought us to birth (Psalms 59:16)
883 Fight the good fight with all your might (Psalms 59:17)
Psalms 60
60 When troubles come and hopes depart (Psalms 60)
80 Israel's shepherd, hear our prayer (Psalms 60:1-2)
294 Come, let us worship Jesus (Psalms 60:4)
865 The Son of God rides out to war (Psalms 60:4)
890 Stand up, stand up for Jesus (Psalms 60:4)
648 Here, O my Lord, may I behold your face (Psalms 60:11)
682 Jesus, Lover of my soul (Psalms 60:11)
482 God is gone up on high (Psalms 60:12)
Psalms 61
1043 Listen to my prayer, Lord (Psalms 61)
18 I love you, O Lord, you alone (Psalms 61:2-3)
732 Lord, be my vision, supreme in my heart (Psalms 61:3)
767 Though troubles assail (Psalms 61:3)
36 No fear of God before the eyes (Psalms 61:4)
57 O God, from whom all mercy springs (Psalms 61:4)
63 God is my great desire (Psalms 61:4)
91A Shelter safely in the shadow (Psalms 61:4)
215 Awake, my soul, and with the sun (Psalms 61:5)
721 O happy day, that fixed my choice (Psalms 61:5)
901 O Jesus, I have promised (Psalms 61:5-8)
215 Awake, my soul, and with the sun (Psalms 61:8)
319 My Jesus, my Saviour (Psalms 61:8)
721 O happy day, that fixed my choice (Psalms 61:8)
Psalms 62
62 My soul finds rest in God alone (Psalms 62)
1229 My soul finds rest in God alone (Psalms 62)
33 Let all the righteous to the Lord (Psalms 62:1)
40 Patient in hope, I sought the Lord (Psalms 62:1)
808 Jesus, my strength, my hope (Psalms 62:1)
261 Sing praise to God who reigns above (Psalms 62:1-2)
754 Be still, my soul: The Lord is on your side (Psalms 62:1-2)
759 I rest in God alone (Psalms 62:1-2)
28 O Lord my rock, to you I cry aloud (Psalms 62:4)
608 Lord Jesus Christ, we seek your face (Psalms 62:5)
37 When lawless people thrive (Psalms 62:5-8)
759 I rest in God alone (Psalms 62:5-8)
348 On Jordan's bank the baptist's cry (Psalms 62:7)
698 I am trusting you, Lord Jesus (Psalms 62:8)
49 O people, listen—hear God's wisdom crying! (Psalms 62:9)
Psalms 63
42 As the fainting deer cries out (Psalms 63:1)
84 O Lord of hosts, how lovely is your dwelling-place! (Psalms 63:1)
142 I seek the Lord in grief, in pain (Psalms 63:1)
143 Hear me, O Lord, in my distress (Psalms 63:1)
244 God of glory, we exalt your name (Psalms 63:1)
540 Revive your church, O Lord (Psalms 63:1)
612 Prayer is the soul's sincere desire (Psalms 63:1)
691 My Lord, I did not choose you (Psalms 63:1)
730 Jesus, priceless treasure (Psalms 63:1)
813 O sweetest love, O love divine (Psalms 63:1)
746 As water to the thirsty (Psalms 63:1-2)
543 Sovereign Lord, we sing your glory (Psalms 63:2)
838 Fill all my life, O Lord my God (Psalms 63:3-4)
145A O Lord! My God and King (Psalms 63:4)
145B I will exalt you, God my King (Psalms 63:4)
146 I'll praise my Maker while I've breath (Psalms 63:4)
217 When morning gilds the skies (Psalms 63:4)
735 My Jesus, I love you, I know you are mine; (Psalms 63:4)
943 All who wake tonight (Psalms 63:6)
36 No fear of God before the eyes (Psalms 63:7)
57 O God, from whom all mercy springs (Psalms 63:7)
61 O God, hear me calling and answer, I pray! (Psalms 63:7)
91A Shelter safely in the shadow (Psalms 63:7)
584 Farewell, friend(s) in Christ (Psalms 63:11)
Psalms 64
64 Receive, O God, my anguished prayer (Psalms 64)
90 O Lord our God, in every age (Psalms 64)
749 O how the grace of God (Psalms 64:1-3)
140 Deliver me from evil (Psalms 64:10)
Psalms 65
721 O happy day, that fixed my choice (Psalms 65:1)
600 Approach my soul, the mercy-seat (Psalms 65:2)
602 Behold the throne of grace (Psalms 65:2)
603 Come, my soul, your plea prepare (Psalms 65:2)
614 What a friend we have in Jesus (Psalms 65:2)
677 Today your mercy calls us (Psalms 65:2)
774 A sovereign protector I have (Psalms 65:2)
808 Jesus, my strength, my hope (Psalms 65:2)
876 God of my life, to you I call (Psalms 65:2)
84 O Lord of hosts, how lovely is your dwelling-place! (Psalms 65:4)
227 Come, let us with our Lord arise (Psalms 65:4)
674 The trumpets sound, the angels sing (Psalms 65:4)
107 Give thanks to God, for he is good, his love will never end (Psalms 65:5)
195 Praise the Lord, you heavens, adore him (Psalms 65:5)
261 Sing praise to God who reigns above (Psalms 65:5)
694 One thing I know (Psalms 65:5)
915 Eternal Father, strong to save (Psalms 65:5-7)
107 Give thanks to God, for he is good, his love will never end (Psalms 65:7)
508 I cannot tell why he whom angels worship (Psalms 65:7)
204 All things bright and beautiful (Psalms 65:8)
203 All creatures of our God and King (Psalms 65:8-13)
916 For the fruits of his creation (Psalms 65:9)
917 Rain on the earth by heaven's blessing (Psalms 65:9-10)
919 We plough the fields, and scatter (Psalms 65:9-11)
210 O Lord of heaven and earth and sea (Psalms 65:9-13)
911 Praise, O praise our God and King (Psalms 65:9-13)
918 To you, O Lord, our hearts we raise (Psalms 65:9-13)
144 I'll praise the Lord, my rock (Psalms 65:11-13)
Psalms 66
66 Shout with joy to God, all nations (Psalms 66)
69A Save me, O God, I sink into the depths (Psalms 66)
95 Come with all joy to sing to God (Psalms 66:1)
98A Sing to God new songs of worship (Psalms 66:1)
98B New songs of celebration render (Psalms 66:1)
749 O how the grace of God (Psalms 66:1)
184 Let all the world in every corner sing (Psalms 66:1-4)
342 You servants of God (Psalms 66:1-4)
508 I cannot tell why he whom angels worship (Psalms 66:4)
616 Go forth and tell! O church of God, awake (Psalms 66:4)
46A God is our refuge and our strength (Psalms 66:5)
46B God is our strength and refuge (Psalms 66:5)
571 Head of your church triumphant (Psalms 66:11-12)
168 Almighty God, whose name is great (Psalms 66:12)
302 Immortal honours rest on Jesus' head (Psalms 66:12)
552 Thanks to God, whose word was spoken (Psalms 66:12)
877 How firm a foundation, you saints of the Lord (Psalms 66:12)
50 God the Lord, the King Almighty (Psalms 66:13-15)
51 Lord, have mercy: in your goodness (Psalms 66:13-15)
34 Tell his praise in song and story (Psalms 66:16)
179 Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise (Psalms 66:16)
342 You servants of God (Psalms 66:16)
615 What various hindrances we meet (Psalms 66:16)
751 Where shall my wondering soul begin (Psalms 66:16)
601 As we come before you to pray (Psalms 66:18)
299 How sweet the name of Jesus sounds (Psalms 66:18-19)
116 I love my Lord because he heard my voice (Psalms 66:19-20)
293 Blessed be God our God (Psalms 66:20)
Psalms 67
67 God of mercy, God of grace (Psalms 67)
1087 May God be gracious (Psalms 67)
1325 You have called us out of darkest night (Psalms 67)
317 Mighty God, while angels bless you (Psalms 67:3-5)
96 O sing a new song (Psalms 67:4)
98A Sing to God new songs of worship (Psalms 67:4)
98B New songs of celebration render (Psalms 67:4)
359 Hark! The herald angels sing (Psalms 67:4)
363 Joy to the world, the Lord has come (Psalms 67:4)
911 Praise, O praise our God and King (Psalms 67:5-7)
65 Every heart its tribute pays (Psalms 67:6)
357 Glory be to God on high (Psalms 67:6)
210 O Lord of heaven and earth and sea (Psalms 67:6-7)
Psalms 68
68 Let God arise! His enemies be gone (Psalms 68)
513 Your Kingdom come, O God (Psalms 68:1)
575 Onward! Christian Soldiers (Psalms 68:1-8)
588 Singing songs of expectation (Psalms 68:3-4)
490 Jesus is King (Psalms 68:4)
925 Remember, Lord, the world you made (Psalms 68:5)
891 We are marching in the light of God (Psalms 68:7-8)
911 Praise, O praise our God and King (Psalms 68:9-10)
542 See how great a flame aspires (Psalms 68:11)
553 God in his wisdom, for our learning (Psalms 68:11)
714 Love divine, all loves excelling (Psalms 68:16)
197 Songs of praise the angels sang (Psalms 68:18)
482 God is gone up on high (Psalms 68:18)
261 Sing praise to God who reigns above (Psalms 68:19)
571 Head of your church triumphant (Psalms 68:19)
195 Praise the Lord, you heavens, adore him (Psalms 68:19-20)
694 One thing I know (Psalms 68:19-20)
575 Onward! Christian Soldiers (Psalms 68:24)
575 Onward! Christian Soldiers (Psalms 68:26)
244 God of glory, we exalt your name (Psalms 68:33)
794 Come, we that love the Lord (Psalms 68:33-35)
281 All hail the power of Jesus' name (Psalms 68:34)
342 You servants of God (Psalms 68:34-35)
293 Blessed be God our God (Psalms 68:35)
836 All for Jesus, all for Jesus (Psalms 68:35)
Psalms 69
69A Save me, O God, I sink into the depths (Psalms 69)
69B Help me, O God, and hear my cry (Psalms 69)
299 How sweet the name of Jesus sounds (Psalms 69)
32 Happy are those, beyond all measure blessed (Psalms 69:1-2)
682 Jesus, Lover of my soul (Psalms 69:1-2)
130 From the depths of shame and sorrow (Psalms 69:1-3)
443 Stricken, smitten, and afflicted (Psalms 69:1-3)
876 God of my life, to you I call (Psalms 69:1-3)
35 Contend, O Lord, with those (Psalms 69:4)
59 Deliver me from all my foes (Psalms 69:4)
401 My dear Redeemer and my Lord (Psalms 69:9)
595 Give me the faith which can remove (Psalms 69:9)
805 I cannot count your blessings, Lord, they're wonderful (Psalms 69:13)
130 From the depths of shame and sorrow (Psalms 69:13-18)
109 How wickedly they spread their lies (Psalms 69:16-28)
386 As with gladness men of old (Psalms 69:18)
281 All hail the power of Jesus' name (Psalms 69:21)
442 Sing, my tongue, the glorious battle (Psalms 69:21)
443 Stricken, smitten, and afflicted (Psalms 69:26)
185 My soul exalts and magnifies the King (Psalms 69:30)
324 O for a thousand tongues to sing (Psalms 69:30)
628 Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the Lord! (Psalms 69:30)
768 Through all the changing scenes of life (Psalms 69:30)
96 O sing a new song (Psalms 69:34)
458 Christ, the Lord, is risen today (Psalms 69:34)
903 Rejoice, believer, in the Lord (Psalms 69:36)
Psalms 70
40 Patient in hope, I sought the Lord (Psalms 70)
70 Come quickly, Lord, to rescue me (Psalms 70)
35 Contend, O Lord, with those (Psalms 70:1-3)
190 O Lord my God! When I in awesome wonder (Psalms 70:4)
768 Through all the changing scenes of life (Psalms 70:4)
Psalms 71
71 Lord, in you I've taken refuge (Psalms 71)
757 Be still and know that I am God (Psalms 71)
757 Be still and know that I am God (Psalms 71:1)
963 When you, my righteous judge, shall come (Psalms 71:1)
31 In you, O Lord, I find my refuge (Psalms 71:1-3)
177 God, we praise you! God, we bless you! (Psalms 71:5)
262 Sovereign ruler of the skies (Psalms 71:5-6)
161 Now thank we all our God (Psalms 71:6)
10 In my hour of grief or need (Psalms 71:12)
263 When all your mercies, O my God (Psalms 71:14-16)
850 Take my life, and let it be (Psalms 71:15-16)
625 Jesus, the name high over all (Psalms 71:16)
769 We trust in you, our shield and our defender (Psalms 71:16)
78 Listen, my friends, to each word (Psalms 71:18)
35 Contend, O Lord, with those (Psalms 71:19)
126 The Lord restored us - we were freed (Psalms 71:19)
246 Great God of wonders, all your ways (Psalms 71:19)
542 See how great a flame aspires (Psalms 71:19)
676 To God be the glory! Great things he has done (Psalms 71:19)
739 Who is there like you (Psalms 71:19)
108 My heart is ready, O my God (Psalms 71:22)
150 Praise the Lord who reigns above (Psalms 71:22)
324 O for a thousand tongues to sing (Psalms 71:23)
495 Rejoice, the Lord is King (Psalms 71:23)
555 Lord God, who breathed your word of old (Psalms 71:23)
649 Come, O everlasting Spirit (Psalms 71:23)
Psalms 72
72 A King on high is reigning (Psalms 72)
484 Hail to the Lord's anointed (Psalms 72)
491 Jesus shall reign where'er the sun (Psalms 72)
924 O God, whose all-sustaining hand (Psalms 72:1-4)
482 God is gone up on high (Psalms 72:2)
564 Behold, the mountain of the Lord (Psalms 72:2-3)
513 Your Kingdom come, O God (Psalms 72:2-7)
136 Give to our God immortal praise (Psalms 72:5-7)
507 Hark! The song of jubilee (Psalms 72:8-9)
489 I will build my church (Psalms 72:9)
480 Crown him with many crowns (Psalms 72:11)
944 Beauty for brokenness, hope for despair (Psalms 72:11-14)
905 Abide with me, fast falls the eventide (Psalms 72:12)
273 Your mercy, my God, is the theme of my song (Psalms 72:12-13)
386 As with gladness men of old (Psalms 72:13-14)
194 O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness (Psalms 72:15)
387 Brightest and best of the sons of the morning (Psalms 72:15)
89 For ever, Lord, I'll sing your love (Psalms 72:17-19)
160 Infinite God, to you we raise (Psalms 72:17-19)
171 From all that dwell beneath the skies (Psalms 72:17-19)
77 I cried out to God to help me (Psalms 72:18)
139 You, O Lord, have searched and known me (Psalms 72:18)
246 Great God of wonders, all your ways (Psalms 72:18)
952 O God of love, O King of peace (Psalms 72:18)
196 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation (Psalms 72:18-19)
342 You servants of God (Psalms 72:18-19)
543 Sovereign Lord, we sing your glory (Psalms 72:18-19)
756 God has promised many things (Psalms 72:18-19)
41 Lord, may our hearts within us burn (Psalms 72:19)
106 Praise the Lord! give thanks for ever (Psalms 72:19)
191 Praise God from whom all blessings flow (Psalms 72:19)
193 Round the Lord in glory seated (Psalms 72:19)
198 Stand up and bless the Lord (Psalms 72:19)
248 Immortal, invisible, God only wise (Psalms 72:19)
318 My heart and voice I raise (Psalms 72:19)
399 I have a friend whose faithful love (Psalms 72:19)
Psalms 73
73 What blessings God bestows (Psalms 73)
1010 Whom have I in heaven but you? (Psalms 73)
37 When lawless people thrive (Psalms 73:1-19)
626 Love songs from heaven are filling the earth (Psalms 73:3-12)
842 I bind myself to God today (Psalms 73:21-26)
611 O Lord, our guardian and our guide (Psalms 73:23)
214 I sing the almighty power of God (Psalms 73:23-24)
871 I do not know what lies ahead (Psalms 73:23-24)
794 Come, we that love the Lord (Psalms 73:23-26)
215 Awake, my soul, and with the sun (Psalms 73:24)
549 The heavens declare your glory, Lord! (Psalms 73:24)
559 Our Father God, your name we praise (Psalms 73:24)
562 The Spirit breathes upon the Word (Psalms 73:24)
878 Still near me, O my Saviour, stand (Psalms 73:24)
901 O Jesus, I have promised (Psalms 73:24)
178 Great is the gospel of our glorious God (Psalms 73:24-26)
231 Sweet is the work, my God, my King (Psalms 73:24-26)
735 My Jesus, I love you, I know you are mine; (Psalms 73:24-26)
738 Object of my first desire (Psalms 73:24-26)
772 Amazing grace-how sweet the sound (Psalms 73:24-26)
252 Faithful God, faithful God (Psalms 73:25)
333 The Word was very God (Psalms 73:25)
691 My Lord, I did not choose you (Psalms 73:25)
703 Jesus, I will trust you (Psalms 73:25)
956 My Lord, you wore no royal crown (Psalms 73:25)
302 Immortal honours rest on Jesus' head (Psalms 73:25-26)
738 Object of my first desire (Psalms 73:25-26)
844 Jesus, your boundless love to me (Psalms 73:25-26)
742 You I will love, my strength, my tower (Psalms 73:26)
782 O Christ, in you my soul has found (Psalms 73:26)
905 Abide with me, fast falls the eventide (Psalms 73:26)
Psalms 74
74 O God, why have you cast us off for ever (Psalms 74)
44 We have heard of your deeds, Lord, in days that are past (Psalms 74:1)
95 Come with all joy to sing to God (Psalms 74:1)
948 As if you were not there (Psalms 74:1)
76 In Judah's kingdom God is known (Psalms 74:2)
79 O God, the heathen have attacked (Psalms 74:3-7)
94 O Lord, O Judge of all the earth (Psalms 74:10)
324 O for a thousand tongues to sing (Psalms 74:12)
546 God has spoken-by his prophets (Psalms 74:12)
211 Roar the waves, the waters praising (Psalms 74:12-15)
89 For ever, Lord, I'll sing your love (Psalms 74:13-14)
215 Awake, my soul, and with the sun (Psalms 74:16-17)
204 All things bright and beautiful (Psalms 74:17)
923 In the beginning, at the dawn of time (Psalms 74:20)
Psalms 75
75 O God, we thank you that your name (Psalms 75)
613 There is an eye that never sleeps (Psalms 75:3)
185 My soul exalts and magnifies the King (Psalms 75:7)
628 Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the Lord! (Psalms 75:7)
236 By gracious powers so wonderfully sheltered (Psalms 75:7-8)
Psalms 76
76 In Judah's kingdom God is known (Psalms 76)
513 Your Kingdom come, O God (Psalms 76)
74 O God, why have you cast us off for ever (Psalms 76:2)
46A God is our refuge and our strength (Psalms 76:3)
46B God is our strength and refuge (Psalms 76:3)
955 Who can sound the depths of sorrow (Psalms 76:7)
950 Judge eternal, throned in splendour (Psalms 76:8-9)
952 O God of love, O King of peace (Psalms 76:8-10)
250 O Father, you are sovereign (Psalms 76:10)
Psalms 77
77 I cried out to God to help me (Psalms 77)
938 Dear Lord, for all in pain (Psalms 77:1-2)
943 All who wake tonight (Psalms 77:1-6)
44 We have heard of your deeds, Lord, in days that are past (Psalms 77:5)
143 Hear me, O Lord, in my distress (Psalms 77:5)
388 Wise men, they came to look for wisdom (Psalms 77:6)
952 O God of love, O King of peace (Psalms 77:10-15)
44 We have heard of your deeds, Lord, in days that are past (Psalms 77:11)
143 Hear me, O Lord, in my distress (Psalms 77:11)
241 Begin, my soul, a heavenly theme (Psalms 77:11-14)
160 Infinite God, to you we raise (Psalms 77:14)
161 Now thank we all our God (Psalms 77:14)
246 Great God of wonders, all your ways (Psalms 77:14)
114 When Israel fled from Egypt (Psalms 77:16)
264 The Lord eternal reigns (Psalms 77:18)
247 How shall I sing that majesty (Psalms 77:19)
256 God moves in a mysterious way (Psalms 77:19)
901 O Jesus, I have promised (Psalms 77:19-20)
78 Listen, my friends, to each word (Psalms 77:20)
80 Israel's shepherd, hear our prayer (Psalms 77:20)
869 All the way my Saviour leads me (Psalms 77:20)
Psalms 78
78 Listen, my friends, to each word (Psalms 78)
579 Your hand, O God, has guided (Psalms 78:1-7)
683 Tell me the old, old story (Psalms 78:1-7)
937 God the Father, name we treasure (Psalms 78:1-7)
44 We have heard of your deeds, Lord, in days that are past (Psalms 78:3-7)
48 Great is the Lord: His praise is great (Psalms 78:3-7)
71 Lord, in you I've taken refuge (Psalms 78:3-7)
89 For ever, Lord, I'll sing your love (Psalms 78:3-7)
211 Roar the waves, the waters praising (Psalms 78:4)
307 How wonderful the works of God (Psalms 78:4)
934 O God, your life-creating love (Psalms 78:4)
213 Who can bind the raging sea (Psalms 78:6-7)
791 Why should I fear the darkest hour (Psalms 78:9)
105 Give thanks to God, call on his name (Psalms 78:12-16)
571 Head of your church triumphant (Psalms 78:13)
583 Come, let us join our friends above (Psalms 78:13)
868 Guide me, O my great Redeemer (Psalms 78:14-16)
869 All the way my Saviour leads me (Psalms 78:15-16)
651 I hunger and I thirst (Psalms 78:15-29)
95 Come with all joy to sing to God (Psalms 78:18)
106 Praise the Lord! give thanks for ever (Psalms 78:18)
958 How long, O Lord, have you bestowed (Psalms 78:21-22)
559 Our Father God, your name we praise (Psalms 78:23-25)
868 Guide me, O my great Redeemer (Psalms 78:23-25)
657 Shepherd of souls, refresh and bless (Psalms 78:25)
958 How long, O Lord, have you bestowed (Psalms 78:31-32)
39 I kept my mouth from every sinful word (Psalms 78:33)
734 My heart is full of Christ, and longs (Psalms 78:35)
714 Love divine, all loves excelling (Psalms 78:38)
805 I cannot count your blessings, Lord, they're wonderful (Psalms 78:38)
103A Praise the Lord! My soul is singing (Psalms 78:39)
103B Praise my soul, the King of heaven (Psalms 78:39)
106 Praise the Lord! give thanks for ever (Psalms 78:43)
105 Give thanks to God, call on his name (Psalms 78:43-51)
77 I cried out to God to help me (Psalms 78:52-53)
39 I kept my mouth from every sinful word (Psalms 78:52-54)
894 Come, O fount of every blessing (Psalms 78:52-54)
44 We have heard of your deeds, Lord, in days that are past (Psalms 78:55)
958 How long, O Lord, have you bestowed (Psalms 78:56-62)
87 Zion, founded on the mountain (Psalms 78:68)
132 Lord, we pray, remember David (Psalms 78:68)
77 I cried out to God to help me (Psalms 78:72)
Psalms 79
79 O God, the heathen have attacked (Psalms 79)
829 Search me, O God, and know my heart today (Psalms 79)
834 Search me, O God! My actions try (Psalms 79)
74 O God, why have you cast us off for ever (Psalms 79:1)
44 We have heard of your deeds, Lord, in days that are past (Psalms 79:4)
13 How long will you forget me, Lord (Psalms 79:5)
89 For ever, Lord, I'll sing your love (Psalms 79:5)
952 O God of love, O King of peace (Psalms 79:8)
195 Praise the Lord, you heavens, adore him (Psalms 79:9)
261 Sing praise to God who reigns above (Psalms 79:9)
42 As the fainting deer cries out (Psalms 79:10)
102 Lord, hear my prayer! My cry shall come before you (Psalms 79:11)
Psalms 80
80 Israel's shepherd, hear our prayer (Psalms 80)
77 I cried out to God to help me (Psalms 80:1)
78 Listen, my friends, to each word (Psalms 80:1)
376 See, amid the winter's snow (Psalms 80:1)
533 Lord, the light of your love is shining (Psalms 80:1)
607 Great Shepherd of your people, hear! (Psalms 80:1-3)
609 Lord Jesus, when your people meet (Psalms 80:1-3)
734 My heart is full of Christ, and longs (Psalms 80:2)
126 The Lord restored us - we were freed (Psalms 80:3)
533 Lord, the light of your love is shining (Psalms 80:3)
540 Revive your church, O Lord (Psalms 80:3)
541 O breath of life, come sweeping through us (Psalms 80:3)
89 For ever, Lord, I'll sing your love (Psalms 80:4)
605 How weak my spirit is, O Lord (Psalms 80:4-5)
Psalms 81
81 To God our strength come, sing aloud (Psalms 81)
192 O Lord our God, how majestic is your name (Psalms 81)
201 We declare your majesty (Psalms 81)
476 The Lord is risen indeed (Psalms 81:1-2)
Psalms 82
82 God is King—be warned, you mighty (Psalms 82)
407 All glory, praise and honour (Psalms 82)
491 Jesus shall reign where'er the sun (Psalms 82)
932 God of mercy, hear our prayer (Psalms 82)
1240 The cry is heard from heaven (Psalms 82)
924 O God, whose all-sustaining hand (Psalms 82:1-4)
616 Go forth and tell! O church of God, awake (Psalms 82:5)
Psalms 83
83 O God, do not keep silent (Psalms 83)
92 Make music to the Lord most high (Psalms 83)
148 Praise him, praise him, praise him (Psalms 83)
190 O Lord my God! When I in awesome wonder (Psalms 83)
295 Fairest Lord Jesus (Psalms 83)
327 Praise be to Christ in whom we see (Psalms 83)
351 Child of the stable's secret birth (Psalms 83)
396 From heaven you came, helpless babe (Psalms 83)
28 O Lord my rock, to you I cry aloud (Psalms 83:1)
2A Why do all the nations rage (Psalms 83:2-5)
2B Why do the nations rage and cry (Psalms 83:2-5)
59 Deliver me from all my foes (Psalms 83:18)
Psalms 84
84 O Lord of hosts, how lovely is your dwelling-place! (Psalms 84)
144 I'll praise the Lord, my rock (Psalms 84)
187 O God beyond all praising (Psalms 84)
84A How delightful is your dwelling (Psalms 84)
26 In judgement, Lord, arise (Psalms 84:1-2)
42 As the fainting deer cries out (Psalms 84:1-2)
63 God is my great desire (Psalms 84:1-2)
122 How pleased and blessed was I (Psalms 84:1-2)
142 I seek the Lord in grief, in pain (Psalms 84:2)
730 Jesus, priceless treasure (Psalms 84:2)
184 Let all the world in every corner sing (Psalms 84:3)
203 All creatures of our God and King (Psalms 84:3)
207 God is great, amazing! (Psalms 84:3)
220 Lord, as I wake I turn to you (Psalms 84:3)
546 God has spoken-by his prophets (Psalms 84:3)
760 I am not skilled to understand (Psalms 84:3)
909 The sands of time are sinking (Psalms 84:5-7)
965 Children of the heavenly King (Psalms 84:5-7)
338 To the name of our salvation (Psalms 84:6)
357 Glory be to God on high (Psalms 84:6)
508 I cannot tell why he whom angels worship (Psalms 84:6)
967 Hear the church triumphant singing (Psalms 84:6)
889 Soldiers of Christ, arise (Psalms 84:7)
3 O Lord, how many enemies (Psalms 84:9)
347 Hark! A trumpet-call is sounding (Psalms 84:11)
648 Here, O my Lord, may I behold your face (Psalms 84:11)
774 A sovereign protector I have (Psalms 84:11)
768 Through all the changing scenes of life (Psalms 84:11-12)
906 How blest are they who trust in Christ (Psalms 84:12)
Psalms 85
85 When this land knew God's gracious love outpoured (Psalms 85)
682 Jesus, Lover of my soul (Psalms 85:2)
781 Now I have found the ground wherein (Psalms 85:2)
195 Praise the Lord, you heavens, adore him (Psalms 85:4)
261 Sing praise to God who reigns above (Psalms 85:4)
540 Revive your church, O Lord (Psalms 85:4-6)
531 Lord of the church, we pray for our renewing (Psalms 85:6)
541 O breath of life, come sweeping through us (Psalms 85:6)
833 Your mercy flows upon us like a river (Psalms 85:6-7)
952 O God of love, O King of peace (Psalms 85:8-13)
533 Lord, the light of your love is shining (Psalms 85:9)
950 Judge eternal, throned in splendour (Psalms 85:9)
909 The sands of time are sinking (Psalms 85:9-10)
119B With all my heart I seek (Psalms 85:10)
265 All nature is an open book (Psalms 85:10)
272 O what matchless condescension (Psalms 85:10)
303 Into a world of war and struggle (Psalms 85:10)
313 Let us love and sing and wonder (Psalms 85:10)
414 At the cross of Jesus (Psalms 85:10)
424 Here is love, vast as the ocean (Psalms 85:10)
476 The Lord is risen indeed (Psalms 85:10)
699 Beneath the cross of Jesus (Psalms 85:10)
924 O God, whose all-sustaining hand (Psalms 85:10)
919 We plough the fields, and scatter (Psalms 85:12)
Psalms 86
86 Bow down your ear, O Lord, and hear (Psalms 86)
25 All my soul to God I raise (Psalms 86:4)
495 Rejoice, the Lord is King (Psalms 86:4)
130 From the depths of shame and sorrow (Psalms 86:5)
145A O Lord! My God and King (Psalms 86:5)
145B I will exalt you, God my King (Psalms 86:5)
440 O teach me, Lord, its meaning (Psalms 86:5)
781 Now I have found the ground wherein (Psalms 86:5)
246 Great God of wonders, all your ways (Psalms 86:8)
287 At the name of Jesus (Psalms 86:9)
294 Come, let us worship Jesus (Psalms 86:9)
317 Mighty God, while angels bless you (Psalms 86:9)
349 All my heart this night rejoices (Psalms 86:9)
350 Angels from the realms of glory (Psalms 86:9)
359 Hark! The herald angels sing (Psalms 86:9)
395 All praise to Christ, our Lord and King divine (Psalms 86:9)
508 I cannot tell why he whom angels worship (Psalms 86:9)
616 Go forth and tell! O church of God, awake (Psalms 86:9)
944 Beauty for brokenness, hope for despair (Psalms 86:9)
307 How wonderful the works of God (Psalms 86:10)
721 O happy day, that fixed my choice (Psalms 86:11)
844 Jesus, your boundless love to me (Psalms 86:11)
268 Father God, I wonder how I managed to exist (Psalms 86:12)
314 Lord I lift your name on high (Psalms 86:12)
331 Songs of thankfulness and praise (Psalms 86:12)
337 O Jesus, King most wonderful (Psalms 86:12)
812 O for a heart to praise my God (Psalms 86:12)
103A Praise the Lord! My soul is singing (Psalms 86:15)
103B Praise my soul, the King of heaven (Psalms 86:15)
145A O Lord! My God and King (Psalms 86:15)
145B I will exalt you, God my King (Psalms 86:15)
267 Bless the Lord, my soul (Psalms 86:15)
323 Not the grandeur of the mountains (Psalms 86:15)
324 O for a thousand tongues to sing (Psalms 86:15)
714 Love divine, all loves excelling (Psalms 86:15)
744 Lord, you are so precious to me (Psalms 86:15)
1280 O my soul, arise and bless your Maker (Psalms 86:15)
Psalms 87
87 Zion, founded on the mountain (Psalms 87)
46A God is our refuge and our strength (Psalms 87:1-3)
46B God is our strength and refuge (Psalms 87:1-3)
48 Great is the Lord: His praise is great (Psalms 87:1-3)
621 God of the world's great cities (Psalms 87:1-3)
132 Lord, we pray, remember David (Psalms 87:2)
570 Glorious things of you are spoken (Psalms 87:3)
965 Children of the heavenly King (Psalms 87:3)
557 Lord, I have made your word my choice (Psalms 87:7)
Psalms 88
88 O Lord, the God who saves me (Psalms 88)
1142 Day and night I cry to you (Psalms 88)
875 Begone, unbelief! (Psalms 88:6-7)
876 God of my life, to you I call (Psalms 88:7)
30A I exalt you, Lord eternal (Psalms 88:10-12)
30B I'll lift my voice, O Lord (Psalms 88:10-12)
115 Not to us be glory given (Psalms 88:10-12)
5 O Lord, at early morning hear (Psalms 88:13)
159 Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty (Psalms 88:13)
215 Awake, my soul, and with the sun (Psalms 88:13)
257 God of the ages (Psalms 88:13)
941 O splendour of God's glory bright (Psalms 88:13)
Psalms 89
89 For ever, Lord, I'll sing your love (Psalms 89)
192 O Lord our God, how majestic is your name (Psalms 89)
201 We declare your majesty (Psalms 89)
185 My soul exalts and magnifies the King (Psalms 89:1)
263 When all your mercies, O my God (Psalms 89:1)
273 Your mercy, my God, is the theme of my song (Psalms 89:1)
444 There is a fountain filled with blood (Psalms 89:1)
559 Our Father God, your name we praise (Psalms 89:1)
241 Begin, my soul, a heavenly theme (Psalms 89:1-2)
893 Cast your burden on the Lord (Psalms 89:1-2)
132 Lord, we pray, remember David (Psalms 89:3-4)
148 Praise him, praise him, praise him (Psalms 89:5)
246 Great God of wonders, all your ways (Psalms 89:5-8)
739 Who is there like you (Psalms 89:6-8)
35 Contend, O Lord, with those (Psalms 89:8)
93 The Lord is King supreme (Psalms 89:9)
508 I cannot tell why he whom angels worship (Psalms 89:9)
915 Eternal Father, strong to save (Psalms 89:9)
74 O God, why have you cast us off for ever (Psalms 89:9-10)
185 My soul exalts and magnifies the King (Psalms 89:10)
24A The whole earth is the Lord's (Psalms 89:11)
24B This earth belongs to God (Psalms 89:11)
264 The Lord eternal reigns (Psalms 89:13)
85 When this land knew God's gracious love outpoured (Psalms 89:14)
97 The Lord is King! With joyful sound (Psalms 89:14)
272 O what matchless condescension (Psalms 89:14)
414 At the cross of Jesus (Psalms 89:14)
476 The Lord is risen indeed (Psalms 89:14)
543 Sovereign Lord, we sing your glory (Psalms 89:14)
345 Hark, the glad sound! The Saviour comes (Psalms 89:15)
847 Lord, make your word my rule (Psalms 89:21)
261 Sing praise to God who reigns above (Psalms 89:26)
443 Stricken, smitten, and afflicted (Psalms 89:26)
578 We come before our Fathers' God (Psalms 89:26)
327 Praise be to Christ in whom we see (Psalms 89:27)
546 God has spoken-by his prophets (Psalms 89:29)
484 Hail to the Lord's anointed (Psalms 89:34-36)
72 A King on high is reigning (Psalms 89:35-37)
132 Lord, we pray, remember David (Psalms 89:35-37)
491 Jesus shall reign where'er the sun (Psalms 89:36-37)
102 Lord, hear my prayer! My cry shall come before you (Psalms 89:45)
13 How long will you forget me, Lord (Psalms 89:46)
577 The church's one foundation (Psalms 89:46)
191 Praise God from whom all blessings flow (Psalms 89:52)
196 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation (Psalms 89:52)
215 Awake, my soul, and with the sun (Psalms 89:52)
223 Glory to you, my God, this night (Psalms 89:52)
491 Jesus shall reign where'er the sun (Psalms 89:52)
Psalms 90
90 O Lord our God, in every age (Psalms 90)
495 Rejoice, the Lord is King (Psalms 90:1)
578 We come before our Fathers' God (Psalms 90:1)
247 How shall I sing that majesty (Psalms 90:1-2)
297 Hallelujah! Raise the anthem (Psalms 90:1-2)
789 Through the darkness of the ages (Psalms 90:1-6)
260 Our God, our help in ages past (Psalms 90:1-10)
103A Praise the Lord! My soul is singing (Psalms 90:5-6)
103B Praise my soul, the King of heaven (Psalms 90:5-6)
248 Immortal, invisible, God only wise (Psalms 90:5-6)
39 I kept my mouth from every sinful word (Psalms 90:12)
755 Alone with none but you, my God (Psalms 90:12)
871 I do not know what lies ahead (Psalms 90:12)
6 O Lord, do not rebuke me (Psalms 90:13)
577 The church's one foundation (Psalms 90:13)
295 Fairest Lord Jesus (Psalms 90:17)
810 May the mind of Christ my Saviour (Psalms 90:17)
Psalms 91
91A Shelter safely in the shadow (Psalms 91)
91B Safe in the shadow of the Lord (Psalms 91)
98A Sing to God new songs of worship (Psalms 91)
600 Approach my soul, the mercy-seat (Psalms 91:1-2)
963 When you, my righteous judge, shall come (Psalms 91:1-2)
755 Alone with none but you, my God (Psalms 91:1-7)
11 I've found my refuge in the Lord (Psalms 91:2)
259 God shall alone the refuge be (Psalms 91:2)
786 Our confidence is in the Lord (Psalms 91:2)
888 Our God stands like a fortress rock (Psalms 91:2)
25 All my soul to God I raise (Psalms 91:3)
124 Had not the Lord, let Israel say (Psalms 91:3)
140 Deliver me from evil (Psalms 91:3)
36 No fear of God before the eyes (Psalms 91:4)
57 O God, from whom all mercy springs (Psalms 91:4)
61 O God, hear me calling and answer, I pray! (Psalms 91:4)
842 I bind myself to God today (Psalms 91:4)
873 O God of Bethel, by whose hand (Psalms 91:4)
223 Glory to you, my God, this night (Psalms 91:4-6)
121A I to the hills lift up my eyes (Psalms 91:5-6)
121B Unto the hills around me I lift up (Psalms 91:5-6)
840 How blessed is life if lived for you (Psalms 91:5-6)
262 Sovereign ruler of the skies (Psalms 91:5-7)
578 We come before our Fathers' God (Psalms 91:9)
840 How blessed is life if lived for you (Psalms 91:10)
121A I to the hills lift up my eyes (Psalms 91:12)
121B Unto the hills around me I lift up (Psalms 91:12)
Psalms 92
92 Make music to the Lord most high (Psalms 92)
234 This is the day, this is the day (Psalms 92)
147 O praise the Lord! Sing praises! (Psalms 92:1)
231 Sweet is the work, my God, my King (Psalms 92:1-11)
182 I will enter His gates with thanksgiving in my heart (Psalms 92:4)
319 My Jesus, my Saviour (Psalms 92:4)
111 Give to the Lord wholehearted praise (Psalms 92:5)
94 O Lord, O Judge of all the earth (Psalms 92:7)
1 Happy the people who refuse (Psalms 92:12-13)
52 Why, mighty hero, must you boast (Psalms 92:12-13)
867 With joy I welcome, Lord, your right (Psalms 92:12-14)
906 How blest are they who trust in Christ (Psalms 92:13-14)
254 Ascribe greatness to our God, the Rock (Psalms 92:15)
Psalms 93
93 The Lord is King supreme (Psalms 93)
96 O sing a new song (Psalms 93:1)
97 The Lord is King! With joyful sound (Psalms 93:1)
104 O worship the King (Psalms 93:1)
207 God is great, amazing! (Psalms 93:1)
244 God of glory, we exalt your name (Psalms 93:1)
247 How shall I sing that majesty (Psalms 93:1)
261 Sing praise to God who reigns above (Psalms 93:1)
322 No other prophet ever spoke (Psalms 93:1)
330 Released in praise we worship you, O Lord (Psalms 93:1)
370 Child in the manger (Psalms 93:1)
384 What kind of greatness can this be (Psalms 93:1)
495 Rejoice, the Lord is King (Psalms 93:1)
500 The Lord is King! Lift up your voice (Psalms 93:1)
724 All my days I will sing this song of gladness (Psalms 93:1)
970 Jerusalem on high (Psalms 93:1)
192 O Lord our God, how majestic is your name (Psalms 93:1-2)
199 The God of Abraham praise (Psalms 93:1-2)
264 The Lord eternal reigns (Psalms 93:1-2)
342 You servants of God (Psalms 93:1-2)
950 Judge eternal, throned in splendour (Psalms 93:1-2)
794 Come, we that love the Lord (Psalms 93:1-4)
45 With hearts in love abounding (Psalms 93:2)
90 O Lord our God, in every age (Psalms 93:2)
208 Before the Lord's eternal throne (Psalms 93:2)
260 Our God, our help in ages past (Psalms 93:2)
494 My heart is full of admiration (Psalms 93:2)
213 Who can bind the raging sea (Psalms 93:2-4)
89 For ever, Lord, I'll sing your love (Psalms 93:3-4)
98B New songs of celebration render (Psalms 93:3-4)
205 For all the glories of the earth and sky (Psalms 93:3-4)
250 O Father, you are sovereign (Psalms 93:3-4)
256 God moves in a mysterious way (Psalms 93:3-4)
875 Begone, unbelief! (Psalms 93:3-4)
915 Eternal Father, strong to save (Psalms 93:3-4)
550 Lamp of our feet, by which we trace (Psalms 93:3-5)
Psalms 94
94 O Lord, O Judge of all the earth (Psalms 94)
50 God the Lord, the King Almighty (Psalms 94:1)
962 Great God, what do I see and hear (Psalms 94:1-2)
58 O mighty rulers, can you claim (Psalms 94:2)
82 God is King—be warned, you mighty (Psalms 94:2)
249 King of the universe, Lord of the ages (Psalms 94:2)
500 The Lord is King! Lift up your voice (Psalms 94:2)
577 The church's one foundation (Psalms 94:3)
74 O God, why have you cast us off for ever (Psalms 94:3-4)
92 Make music to the Lord most high (Psalms 94:3-4)
798 Let not your hearts be troubled (Psalms 94:3-15)
204 All things bright and beautiful (Psalms 94:9)
522 O Holy Spirit, by whose breath (Psalms 94:9)
832 We have not known you as we ought (Psalms 94:9)
890 Stand up, stand up for Jesus (Psalms 94:16)
124 Had not the Lord, let Israel say (Psalms 94:17)
648 Here, O my Lord, may I behold your face (Psalms 94:17)
38 Rebuke me not in anger, Lord (Psalms 94:18)
46A God is our refuge and our strength (Psalms 94:22)
46B God is our strength and refuge (Psalms 94:22)
705 Rock of Ages, cleft for me (Psalms 94:22)
732 Lord, be my vision, supreme in my heart (Psalms 94:22)
888 Our God stands like a fortress rock (Psalms 94:22)
Psalms 95
95 Come with all joy to sing to God (Psalms 95)
443 Stricken, smitten, and afflicted (Psalms 95:1)
571 Head of your church triumphant (Psalms 95:1)
578 We come before our Fathers' God (Psalms 95:1)
707 We praise the God in whom we trust (Psalms 95:1)
66 Shout with joy to God, all nations (Psalms 95:1-2)
81 To God our strength come, sing aloud (Psalms 95:1-2)
173 Come into his presence singing, 'Hallelujah' (Psalms 95:1-2)
261 Sing praise to God who reigns above (Psalms 95:1-2)
749 O how the grace of God (Psalms 95:1-2)
650 I come with joy, a child of God (Psalms 95:2)
96 O sing a new song (Psalms 95:3)
97 The Lord is King! With joyful sound (Psalms 95:3)
149 O praise our mighty Lord (Psalms 95:3)
270 I bow before the God of matchless care (Psalms 95:4)
149 O praise our mighty Lord (Psalms 95:6)
194 O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness (Psalms 95:6)
201 We declare your majesty (Psalms 95:6)
226 Christ is our cornerstone (Psalms 95:6)
488 Heavenly hosts in ceaseless worship (Psalms 95:6)
543 Sovereign Lord, we sing your glory (Psalms 95:6)
566 Be still (Psalms 95:6)
208 Before the Lord's eternal throne (Psalms 95:6-7)
315 Meekness and majesty (Psalms 95:6-7)
23A The Lord my shepherd rules my life (Psalms 95:7)
23B The Lord's my shepherd, I'll not want (Psalms 95:7)
23C The King of love my shepherd is (Psalms 95:7)
74 O God, why have you cast us off for ever (Psalms 95:7)
390 Forty days and forty nights (Psalms 95:7)
553 God in his wisdom, for our learning (Psalms 95:7)
677 Today your mercy calls us (Psalms 95:7)
920 As the light upon the river (Psalms 95:7)
81 To God our strength come, sing aloud (Psalms 95:7-8)
482 God is gone up on high (Psalms 95:7-8)
548 How sure the scriptures are! (Psalms 95:7-8)
825 From a life of weariness (Psalms 95:7-8)
78 Listen, my friends, to each word (Psalms 95:7-11)
Psalms 96
96 O sing a new song (Psalms 96)
96a O sing a new song (Psalms 96)
172 Bring to the Lord a glad new song (Psalms 96:1)
184 Let all the world in every corner sing (Psalms 96:1)
328 Praise him, praise him! Jesus, our blessed Redeemer (Psalms 96:1)
486 Behold the glories of the Lamb (Psalms 96:1)
879 Trouble may break with the dawn (Psalms 96:1)
33 Let all the righteous to the Lord (Psalms 96:1-2)
98A Sing to God new songs of worship (Psalms 96:1-2)
98B New songs of celebration render (Psalms 96:1-2)
144 I'll praise the Lord, my rock (Psalms 96:1-2)
241 Begin, my soul, a heavenly theme (Psalms 96:2-3)
161 Now thank we all our God (Psalms 96:3)
48 Great is the Lord: His praise is great (Psalms 96:4)
95 Come with all joy to sing to God (Psalms 96:4)
245 God of majesty and splendour (Psalms 96:6)
734 My heart is full of Christ, and longs (Psalms 96:6)
737 O matchless beauty of our God (Psalms 96:6-7)
281 All hail the power of Jesus' name (Psalms 96:6-8)
29 Let all in heaven and earth unite (Psalms 96:6-9)
676 To God be the glory! Great things he has done (Psalms 96:7-8)
100A All people that on earth do dwell (Psalms 96:8)
100B Shout for joy (Psalms 96:8)
212 Sing to the Lord with all of your heart (Psalms 96:8)
194 O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness (Psalms 96:8-9)
93 The Lord is King supreme (Psalms 96:10)
264 The Lord eternal reigns (Psalms 96:10)
495 Rejoice, the Lord is King (Psalms 96:10)
500 The Lord is King! Lift up your voice (Psalms 96:10-11)
363 Joy to the world, the Lord has come (Psalms 96:10-13)
98A Sing to God new songs of worship (Psalms 96:11)
98B New songs of celebration render (Psalms 96:11)
184 Let all the world in every corner sing (Psalms 96:11)
232 This is the day the Lord has made (Psalms 96:11)
297 Hallelujah! Raise the anthem (Psalms 96:11)
319 My Jesus, my Saviour (Psalms 96:11)
364 Let earth and heaven combine (Psalms 96:11)
458 Christ, the Lord, is risen today (Psalms 96:11)
472 The day of resurrection (Psalms 96:11)
508 I cannot tell why he whom angels worship (Psalms 96:11)
211 Roar the waves, the waters praising (Psalms 96:12)
177 God, we praise you! God, we bless you! (Psalms 96:13)
249 King of the universe, Lord of the ages (Psalms 96:13)
329 Priest and victim, Jesus dies (Psalms 96:13)
345 Hark, the glad sound! The Saviour comes (Psalms 96:13)
378 Silently we watch as our God (Psalms 96:13)
496 See, the conqueror mounts in triumph (Psalms 96:13)
Psalms 97
97 The Lord is King! With joyful sound (Psalms 97)
98B New songs of celebration render (Psalms 97)
93 The Lord is King supreme (Psalms 97:1)
161 Now thank we all our God (Psalms 97:1)
363 Joy to the world, the Lord has come (Psalms 97:1)
491 Jesus shall reign where'er the sun (Psalms 97:1)
500 The Lord is King! Lift up your voice (Psalms 97:1)
543 Sovereign Lord, we sing your glory (Psalms 97:1-2)
318 My heart and voice I raise (Psalms 97:6)
363 Joy to the world, the Lord has come (Psalms 97:6)
95 Come with all joy to sing to God (Psalms 97:9)
485 He is exalted (Psalms 97:9)
Psalms 98
1298 From life's beginning (Psalms 98)
33 Let all the righteous to the Lord (Psalms 98:1)
96 O sing a new song (Psalms 98:1)
144 I'll praise the Lord, my rock (Psalms 98:1)
161 Now thank we all our God (Psalms 98:1)
172 Bring to the Lord a glad new song (Psalms 98:1)
486 Behold the glories of the Lamb (Psalms 98:1)
879 Trouble may break with the dawn (Psalms 98:1)
482 God is gone up on high (Psalms 98:2)
633 How beautiful their feet (Psalms 98:3)
93 The Lord is King supreme (Psalms 98:4)
319 My Jesus, my Saviour (Psalms 98:4)
749 O how the grace of God (Psalms 98:4)
172 Bring to the Lord a glad new song (Psalms 98:4-6)
150 Praise the Lord who reigns above (Psalms 98:5-6)
145A O Lord! My God and King (Psalms 98:6)
145B I will exalt you, God my King (Psalms 98:6)
496 See, the conqueror mounts in triumph (Psalms 98:6)
319 My Jesus, my Saviour (Psalms 98:7-8)
918 To you, O Lord, our hearts we raise (Psalms 98:8)
177 God, we praise you! God, we bless you! (Psalms 98:9)
249 King of the universe, Lord of the ages (Psalms 98:9)
329 Priest and victim, Jesus dies (Psalms 98:9)
345 Hark, the glad sound! The Saviour comes (Psalms 98:9)
378 Silently we watch as our God (Psalms 98:9)
496 See, the conqueror mounts in triumph (Psalms 98:9)
Psalms 99
80 Israel's shepherd, hear our prayer (Psalms 99:1)
376 See, amid the winter's snow (Psalms 99:1)
495 Rejoice, the Lord is King (Psalms 99:1)
500 The Lord is King! Lift up your voice (Psalms 99:1)
161 Now thank we all our God (Psalms 99:1-3)
156 God is in his temple (Psalms 99:5)
105 Give thanks to God, call on his name (Psalms 99:6)
116 I love my Lord because he heard my voice (Psalms 99:6)
Psalms 100
100A All people that on earth do dwell (Psalms 100)
100B Shout for joy (Psalms 100)
208 Before the Lord's eternal throne (Psalms 100)
1054 Raise a shout of joyous triumph (Psalms 100)
184 Let all the world in every corner sing (Psalms 100:1)
319 My Jesus, my Saviour (Psalms 100:1)
66 Shout with joy to God, all nations (Psalms 100:1-2)
95 Come with all joy to sing to God (Psalms 100:1-2)
261 Sing praise to God who reigns above (Psalms 100:2)
292 Come, sing the praise of Jesus (Psalms 100:2)
650 I come with joy, a child of God (Psalms 100:2)
23A The Lord my shepherd rules my life (Psalms 100:3)
23B The Lord's my shepherd, I'll not want (Psalms 100:3)
23C The King of love my shepherd is (Psalms 100:3)
95 Come with all joy to sing to God (Psalms 100:3)
257 God of the ages (Psalms 100:3)
172 Bring to the Lord a glad new song (Psalms 100:4)
173 Come into his presence singing, 'Hallelujah' (Psalms 100:4)
182 I will enter His gates with thanksgiving in my heart (Psalms 100:4)
218 Lord, as the day begins (Psalms 100:4)
227 Come, let us with our Lord arise (Psalms 100:4)
788 How good is the God we adore (Psalms 100:4-5)
107 Give thanks to God, for he is good, his love will never end (Psalms 100:5)
117 Hallelujah! Hallelujah! (Psalms 100:5)
118 Give thanks to God, for he is good, the everlasting Giver (Psalms 100:5)
136 Give to our God immortal praise (Psalms 100:5)
253 Truly God is good (Psalms 100:5)
279 O thank the Lord, O thank the Lord (Psalms 100:5)
323 Not the grandeur of the mountains (Psalms 100:5)
707 We praise the God in whom we trust (Psalms 100:5)
911 Praise, O praise our God and King (Psalms 100:5)
Psalms 101
273 Your mercy, my God, is the theme of my song (Psalms 101:1)
Psalms 102
102 Lord, hear my prayer! My cry shall come before you (Psalms 102)
39 I kept my mouth from every sinful word (Psalms 102:1)
42 As the fainting deer cries out (Psalms 102:9)
56 Merciful and gracious be (Psalms 102:9)
955 Who can sound the depths of sorrow (Psalms 102:13)
147 O praise the Lord! Sing praises! (Psalms 102:16)
79 O God, the heathen have attacked (Psalms 102:20)
270 I bow before the God of matchless care (Psalms 102:25)
507 Hark! The song of jubilee (Psalms 102:25-26)
962 Great God, what do I see and hear (Psalms 102:25-26)
322 No other prophet ever spoke (Psalms 102:25-27)
781 Now I have found the ground wherein (Psalms 102:25-27)
103A Praise the Lord! My soul is singing (Psalms 102:27)
103B Praise my soul, the King of heaven (Psalms 102:27)
131 Lord, you have weaned my heart from pride (Psalms 102:27)
166 In awe and wonder, Lord our God (Psalms 102:27)
241 Begin, my soul, a heavenly theme (Psalms 102:27)
258 Great is thy faithfulness, O God my Father (Psalms 102:27)
784 O Christ the same, through all our story's pages (Psalms 102:27)
788 How good is the God we adore (Psalms 102:27)
793 I hear the words of love (Psalms 102:27)
893 Cast your burden on the Lord (Psalms 102:27)
753 You souls redeemed with blood (Psalms 102:28)
Psalms 103
103A Praise the Lord! My soul is singing (Psalms 103)
103B Praise my soul, the King of heaven (Psalms 103)
189 O bless the Lord, my soul! (Psalms 103)
196 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation (Psalms 103)
264 The Lord eternal reigns (Psalms 103:1)
272 O what matchless condescension (Psalms 103:1)
302 Immortal honours rest on Jesus' head (Psalms 103:1)
399 I have a friend whose faithful love (Psalms 103:1)
582 Come and bless us, Lord! While you are beside us (Psalms 103:1)
202 You holy angels bright (Psalms 103:1-2)
804 When peace, like a river, attends all my way (Psalms 103:1-2)
153 Praise the Father, God of justice (Psalms 103:1-3)
205 For all the glories of the earth and sky (Psalms 103:1-3)
267 Bless the Lord, my soul (Psalms 103:1-14)
214 I sing the almighty power of God (Psalms 103:2)
683 Tell me the old, old story (Psalms 103:2)
736 Now, O my soul, forget no more (Psalms 103:2)
221 At evening, when the sun had set (Psalms 103:3)
549 The heavens declare your glory, Lord! (Psalms 103:3)
894 Come, O fount of every blessing (Psalms 103:3)
502 Arise, my soul, arise (Psalms 103:4)
714 Love divine, all loves excelling (Psalms 103:4)
869 All the way my Saviour leads me (Psalms 103:4)
255 Do you not know? Have you not heard (Psalms 103:5)
30A I exalt you, Lord eternal (Psalms 103:9)
30B I'll lift my voice, O Lord (Psalms 103:9)
752 Wonderful grace that gives what I don't deserve (Psalms 103:10-11)
117 Hallelujah! Hallelujah! (Psalms 103:11)
773 A debtor to mercy alone (Psalms 103:11-12)
740 Why did you choose me-what have I done (Psalms 103:12)
1272 Hear the call of the Kingdom (Psalms 103:13)
505 With joy we contemplate the grace (Psalms 103:13-14)
500 The Lord is King! Lift up your voice (Psalms 103:14)
501 Where high the heavenly temple stands (Psalms 103:14)
614 What a friend we have in Jesus (Psalms 103:14)
665 Christ brings the kingdom where barrenness blooms (Psalms 103:14)
90 O Lord our God, in every age (Psalms 103:14-16)
348 On Jordan's bank the baptist's cry (Psalms 103:15-16)
128 Blessed are those who fear the Lord (Psalms 103:17)
185 My soul exalts and magnifies the King (Psalms 103:17)
628 Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the Lord! (Psalms 103:17)
781 Now I have found the ground wherein (Psalms 103:17)
844 Jesus, your boundless love to me (Psalms 103:17)
249 King of the universe, Lord of the ages (Psalms 103:19)
255 Do you not know? Have you not heard (Psalms 103:19)
342 You servants of God (Psalms 103:19-20)
546 God has spoken-by his prophets (Psalms 103:19-20)
240 Lo, God is here; let us adore! (Psalms 103:20)
245 God of majesty and splendour (Psalms 103:20)
317 Mighty God, while angels bless you (Psalms 103:20)
341 You are the King of glory (Psalms 103:20)
894 Come, O fount of every blessing (Psalms 103:20)
166 In awe and wonder, Lord our God (Psalms 103:20-21)
169 Angel voices ever singing (Psalms 103:20-21)
195 Praise the Lord, you heavens, adore him (Psalms 103:20-21)
202 You holy angels bright (Psalms 103:20-21)
637 Jesus, how could I ever be (Psalms 103:20-21)
148 Praise him, praise him, praise him (Psalms 103:20-22)
177 God, we praise you! God, we bless you! (Psalms 103:20-22)
202 You holy angels bright (Psalms 103:20-22)
371 Of the Father's heart begotten (Psalms 103:20-22)
482 God is gone up on high (Psalms 103:21)
823 Almighty Lord most high, draw near (Psalms 103:21)
150 Praise the Lord who reigns above (Psalms 103:22)
159 Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty (Psalms 103:22)
749 O how the grace of God (Psalms 103:22)
804 When peace, like a river, attends all my way (Psalms 103:22)
Psalms 104
93 The Lord is King supreme (Psalms 104:1)
103A Praise the Lord! My soul is singing (Psalms 104:1)
103B Praise my soul, the King of heaven (Psalms 104:1)
189 O bless the Lord, my soul! (Psalms 104:1)
192 O Lord our God, how majestic is your name (Psalms 104:1)
196 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation (Psalms 104:1)
202 You holy angels bright (Psalms 104:1)
245 God of majesty and splendour (Psalms 104:1)
267 Bless the Lord, my soul (Psalms 104:1)
272 O what matchless condescension (Psalms 104:1)
378 Silently we watch as our God (Psalms 104:1)
582 Come and bless us, Lord! While you are beside us (Psalms 104:1)
264 The Lord eternal reigns (Psalms 104:1-2)
804 When peace, like a river, attends all my way (Psalms 104:1-2)
207 God is great, amazing! (Psalms 104:1-3)
794 Come, we that love the Lord (Psalms 104:1-3)
746 As water to the thirsty (Psalms 104:2)
784 O Christ the same, through all our story's pages (Psalms 104:2)
821 Walk in the light, and you shall know (Psalms 104:2)
18 I love you, O Lord, you alone (Psalms 104:3)
496 See, the conqueror mounts in triumph (Psalms 104:3)
213 Who can bind the raging sea (Psalms 104:3-18)
322 No other prophet ever spoke (Psalms 104:4)
204 All things bright and beautiful (Psalms 104:4-25)
205 For all the glories of the earth and sky (Psalms 104:4-25)
203 All creatures of our God and King (Psalms 104:4-31)
915 Eternal Father, strong to save (Psalms 104:6-9)
190 O Lord my God! When I in awesome wonder (Psalms 104:7)
917 Rain on the earth by heaven's blessing (Psalms 104:10-16)
50 God the Lord, the King Almighty (Psalms 104:10-18)
147 O praise the Lord! Sing praises! (Psalms 104:10-18)
207 God is great, amazing! (Psalms 104:10-22)
190 O Lord my God! When I in awesome wonder (Psalms 104:12)
211 Roar the waves, the waters praising (Psalms 104:12)
911 Praise, O praise our God and King (Psalms 104:13-14)
919 We plough the fields, and scatter (Psalms 104:13-15)
190 O Lord my God! When I in awesome wonder (Psalms 104:17)
911 Praise, O praise our God and King (Psalms 104:19-21)
940 Forth in your name, O Lord, I go (Psalms 104:23)
214 I sing the almighty power of God (Psalms 104:24)
261 Sing praise to God who reigns above (Psalms 104:24)
264 The Lord eternal reigns (Psalms 104:24)
248 Immortal, invisible, God only wise (Psalms 104:24-30)
211 Roar the waves, the waters praising (Psalms 104:26-29)
739 Who is there like you (Psalms 104:27)
145A O Lord! My God and King (Psalms 104:27-28)
914 Creator God, with whom we share (Psalms 104:29-30)
290 Christ the Word who spoke creation (Psalms 104:30)
146 I'll praise my Maker while I've breath (Psalms 104:33)
202 You holy angels bright (Psalms 104:33)
217 When morning gilds the skies (Psalms 104:33)
299 How sweet the name of Jesus sounds (Psalms 104:33)
319 My Jesus, my Saviour (Psalms 104:33)
352 Christians, awake! Salute the happy morn (Psalms 104:33)
399 I have a friend whose faithful love (Psalms 104:33)
429 It is a thing most wonderful (Psalms 104:33)
444 There is a fountain filled with blood (Psalms 104:33)
635 Baptized in water (Psalms 104:33)
679 Lord Jesus, think on me (Psalms 104:33)
729 I stand amazed in the presence (Psalms 104:33)
735 My Jesus, I love you, I know you are mine; (Psalms 104:33)
823 Almighty Lord most high, draw near (Psalms 104:33)
825 From a life of weariness (Psalms 104:33)
838 Fill all my life, O Lord my God (Psalms 104:33)
850 Take my life, and let it be (Psalms 104:33)
868 Guide me, O my great Redeemer (Psalms 104:33)
103A Praise the Lord! My soul is singing (Psalms 104:35)
103B Praise my soul, the King of heaven (Psalms 104:35)
189 O bless the Lord, my soul! (Psalms 104:35)
350 Angels from the realms of glory (Psalms 104:35)
804 When peace, like a river, attends all my way (Psalms 104:35)
Psalms 105
99 The Lord is King: tremble, O earth, and fear him (Psalms 105)
105 Give thanks to God, call on his name (Psalms 105)
116 I love my Lord because he heard my voice (Psalms 105)
628 Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the Lord! (Psalms 105:1)
222 The day you gave us, Lord, is ended (Psalms 105:1-2)
676 To God be the glory! Great things he has done (Psalms 105:1-2)
952 O God of love, O King of peace (Psalms 105:1-5)
294 Come, let us worship Jesus (Psalms 105:4)
601 As we come before you to pray (Psalms 105:4)
608 Lord Jesus Christ, we seek your face (Psalms 105:4)
927 Father, in your dear name we meet (Psalms 105:4)
161 Now thank we all our God (Psalms 105:5)
241 Begin, my soul, a heavenly theme (Psalms 105:5)
753 You souls redeemed with blood (Psalms 105:6)
830 Son of God, if your free grace (Psalms 105:8)
199 The God of Abraham praise (Psalms 105:9)
78 Listen, my friends, to each word (Psalms 105:26-42)
559 Our Father God, your name we praise (Psalms 105:40)
644 Bread of heaven, on you we feed (Psalms 105:40)
868 Guide me, O my great Redeemer (Psalms 105:40)
651 I hunger and I thirst (Psalms 105:40-41)
868 Guide me, O my great Redeemer (Psalms 105:40-41)
98A Sing to God new songs of worship (Psalms 105:43)
Psalms 106
106 Praise the Lord! give thanks for ever (Psalms 106)
100A All people that on earth do dwell (Psalms 106:1)
100B Shout for joy (Psalms 106:1)
107 Give thanks to God, for he is good, his love will never end (Psalms 106:1)
117 Hallelujah! Hallelujah! (Psalms 106:1)
118 Give thanks to God, for he is good, the everlasting Giver (Psalms 106:1)
136 Give to our God immortal praise (Psalms 106:1)
253 Truly God is good (Psalms 106:1)
279 O thank the Lord, O thank the Lord (Psalms 106:1)
323 Not the grandeur of the mountains (Psalms 106:1)
911 Praise, O praise our God and King (Psalms 106:1)
262 Sovereign ruler of the skies (Psalms 106:1-2)
714 Love divine, all loves excelling (Psalms 106:4)
277 O bless the God of Israel (Psalms 106:10)
293 Blessed be God our God (Psalms 106:10)
958 How long, O Lord, have you bestowed (Psalms 106:19-23)
185 My soul exalts and magnifies the King (Psalms 106:21)
628 Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the Lord! (Psalms 106:21)
99 The Lord is King: tremble, O earth, and fear him (Psalms 106:23)
107 Give thanks to God, for he is good, his love will never end (Psalms 106:44)
805 I cannot count your blessings, Lord, they're wonderful (Psalms 106:45)
472 The day of resurrection (Psalms 106:47)
41 Lord, may our hearts within us burn (Psalms 106:48)
196 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation (Psalms 106:48)
491 Jesus shall reign where'er the sun (Psalms 106:48)
Psalms 107
107 Give thanks to God, for he is good, his love will never end (Psalms 107)
100A All people that on earth do dwell (Psalms 107:1)
100B Shout for joy (Psalms 107:1)
106 Praise the Lord! give thanks for ever (Psalms 107:1)
117 Hallelujah! Hallelujah! (Psalms 107:1)
118 Give thanks to God, for he is good, the everlasting Giver (Psalms 107:1)
136 Give to our God immortal praise (Psalms 107:1)
253 Truly God is good (Psalms 107:1)
279 O thank the Lord, O thank the Lord (Psalms 107:1)
323 Not the grandeur of the mountains (Psalms 107:1)
911 Praise, O praise our God and King (Psalms 107:1)
297 Hallelujah! Raise the anthem (Psalms 107:2)
615 What various hindrances we meet (Psalms 107:2)
721 O happy day, that fixed my choice (Psalms 107:2)
894 Come, O fount of every blessing (Psalms 107:4-7)
869 All the way my Saviour leads me (Psalms 107:7)
135 Sing praise to the Lord God Almighty (Psalms 107:8)
307 How wonderful the works of God (Psalms 107:8)
674 The trumpets sound, the angels sing (Psalms 107:8-9)
146 I'll praise my Maker while I've breath (Psalms 107:9)
185 My soul exalts and magnifies the King (Psalms 107:9)
344 Come, O long-expected Jesus (Psalms 107:9)
569 Father, we adore you (Psalms 107:9)
628 Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the Lord! (Psalms 107:9)
731 Jesus, the joy of loving hearts (Psalms 107:9)
776 And can it be that I should gain (Psalms 107:10)
267 Bless the Lord, my soul (Psalms 107:20)
206 For the beauty of the earth (Psalms 107:22)
915 Eternal Father, strong to save (Psalms 107:23-32)
214 I sing the almighty power of God (Psalms 107:25)
590 They lack no friends, who have your love (Psalms 107:28-30)
682 Jesus, Lover of my soul (Psalms 107:28-30)
797 Peace, perfect peace (Psalms 107:29)
Psalms 108
108 My heart is ready, O my God (Psalms 108)
215 Awake, my soul, and with the sun (Psalms 108:1)
898 Awake, my soul, and rise (Psalms 108:1)
71 Lord, in you I've taken refuge (Psalms 108:1-2)
480 Crown him with many crowns (Psalms 108:1-3)
781 Now I have found the ground wherein (Psalms 108:1-4)
894 Come, O fount of every blessing (Psalms 108:1-4)
57 O God, from whom all mercy springs (Psalms 108:1-5)
212 Sing to the Lord with all of your heart (Psalms 108:2)
273 Your mercy, my God, is the theme of my song (Psalms 108:3-4)
183 I will give thanks to you (Psalms 108:3-5)
340 Who can cheer the heart like Jesus (Psalms 108:4)
781 Now I have found the ground wherein (Psalms 108:4)
168 Almighty God, whose name is great (Psalms 108:5)
298 Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna in the highest (Psalms 108:5)
352 Christians, awake! Salute the happy morn (Psalms 108:5)
485 He is exalted (Psalms 108:5)
60 When troubles come and hopes depart (Psalms 108:7-13)
482 God is gone up on high (Psalms 108:13)
Psalms 109
109 How wickedly they spread their lies (Psalms 109)
28 O Lord my rock, to you I cry aloud (Psalms 109:1)
35 Contend, O Lord, with those (Psalms 109:1-15)
69A Save me, O God, I sink into the depths (Psalms 109:1-15)
273 Your mercy, my God, is the theme of my song (Psalms 109:21-22)
959 For ever with the Lord (Psalms 109:31)
Psalms 110
110 The Lord said to my Lord, 'sit here' (Psalms 110)
443 Stricken, smitten, and afflicted (Psalms 110:1)
495 Rejoice, the Lord is King (Psalms 110:1)
194 O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness (Psalms 110:3)
230 This is the day of light (Psalms 110:3)
543 Sovereign Lord, we sing your glory (Psalms 110:3)
737 O matchless beauty of our God (Psalms 110:3)
774 A sovereign protector I have (Psalms 110:3)
249 King of the universe, Lord of the ages (Psalms 110:5-6)
550 Lamp of our feet, by which we trace (Psalms 110:7)
Psalms 111
1014 Praise the Lord! Give him the glory! (Psalms 111)
138 I'll praise you, Lord, with heart content and joyful (Psalms 111:1)
145A O Lord! My God and King (Psalms 111:1)
145B I will exalt you, God my King (Psalms 111:1)
307 How wonderful the works of God (Psalms 111:4)
830 Son of God, if your free grace (Psalms 111:5)
549 The heavens declare your glory, Lord! (Psalms 111:7)
323 Not the grandeur of the mountains (Psalms 111:7-8)
99 The Lord is King: tremble, O earth, and fear him (Psalms 111:9)
130 From the depths of shame and sorrow (Psalms 111:9)
773 A debtor to mercy alone (Psalms 111:9)
864 You servants of the Lord (Psalms 111:9)
Psalms 112
112 Praise God! The man is blessed who fears the Lord (Psalms 112)
128 Blessed are those who fear the Lord (Psalms 112:1)
666 Come, you souls by sin afflicted (Psalms 112:1)
86 Bow down your ear, O Lord, and hear (Psalms 112:4)
781 Now I have found the ground wherein (Psalms 112:7)
Psalms 113
113 O praise, you servants of the Lord (Psalms 113)
342 You servants of God (Psalms 113:1-2)
191 Praise God from whom all blessings flow (Psalms 113:2)
215 Awake, my soul, and with the sun (Psalms 113:2)
223 Glory to you, my God, this night (Psalms 113:2)
50 God the Lord, the King Almighty (Psalms 113:3)
222 The day you gave us, Lord, is ended (Psalms 113:3)
944 Beauty for brokenness, hope for despair (Psalms 113:3)
619 From the sun's rising (Psalms 113:3-4)
357 Glory be to God on high (Psalms 113:5-6)
185 My soul exalts and magnifies the King (Psalms 113:7-8)
628 Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the Lord! (Psalms 113:7-8)
Psalms 114
77 I cried out to God to help me (Psalms 114:3)
29 Let all in heaven and earth unite (Psalms 114:6)
651 I hunger and I thirst (Psalms 114:8)
868 Guide me, O my great Redeemer (Psalms 114:8)
Psalms 115
115 Not to us be glory given (Psalms 115)
288 Christ is the world's light, he and none other (Psalms 115:1)
711 How vast the benefits divine (Psalms 115:1)
828 O Jesus, full of truth and grace (Psalms 115:1)
888 Our God stands like a fortress rock (Psalms 115:1)
42 As the fainting deer cries out (Psalms 115:2)
79 O God, the heathen have attacked (Psalms 115:2)
40 Patient in hope, I sought the Lord (Psalms 115:4-8)
135 Sing praise to the Lord God Almighty (Psalms 115:4-8)
648 Here, O my Lord, may I behold your face (Psalms 115:9-11)
698 I am trusting you, Lord Jesus (Psalms 115:9-11)
774 A sovereign protector I have (Psalms 115:9-11)
239 For your mercy and your grace (Psalms 115:12)
165 Glory be! Glory be to God the Father (Psalms 115:13)
248 Immortal, invisible, God only wise (Psalms 115:13)
96 O sing a new song (Psalms 115:15)
30A I exalt you, Lord eternal (Psalms 115:17)
30B I'll lift my voice, O Lord (Psalms 115:17)
88 O Lord, the God who saves me (Psalms 115:17)
268 Father God, I wonder how I managed to exist (Psalms 115:18)
Psalms 116
116 I love my Lord because he heard my voice (Psalms 116)
18 I love you, O Lord, you alone (Psalms 116:1)
179 Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise (Psalms 116:1-2)
876 God of my life, to you I call (Psalms 116:1-2)
261 Sing praise to God who reigns above (Psalms 116:1-8)
772 Amazing grace-how sweet the sound (Psalms 116:3-6)
224 Saviour, again to your dear name we raise (Psalms 116:4)
826 Lord, have mercy on us (Psalms 116:4)
546 God has spoken-by his prophets (Psalms 116:5)
744 Lord, you are so precious to me (Psalms 116:5)
777 He rescued me from the darkest night (Psalms 116:5-8)
790 Why all my fear and unbelief (Psalms 116:7)
853 When we walk with the Lord (Psalms 116:8)
210 O Lord of heaven and earth and sea (Psalms 116:9-14)
263 When all your mercies, O my God (Psalms 116:12)
411 Alas! And did my Saviour bleed (Psalms 116:12-13)
412 Ah, holy Jesus, how have you offended (Psalms 116:12-13)
427 I will sing of the lamb (Psalms 116:12-13)
50 God the Lord, the King Almighty (Psalms 116:12-14)
99 The Lord is King: tremble, O earth, and fear him (Psalms 116:13-17)
105 Give thanks to God, call on his name (Psalms 116:13-17)
887 O safe to the rock that is higher than I (Psalms 116:14)
603 Come, my soul, your plea prepare (Psalms 116:15)
143 Hear me, O Lord, in my distress (Psalms 116:16)
187 O God beyond all praising (Psalms 116:17)
261 Sing praise to God who reigns above (Psalms 116:17-18)
226 Christ is our cornerstone (Psalms 116:17-19)
887 O safe to the rock that is higher than I (Psalms 116:18)
Psalms 117
117 Hallelujah! Hallelujah! (Psalms 117)
167 A song breaks from our hearts (Psalms 117)
171 From all that dwell beneath the skies (Psalms 117)
184 Let all the world in every corner sing (Psalms 117)
199 The God of Abraham praise (Psalms 117)
202 You holy angels bright (Psalms 117)
306 Jesus, eternal God (Psalms 117)
325 O the deep, deep love of Jesus (Psalms 117)
399 I have a friend whose faithful love (Psalms 117)
494 My heart is full of admiration (Psalms 117)
509 The King shall come, when morning dawns (Psalms 117)
510 Jesus, Alpha and Omega (Psalms 117)
546 God has spoken-by his prophets (Psalms 117)
577 The church's one foundation (Psalms 117)
591 We need each other's voice to sing (Psalms 117)
729 I stand amazed in the presence (Psalms 117)
807 Blessed are the humble souls we see (Psalms 117)
851 You that do your master's will (Psalms 117)
966 Away with our sorrow and fear (Psalms 117)
1045 Praise the Lord, all you nations (Psalms 117)
300 Come, let us join our cheerful songs (Psalms 117:1)
317 Mighty God, while angels bless you (Psalms 117:1)
616 Go forth and tell! O church of God, awake (Psalms 117:1)
838 Fill all my life, O Lord my God (Psalms 117:1)
100A All people that on earth do dwell (Psalms 117:2)
100B Shout for joy (Psalms 117:2)
106 Praise the Lord! give thanks for ever (Psalms 117:2)
107 Give thanks to God, for he is good, his love will never end (Psalms 117:2)
118 Give thanks to God, for he is good, the everlasting Giver (Psalms 117:2)
136 Give to our God immortal praise (Psalms 117:2)
279 O thank the Lord, O thank the Lord (Psalms 117:2)
323 Not the grandeur of the mountains (Psalms 117:2)
911 Praise, O praise our God and King (Psalms 117:2)
Psalms 118
118 Give thanks to God, for he is good, the everlasting Giver (Psalms 118)
788 How good is the God we adore (Psalms 118:1)
100A All people that on earth do dwell (Psalms 118:1-4)
100B Shout for joy (Psalms 118:1-4)
106 Praise the Lord! give thanks for ever (Psalms 118:1-4)
107 Give thanks to God, for he is good, his love will never end (Psalms 118:1-4)
117 Hallelujah! Hallelujah! (Psalms 118:1-4)
136 Give to our God immortal praise (Psalms 118:1-4)
279 O thank the Lord, O thank the Lord (Psalms 118:1-4)
323 Not the grandeur of the mountains (Psalms 118:1-4)
911 Praise, O praise our God and King (Psalms 118:1-4)
18 I love you, O Lord, you alone (Psalms 118:4)
198 Stand up and bless the Lord (Psalms 118:4)
261 Sing praise to God who reigns above (Psalms 118:5)
754 Be still, my soul: The Lord is on your side (Psalms 118:6)
758 Have faith in God, my heart (Psalms 118:6)
875 Begone, unbelief! (Psalms 118:8-9)
179 Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise (Psalms 118:8-12)
808 Jesus, my strength, my hope (Psalms 118:14)
842 I bind myself to God today (Psalms 118:14)
883 Fight the good fight with all your might (Psalms 118:14)
579 Your hand, O God, has guided (Psalms 118:15-17)
455 Christ is risen! Hallelujah! (Psalms 118:19)
24A The whole earth is the Lord's (Psalms 118:19-20)
24B This earth belongs to God (Psalms 118:19-20)
226 Christ is our cornerstone (Psalms 118:22)
567 Christ is made the sure foundation (Psalms 118:22-23)
182 I will enter His gates with thanksgiving in my heart (Psalms 118:24)
227 Come, let us with our Lord arise (Psalms 118:24)
233 This is the day the Lord himself has made (Psalms 118:24)
234 This is the day, this is the day (Psalms 118:24)
470 Jesus Christ is risen today (Psalms 118:24)
474 This joyful Eastertide (Psalms 118:24)
232 This is the day the Lord has made (Psalms 118:24-26)
468 No scenes of stately majesty (Psalms 118:24-27)
163 To him who chose us first (Psalms 118:25)
298 Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna in the highest (Psalms 118:25)
328 Praise him, praise him! Jesus, our blessed Redeemer (Psalms 118:25)
341 You are the King of glory (Psalms 118:25)
345 Hark, the glad sound! The Saviour comes (Psalms 118:25)
403 My song is love unknown (Psalms 118:25)
407 All glory, praise and honour (Psalms 118:25)
408 Ride on, ride on in majesty (Psalms 118:25)
520 Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly dove (Psalms 118:25)
584 Farewell, friend(s) in Christ (Psalms 118:26)
388 Wise men, they came to look for wisdom (Psalms 118:27)
357 Glory be to God on high (Psalms 118:28)
474 This joyful Eastertide (Psalms 118:29)
Psalms 119
119A All your commandments Father Almighty (Psalms 119)
119B With all my heart I seek (Psalms 119)
1105 Blessed are those whose way is blameless (Psalms 119)
37 When lawless people thrive (Psalms 119:1)
560 O that the Lord would guide my ways (Psalms 119:1)
684 Cleanse me from my sin, Lord (Psalms 119:1)
401 My dear Redeemer and my Lord (Psalms 119:1-8)
560 O that the Lord would guide my ways (Psalms 119:5)
558 O God who shaped the starry skies (Psalms 119:7)
119C How can the way of youth be pure (Psalms 119:9-16)
894 Come, O fount of every blessing (Psalms 119:10)
233 This is the day the Lord himself has made (Psalms 119:11)
389 Christ our Redeemer knew temptation's hour (Psalms 119:11)
554 Help us, O Lord, to learn (Psalms 119:11)
880 Christian, seek not yet repose (Psalms 119:11)
560 O that the Lord would guide my ways (Psalms 119:12)
703 Jesus, I will trust you (Psalms 119:15)
557 Lord, I have made your word my choice (Psalms 119:16)
545 Father of mercies, in your Word (Psalms 119:18)
547 God, in the Gospel of his Son (Psalms 119:18)
553 God in his wisdom, for our learning (Psalms 119:18)
561 Sometimes my eyes are blind (Psalms 119:18)
557 Lord, I have made your word my choice (Psalms 119:24)
867 With joy I welcome, Lord, your right (Psalms 119:24)
545 Father of mercies, in your Word (Psalms 119:24-25)
417 Give me a sight, O Saviour (Psalms 119:28)
539 Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on me (Psalms 119:28)
557 Lord, I have made your word my choice (Psalms 119:30)
558 O God who shaped the starry skies (Psalms 119:30)
714 Love divine, all loves excelling (Psalms 119:32)
776 And can it be that I should gain (Psalms 119:32)
119F Teach me, O Lord, your way of truth (Psalms 119:33-36)
560 O that the Lord would guide my ways (Psalms 119:33-40)
119D Lord, I delight to recall your commandments (Psalms 119:33-56)
557 Lord, I have made your word my choice (Psalms 119:35)
666 Come, you souls by sin afflicted (Psalms 119:35)
739 Who is there like you (Psalms 119:42)
815 Take time to be holy, speak much with your Lord (Psalms 119:42)
558 O God who shaped the starry skies (Psalms 119:43)
557 Lord, I have made your word my choice (Psalms 119:47)
666 Come, you souls by sin afflicted (Psalms 119:47)
772 Amazing grace-how sweet the sound (Psalms 119:49)
119E Remember what you said to me your servant (Psalms 119:49-56)
123 Up to you I lift my eyes (Psalms 119:51)
558 O God who shaped the starry skies (Psalms 119:52)
557 Lord, I have made your word my choice (Psalms 119:54)
687 Assist me here, my God and King (Psalms 119:54)
734 My heart is full of Christ, and longs (Psalms 119:54)
873 O God of Bethel, by whose hand (Psalms 119:54)
965 Children of the heavenly King (Psalms 119:54)
943 All who wake tonight (Psalms 119:55)
302 Immortal honours rest on Jesus' head (Psalms 119:57)
560 O that the Lord would guide my ways (Psalms 119:64)
406 We were not there to see you come (Psalms 119:66)
558 O God who shaped the starry skies (Psalms 119:66)
236 By gracious powers so wonderfully sheltered (Psalms 119:71)
909 The sands of time are sinking (Psalms 119:71)
19A The heavens declare God's glory (Psalms 119:72)
19B God's glory fills the heavens with hymns (Psalms 119:72)
558 O God who shaped the starry skies (Psalms 119:72)
130 From the depths of shame and sorrow (Psalms 119:74)
847 Lord, make your word my rule (Psalms 119:74)
909 The sands of time are sinking (Psalms 119:75)
545 Father of mercies, in your Word (Psalms 119:77)
557 Lord, I have made your word my choice (Psalms 119:77)
867 With joy I welcome, Lord, your right (Psalms 119:77)
869 All the way my Saviour leads me (Psalms 119:77)
130 From the depths of shame and sorrow (Psalms 119:81)
301 I greet my sure Redeemer and my King (Psalms 119:81)
772 Amazing grace-how sweet the sound (Psalms 119:81)
903 Rejoice, believer, in the Lord (Psalms 119:81)
545 Father of mercies, in your Word (Psalms 119:81-82)
888 Our God stands like a fortress rock (Psalms 119:86)
463 If Christ had not been raised from death (Psalms 119:89)
893 Cast your burden on the Lord (Psalms 119:89-90)
1321 Your Word (Psalms 119:89-92)
241 Begin, my soul, a heavenly theme (Psalms 119:90)
715 Loved with everlasting love (Psalms 119:94)
721 O happy day, that fixed my choice (Psalms 119:94)
800 My Father divine (Psalms 119:94)
837 Father, Holy Spirit, Son (Psalms 119:94)
208 Before the Lord's eternal throne (Psalms 119:96)
557 Lord, I have made your word my choice (Psalms 119:96)
545 Father of mercies, in your Word (Psalms 119:97)
561 Sometimes my eyes are blind (Psalms 119:99)
19A The heavens declare God's glory (Psalms 119:103)
19B God's glory fills the heavens with hymns (Psalms 119:103)
558 O God who shaped the starry skies (Psalms 119:103)
703 Jesus, I will trust you (Psalms 119:103)
545 Father of mercies, in your Word (Psalms 119:105)
547 God, in the Gospel of his Son (Psalms 119:105)
550 Lamp of our feet, by which we trace (Psalms 119:105)
551 Powerful in making us wise to salvation (Psalms 119:105)
558 O God who shaped the starry skies (Psalms 119:105)
559 Our Father God, your name we praise (Psalms 119:105)
562 The Spirit breathes upon the Word (Psalms 119:105)
638 The servants of God are baptized (Psalms 119:105)
666 Come, you souls by sin afflicted (Psalms 119:105)
811 O for a closer walk with God (Psalms 119:105)
853 When we walk with the Lord (Psalms 119:105)
861 O I have heard the Gospel told (Psalms 119:105)
935 Shine now upon us, Lord (Psalms 119:105)
119F Teach me, O Lord, your way of truth (Psalms 119:105-106)
119G Your word's a lamp to guide my footsteps (Psalms 119:105-112)
901 O Jesus, I have promised (Psalms 119:106)
876 God of my life, to you I call (Psalms 119:107)
344 Come, O long-expected Jesus (Psalms 119:111)
557 Lord, I have made your word my choice (Psalms 119:111-112)
560 O that the Lord would guide my ways (Psalms 119:112)
299 How sweet the name of Jesus sounds (Psalms 119:114)
301 I greet my sure Redeemer and my King (Psalms 119:114)
699 Beneath the cross of Jesus (Psalms 119:114)
732 Lord, be my vision, supreme in my heart (Psalms 119:114)
769 We trust in you, our shield and our defender (Psalms 119:114)
772 Amazing grace-how sweet the sound (Psalms 119:114)
847 Lord, make your word my rule (Psalms 119:114)
903 Rejoice, believer, in the Lord (Psalms 119:114)
963 When you, my righteous judge, shall come (Psalms 119:114)
560 O that the Lord would guide my ways (Psalms 119:117)
560 O that the Lord would guide my ways (Psalms 119:124)
19A The heavens declare God's glory (Psalms 119:127)
19B God's glory fills the heavens with hymns (Psalms 119:127)
558 O God who shaped the starry skies (Psalms 119:127)
545 Father of mercies, in your Word (Psalms 119:129-131)
119F Teach me, O Lord, your way of truth (Psalms 119:129-132)
119H The will of God to mark my way (Psalms 119:129-144)
19B God's glory fills the heavens with hymns (Psalms 119:130)
345 Hark, the glad sound! The Saviour comes (Psalms 119:130)
545 Father of mercies, in your Word (Psalms 119:130)
547 God, in the Gospel of his Son (Psalms 119:130)
549 The heavens declare your glory, Lord! (Psalms 119:130)
550 Lamp of our feet, by which we trace (Psalms 119:130)
558 O God who shaped the starry skies (Psalms 119:130)
559 Our Father God, your name we praise (Psalms 119:130)
561 Sometimes my eyes are blind (Psalms 119:130)
562 The Spirit breathes upon the Word (Psalms 119:130)
679 Lord Jesus, think on me (Psalms 119:132)
560 O that the Lord would guide my ways (Psalms 119:135)
254 Ascribe greatness to our God, the Rock (Psalms 119:137)
546 God has spoken-by his prophets (Psalms 119:137)
556 Jesus, Master, at your word (Psalms 119:137)
893 Cast your burden on the Lord (Psalms 119:138)
541 O breath of life, come sweeping through us (Psalms 119:139)
556 Jesus, Master, at your word (Psalms 119:142)
924 O God, whose all-sustaining hand (Psalms 119:142)
445 Throned upon the awful tree (Psalms 119:143)
666 Come, you souls by sin afflicted (Psalms 119:143)
130 From the depths of shame and sorrow (Psalms 119:147)
159 Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty (Psalms 119:147)
212 Sing to the Lord with all of your heart (Psalms 119:147)
92 Make music to the Lord most high (Psalms 119:147-148)
222 The day you gave us, Lord, is ended (Psalms 119:147-148)
231 Sweet is the work, my God, my King (Psalms 119:147-148)
869 All the way my Saviour leads me (Psalms 119:156)
245 God of majesty and splendour (Psalms 119:160)
540 Revive your church, O Lord (Psalms 119:160)
556 Jesus, Master, at your word (Psalms 119:160)
557 Lord, I have made your word my choice (Psalms 119:162)
584 Farewell, friend(s) in Christ (Psalms 119:162)
847 Lord, make your word my rule (Psalms 119:162)
323 Not the grandeur of the mountains (Psalms 119:165)
545 Father of mercies, in your Word (Psalms 119:165)
560 O that the Lord would guide my ways (Psalms 119:168)
324 O for a thousand tongues to sing (Psalms 119:172)
557 Lord, I have made your word my choice (Psalms 119:173-174)
545 Father of mercies, in your Word (Psalms 119:174)
612 Prayer is the soul's sincere desire (Psalms 119:174)
867 With joy I welcome, Lord, your right (Psalms 119:174)
550 Lamp of our feet, by which we trace (Psalms 119:175-176)
23A The Lord my shepherd rules my life (Psalms 119:176)
23B The Lord's my shepherd, I'll not want (Psalms 119:176)
23C The King of love my shepherd is (Psalms 119:176)
178 Great is the gospel of our glorious God (Psalms 119:176)
208 Before the Lord's eternal throne (Psalms 119:176)
278 My Lord, you called my name (Psalms 119:176)
451 Who believes what we have heard (Psalms 119:176)
677 Today your mercy calls us (Psalms 119:176)
860 Lord, speak to me, that I may speak (Psalms 119:176)
894 Come, O fount of every blessing (Psalms 119:176)
Psalms 120
120 In anguish to the Lord I cry (Psalms 120)
925 Remember, Lord, the world you made (Psalms 120:6-7)
Psalms 121
121A I to the hills lift up my eyes (Psalms 121)
121B Unto the hills around me I lift up (Psalms 121)
1034 Up to the hills I lift my eyes (Psalms 121)
1214 I lift my eyes to the quiet hills (Psalms 121)
1316 I lift my eyes up to the hills - Psalm 121 (Psalms 121)
260 Our God, our help in ages past (Psalms 121:1-2)
124 Had not the Lord, let Israel say (Psalms 121:2)
682 Jesus, Lover of my soul (Psalms 121:2)
873 O God of Bethel, by whose hand (Psalms 121:3)
248 Immortal, invisible, God only wise (Psalms 121:3-4)
613 There is an eye that never sleeps (Psalms 121:3-4)
91A Shelter safely in the shadow (Psalms 121:3-6)
91B Safe in the shadow of the Lord (Psalms 121:3-6)
943 All who wake tonight (Psalms 121:3-6)
261 Sing praise to God who reigns above (Psalms 121:3-7)
36 No fear of God before the eyes (Psalms 121:4)
127 Unless the Lord constructs the house (Psalms 121:4)
276 Now may he who from the dead (Psalms 121:6)
116 I love my Lord because he heard my voice (Psalms 121:6-8)
390 Forty days and forty nights (Psalms 121:7)
126 The Lord restored us - we were freed (Psalms 121:8)
Psalms 122
122 How pleased and blessed was I (Psalms 122)
963 When you, my righteous judge, shall come (Psalms 122:1)
84 O Lord of hosts, how lovely is your dwelling-place! (Psalms 122:1-4)
564 Behold, the mountain of the Lord (Psalms 122:1-4)
971 Jerusalem the golden (Psalms 122:2-3)
366 Lord, you were rich beyond all splendour (Psalms 122:5)
971 Jerusalem the golden (Psalms 122:5)
125 Those who rely on the Lord are unshakeable (Psalms 122:6-8)
128 Blessed are those who fear the Lord (Psalms 122:6-8)
936 The Lord created family (Psalms 122:6-9)
950 Judge eternal, throned in splendour (Psalms 122:6-9)
952 O God of love, O King of peace (Psalms 122:6-9)
48 Great is the Lord: His praise is great (Psalms 122:7)
Psalms 123
123 Up to you I lift my eyes (Psalms 123)
11 I've found my refuge in the Lord (Psalms 123:1)
47 O clap your hands, all nations, cry (Psalms 123:1)
141 Come quickly, Lord, and hear the cries (Psalms 123:1-2)
513 Your Kingdom come, O God (Psalms 123:2)
864 You servants of the Lord (Psalms 123:2)
826 Lord, have mercy on us (Psalms 123:2-3)
119D Lord, I delight to recall your commandments (Psalms 123:4)
119E Remember what you said to me your servant (Psalms 123:4)
Psalms 124
124 Had not the Lord, let Israel say (Psalms 124)
129 They have oppressed me from my youth (Psalms 124:1)
888 Our God stands like a fortress rock (Psalms 124:1-2)
94 O Lord, O Judge of all the earth (Psalms 124:1-3)
91A Shelter safely in the shadow (Psalms 124:7)
91B Safe in the shadow of the Lord (Psalms 124:7)
121A I to the hills lift up my eyes (Psalms 124:8)
121B Unto the hills around me I lift up (Psalms 124:8)
Psalms 125
48 Great is the Lord: His praise is great (Psalms 125:1)
122 How pleased and blessed was I (Psalms 125:5)
128 Blessed are those who fear the Lord (Psalms 125:5)
224 Saviour, again to your dear name we raise (Psalms 125:5)
952 O God of love, O King of peace (Psalms 125:5)
Psalms 126
126 The Lord restored us - we were freed (Psalms 126)
549 The heavens declare your glory, Lord! (Psalms 126)
1058 When you secured our freedom, Lord (Psalms 126)
346 O come, O come, Immanuel (Psalms 126:1-4)
685 Born of Adam, torn from Eden (Psalms 126:1-4)
542 See how great a flame aspires (Psalms 126:2)
676 To God be the glory! Great things he has done (Psalms 126:2-3)
80 Israel's shepherd, hear our prayer (Psalms 126:4)
30A I exalt you, Lord eternal (Psalms 126:5-6)
30B I'll lift my voice, O Lord (Psalms 126:5-6)
121A I to the hills lift up my eyes (Psalms 126:6)
121B Unto the hills around me I lift up (Psalms 126:6)
582 Come and bless us, Lord! While you are beside us (Psalms 126:6)
Psalms 127
127 Unless the Lord constructs the house (Psalms 127)
210 O Lord of heaven and earth and sea (Psalms 127)
121A I to the hills lift up my eyes (Psalms 127:1)
121B Unto the hills around me I lift up (Psalms 127:1)
928 Happy the home that welcomes you, Lord Jesus (Psalms 127:1-3)
223 Glory to you, my God, this night (Psalms 127:2)
932 God of mercy, hear our prayer (Psalms 127:3)
934 O God, your life-creating love (Psalms 127:3)
128 Blessed are those who fear the Lord (Psalms 127:3-5)
144 I'll praise the Lord, my rock (Psalms 127:3-5)
Psalms 128
128 Blessed are those who fear the Lord (Psalms 128)
934 O God, your life-creating love (Psalms 128)
112 Praise God! The man is blessed who fears the Lord (Psalms 128:1)
560 O that the Lord would guide my ways (Psalms 128:1)
927 Father, in your dear name we meet (Psalms 128:1-3)
928 Happy the home that welcomes you, Lord Jesus (Psalms 128:1-4)
127 Unless the Lord constructs the house (Psalms 128:3)
144 I'll praise the Lord, my rock (Psalms 128:3)
112 Praise God! The man is blessed who fears the Lord (Psalms 128:4)
122 How pleased and blessed was I (Psalms 128:6)
125 Those who rely on the Lord are unshakeable (Psalms 128:6)
224 Saviour, again to your dear name we raise (Psalms 128:6)
952 O God of love, O King of peace (Psalms 128:6)
Psalms 129
129 They have oppressed me from my youth (Psalms 129)
124 Had not the Lord, let Israel say (Psalms 129:1)
35 Contend, O Lord, with those (Psalms 129:5)
584 Farewell, friend(s) in Christ (Psalms 129:8)
594 Father and God, from whom the world derives (Psalms 129:8)
Psalms 130
130 From the depths of shame and sorrow (Psalms 130)
1304 Out of the depths I cry to you (Psalms 130)
143 Hear me, O Lord, in my distress (Psalms 130:3)
785 Only by grace can we enter (Psalms 130:3)
955 Who can sound the depths of sorrow (Psalms 130:3)
86 Bow down your ear, O Lord, and hear (Psalms 130:4)
187 O God beyond all praising (Psalms 130:5)
255 Do you not know? Have you not heard (Psalms 130:5)
761 Leave God to order all your ways (Psalms 130:5)
772 Amazing grace-how sweet the sound (Psalms 130:5)
903 Rejoice, believer, in the Lord (Psalms 130:5)
808 Jesus, my strength, my hope (Psalms 130:5-6)
943 All who wake tonight (Psalms 130:5-6)
33 Let all the righteous to the Lord (Psalms 130:5-7)
552 Thanks to God, whose word was spoken (Psalms 130:5-8)
40 Patient in hope, I sought the Lord (Psalms 130:6)
249 King of the universe, Lord of the ages (Psalms 130:7)
424 Here is love, vast as the ocean (Psalms 130:7)
745 Sweet the moments, rich in blessing (Psalms 130:7)
277 O bless the God of Israel (Psalms 130:7-8)
Psalms 131
131 Lord, you have weaned my heart from pride (Psalms 131)
429 It is a thing most wonderful (Psalms 131:1)
130 From the depths of shame and sorrow (Psalms 131:3)
Psalms 132
132 Lord, we pray, remember David (Psalms 132)
943 All who wake tonight (Psalms 132:1-5)
156 God is in his temple (Psalms 132:7)
68 Let God arise! His enemies be gone (Psalms 132:8)
269 God of grace, I turn my face to you (Psalms 132:9)
274 God of the covenant, Lord God Almighty (Psalms 132:9)
427 I will sing of the lamb (Psalms 132:9)
452 Yes, finished! The Messiah dies (Psalms 132:9)
648 Here, O my Lord, may I behold your face (Psalms 132:9)
658 Sit down beneath his shadow (Psalms 132:9)
773 A debtor to mercy alone (Psalms 132:9)
779 My hope is built on nothing less (Psalms 132:9)
502 Arise, my soul, arise (Psalms 132:10-11)
89 For ever, Lord, I'll sing your love (Psalms 132:10-12)
78 Listen, my friends, to each word (Psalms 132:13)
570 Glorious things of you are spoken (Psalms 132:14)
Psalms 133
133A How good a thing it is (Psalms 133)
133B When brothers are together (Psalms 133)
692 Not all the outward forms on earth (Psalms 133)
522 O Holy Spirit, by whose breath (Psalms 133:1)
528 The Spirit came, as promised (Psalms 133:1)
936 The Lord created family (Psalms 133:1)
152 Command your blessing from above (Psalms 133:3)
737 O matchless beauty of our God (Psalms 133:3)
Psalms 134
134 Bless the Lord as day departs (Psalms 134)
135 Sing praise to the Lord God Almighty (Psalms 134:1)
582 Come and bless us, Lord! While you are beside us (Psalms 134:1)
943 All who wake tonight (Psalms 134:1)
28 O Lord my rock, to you I cry aloud (Psalms 134:2)
141 Come quickly, Lord, and hear the cries (Psalms 134:2)
739 Who is there like you (Psalms 134:2)
Psalms 135
135 Sing praise to the Lord God Almighty (Psalms 135)
134 Bless the Lord as day departs (Psalms 135:1-2)
147 O praise the Lord! Sing praises! (Psalms 135:3)
213 Who can bind the raging sea (Psalms 135:5-7)
484 Hail to the Lord's anointed (Psalms 135:13)
115 Not to us be glory given (Psalms 135:15-18)
736 Now, O my soul, forget no more (Psalms 135:15-18)
Psalms 136
100A All people that on earth do dwell (Psalms 136)
100B Shout for joy (Psalms 136)
106 Praise the Lord! give thanks for ever (Psalms 136)
107 Give thanks to God, for he is good, his love will never end (Psalms 136)
116 I love my Lord because he heard my voice (Psalms 136)
117 Hallelujah! Hallelujah! (Psalms 136)
118 Give thanks to God, for he is good, the everlasting Giver (Psalms 136)
136 Give to our God immortal praise (Psalms 136)
253 Truly God is good (Psalms 136)
279 O thank the Lord, O thank the Lord (Psalms 136)
323 Not the grandeur of the mountains (Psalms 136)
850 Take my life, and let it be (Psalms 136)
911 Praise, O praise our God and King (Psalms 136)
788 How good is the God we adore (Psalms 136:1)
695 Thank you Jesus, thank you Jesus (Psalms 136:1-3)
474 This joyful Eastertide (Psalms 136:1-4)
75 O God, we thank you that your name (Psalms 136:2-3)
351 Child of the stable's secret birth (Psalms 136:3)
161 Now thank we all our God (Psalms 136:4)
241 Begin, my soul, a heavenly theme (Psalms 136:4)
307 How wonderful the works of God (Psalms 136:4-9)
261 Sing praise to God who reigns above (Psalms 136:5)
214 I sing the almighty power of God (Psalms 136:6-9)
78 Listen, my friends, to each word (Psalms 136:10-16)
571 Head of your church triumphant (Psalms 136:13-14)
868 Guide me, O my great Redeemer (Psalms 136:16)
185 My soul exalts and magnifies the King (Psalms 136:17-20)
646 Father, we give you thanks, who planted (Psalms 136:25)
650 I come with joy, a child of God (Psalms 136:25)
Psalms 137
137 By rivers of sorrow we sat and remembered (Psalms 137)
685 Born of Adam, torn from Eden (Psalms 137:1-4)
683 Tell me the old, old story (Psalms 137:5)
Psalms 138
138 I'll praise you, Lord, with heart content and joyful (Psalms 138)
1137 Lord, with all my heart I thank you (Psalms 138)
111 Give to the Lord wholehearted praise (Psalms 138:1)
721 O happy day, that fixed my choice (Psalms 138:1)
5 O Lord, at early morning hear (Psalms 138:2)
28 O Lord my rock, to you I cry aloud (Psalms 138:2)
264 The Lord eternal reigns (Psalms 138:2)
190 O Lord my God! When I in awesome wonder (Psalms 138:5)
559 Our Father God, your name we praise (Psalms 138:7)
952 O God of love, O King of peace (Psalms 138:7-8)
257 God of the ages (Psalms 138:8)
563 Speak, Lord, in the stillness (Psalms 138:8)
781 Now I have found the ground wherein (Psalms 138:8)
858 When God begins a work (Psalms 138:8)
942 Teach me, dear Lord, to savour every moment (Psalms 138:8)
Psalms 139
139 You, O Lord, have searched and known me (Psalms 139)
1016 If I rise on the wings of the dawn (Psalms 139)
1046 Lord, your love will always find me (Psalms 139)
1052 Lord, you know and study me (Psalms 139)
1309 Were I to cross from land to land (Psalms 139)
829 Search me, O God, and know my heart today (Psalms 139:1)
834 Search me, O God! My actions try (Psalms 139:1)
957 Who sees it all, before whose gaze (Psalms 139:1-2)
215 Awake, my soul, and with the sun (Psalms 139:1-3)
832 We have not known you as we ought (Psalms 139:1-3)
278 My Lord, you called my name (Psalms 139:1-5)
339 True light, blazing in the darkest place (Psalms 139:1-12)
732 Lord, be my vision, supreme in my heart (Psalms 139:2)
429 It is a thing most wonderful (Psalms 139:6)
841 How rich and deep God's judgements are (Psalms 139:6)
856 How urgent is the summons (Psalms 139:7)
771 When circumstances make my life (Psalms 139:7-10)
184 Let all the world in every corner sing (Psalms 139:8)
214 I sing the almighty power of God (Psalms 139:8)
764 Lord, it is not within my care (Psalms 139:10)
842 I bind myself to God today (Psalms 139:10)
908 I saw a new vision of Jesus (Psalms 139:10)
957 Who sees it all, before whose gaze (Psalms 139:11-16)
224 Saviour, again to your dear name we raise (Psalms 139:12)
755 Alone with none but you, my God (Psalms 139:12)
774 A sovereign protector I have (Psalms 139:12)
161 Now thank we all our God (Psalms 139:13)
71 Lord, in you I've taken refuge (Psalms 139:13-16)
262 Sovereign ruler of the skies (Psalms 139:13-16)
848 Lord of our dawning, who brought us to birth (Psalms 139:13-16)
923 In the beginning, at the dawn of time (Psalms 139:13-16)
942 Teach me, dear Lord, to savour every moment (Psalms 139:13-16)
278 My Lord, you called my name (Psalms 139:13-17)
263 When all your mercies, O my God (Psalms 139:14-18)
871 I do not know what lies ahead (Psalms 139:16)
940 Forth in your name, O Lord, I go (Psalms 139:16)
738 Object of my first desire (Psalms 139:17)
1280 O my soul, arise and bless your Maker (Psalms 139:18)
604 Holy Spirit, will you be (Psalms 139:23)
834 Search me, O God! My actions try (Psalms 139:23)
533 Lord, the light of your love is shining (Psalms 139:23-24)
660 While the bread is yet unbroken (Psalms 139:23-24)
829 Search me, O God, and know my heart today (Psalms 139:23-24)
Psalms 140
140 Deliver me from evil (Psalms 140)
25 All my soul to God I raise (Psalms 140:5)
91A Shelter safely in the shadow (Psalms 140:5)
91B Safe in the shadow of the Lord (Psalms 140:5)
143 Hear me, O Lord, in my distress (Psalms 140:6)
252 Faithful God, faithful God (Psalms 140:7)
682 Jesus, Lover of my soul (Psalms 140:7)
64 Receive, O God, my anguished prayer (Psalms 140:10)
944 Beauty for brokenness, hope for despair (Psalms 140:12)
Psalms 141
141 Come quickly, Lord, and hear the cries (Psalms 141)
621 God of the world's great cities (Psalms 141)
70 Come quickly, Lord, to rescue me (Psalms 141:1)
28 O Lord my rock, to you I cry aloud (Psalms 141:2)
134 Bless the Lord as day departs (Psalms 141:2)
224 Saviour, again to your dear name we raise (Psalms 141:2-3)
123 Up to you I lift my eyes (Psalms 141:8)
682 Jesus, Lover of my soul (Psalms 141:8)
698 I am trusting you, Lord Jesus (Psalms 141:8)
781 Now I have found the ground wherein (Psalms 141:8)
25 All my soul to God I raise (Psalms 141:9)
91B Safe in the shadow of the Lord (Psalms 141:9)
140 Deliver me from evil (Psalms 141:9)
Psalms 142
142 I seek the Lord in grief, in pain (Psalms 142)
51 Lord, have mercy: in your goodness (Psalms 142:7)
Psalms 143
143 Hear me, O Lord, in my distress (Psalms 143)
1208 Holy God, I cry for mercy (Psalms 143)
140 Deliver me from evil (Psalms 143:1)
130 From the depths of shame and sorrow (Psalms 143:2)
875 Begone, unbelief! (Psalms 143:3)
77 I cried out to God to help me (Psalms 143:5)
42 As the fainting deer cries out (Psalms 143:6)
63 God is my great desire (Psalms 143:6)
25 All my soul to God I raise (Psalms 143:8)
703 Jesus, I will trust you (Psalms 143:8)
830 Son of God, if your free grace (Psalms 143:8)
59 Deliver me from all my foes (Psalms 143:9)
299 How sweet the name of Jesus sounds (Psalms 143:9)
600 Approach my soul, the mercy-seat (Psalms 143:9)
682 Jesus, Lover of my soul (Psalms 143:9)
705 Rock of Ages, cleft for me (Psalms 143:9)
749 O how the grace of God (Psalms 143:9)
781 Now I have found the ground wherein (Psalms 143:9)
116 I love my Lord because he heard my voice (Psalms 143:12)
Psalms 144
144 I'll praise the Lord, my rock (Psalms 144)
18 I love you, O Lord, you alone (Psalms 144:1)
252 Faithful God, faithful God (Psalms 144:2)
786 Our confidence is in the Lord (Psalms 144:2)
888 Our God stands like a fortress rock (Psalms 144:2)
8 In all the earth, O Lord, our Lord (Psalms 144:3)
357 Glory be to God on high (Psalms 144:5)
511 Lo! He comes with clouds descending (Psalms 144:5)
33 Let all the righteous to the Lord (Psalms 144:9)
96 O sing a new song (Psalms 144:9)
98A Sing to God new songs of worship (Psalms 144:9)
98B New songs of celebration render (Psalms 144:9)
127 Unless the Lord constructs the house (Psalms 144:12)
128 Blessed are those who fear the Lord (Psalms 144:12)
65 Every heart its tribute pays (Psalms 144:13)
67 God of mercy, God of grace (Psalms 144:13)
33 Let all the righteous to the Lord (Psalms 144:15)
845 Lift up your heads, you mighty gates (Psalms 144:15)
Psalms 145
145A O Lord! My God and King (Psalms 145)
145B I will exalt you, God my King (Psalms 145)
111 Give to the Lord wholehearted praise (Psalms 145:1)
262 Sovereign ruler of the skies (Psalms 145:1)
324 O for a thousand tongues to sing (Psalms 145:1)
342 You servants of God (Psalms 145:1)
490 Jesus is King (Psalms 145:1)
515 You are coming, O my Saviour (Psalms 145:1-3)
146 I'll praise my Maker while I've breath (Psalms 145:2)
902 Loving Shepherd of your sheep (Psalms 145:2)
48 Great is the Lord: His praise is great (Psalms 145:3)
190 O Lord my God! When I in awesome wonder (Psalms 145:3)
628 Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the Lord! (Psalms 145:3)
48 Great is the Lord: His praise is great (Psalms 145:3-4)
222 The day you gave us, Lord, is ended (Psalms 145:4-6)
201 We declare your majesty (Psalms 145:5)
250 O Father, you are sovereign (Psalms 145:5)
751 Where shall my wondering soul begin (Psalms 145:7)
86 Bow down your ear, O Lord, and hear (Psalms 145:8-9)
788 How good is the God we adore (Psalms 145:8-9)
844 Jesus, your boundless love to me (Psalms 145:8-9)
776 And can it be that I should gain (Psalms 145:9)
781 Now I have found the ground wherein (Psalms 145:9)
869 All the way my Saviour leads me (Psalms 145:9)
159 Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty (Psalms 145:10)
204 All things bright and beautiful (Psalms 145:10)
371 Of the Father's heart begotten (Psalms 145:10)
963 When you, my righteous judge, shall come (Psalms 145:10)
500 The Lord is King! Lift up your voice (Psalms 145:10-13)
543 Sovereign Lord, we sing your glory (Psalms 145:10-13)
491 Jesus shall reign where'er the sun (Psalms 145:11-12)
150 Praise the Lord who reigns above (Psalms 145:12)
342 You servants of God (Psalms 145:12-13)
385 The virgin Mary had a baby boy (Psalms 145:12-13)
222 The day you gave us, Lord, is ended (Psalms 145:13)
245 God of majesty and splendour (Psalms 145:13)
495 Rejoice, the Lord is King (Psalms 145:13)
784 O Christ the same, through all our story's pages (Psalms 145:13)
888 Our God stands like a fortress rock (Psalms 145:13)
611 O Lord, our guardian and our guide (Psalms 145:14)
698 I am trusting you, Lord Jesus (Psalms 145:14)
741 Jesus, the very thought of you (Psalms 145:14)
739 Who is there like you (Psalms 145:15)
919 We plough the fields, and scatter (Psalms 145:15)
646 Father, we give you thanks, who planted (Psalms 145:15-16)
911 Praise, O praise our God and King (Psalms 145:15-16)
189 O bless the Lord, my soul! (Psalms 145:15-21)
297 Hallelujah! Raise the anthem (Psalms 145:17)
500 The Lord is King! Lift up your voice (Psalms 145:17)
546 God has spoken-by his prophets (Psalms 145:17)
965 Children of the heavenly King (Psalms 145:17)
878 Still near me, O my Saviour, stand (Psalms 145:18)
883 Fight the good fight with all your might (Psalms 145:18)
876 God of my life, to you I call (Psalms 145:18-19)
677 Today your mercy calls us (Psalms 145:19)
245 God of majesty and splendour (Psalms 145:21)
317 Mighty God, while angels bless you (Psalms 145:21)
371 Of the Father's heart begotten (Psalms 145:21)
399 I have a friend whose faithful love (Psalms 145:21)
500 The Lord is King! Lift up your voice (Psalms 145:21)
596 Great God, your love has called us here (Psalms 145:21)
Psalms 146
146 I'll praise my Maker while I've breath (Psalms 146)
259 God shall alone the refuge be (Psalms 146)
217 When morning gilds the skies (Psalms 146:2)
299 How sweet the name of Jesus sounds (Psalms 146:2)
868 Guide me, O my great Redeemer (Psalms 146:2)
60 When troubles come and hopes depart (Psalms 146:3)
875 Begone, unbelief! (Psalms 146:3)
210 O Lord of heaven and earth and sea (Psalms 146:6)
107 Give thanks to God, for he is good, his love will never end (Psalms 146:7)
486 Behold the glories of the Lamb (Psalms 146:7)
625 Jesus, the name high over all (Psalms 146:7)
746 As water to the thirsty (Psalms 146:7)
955 Who can sound the depths of sorrow (Psalms 146:7)
547 God, in the Gospel of his Son (Psalms 146:7-8)
624 How shall they hear the word of God (Psalms 146:7-8)
93 The Lord is King supreme (Psalms 146:10)
99 The Lord is King: tremble, O earth, and fear him (Psalms 146:10)
480 Crown him with many crowns (Psalms 146:10)
491 Jesus shall reign where'er the sun (Psalms 146:10)
500 The Lord is King! Lift up your voice (Psalms 146:10)
Psalms 147
135 Sing praise to the Lord God Almighty (Psalms 147:1)
149 O praise our mighty Lord (Psalms 147:1)
203 All creatures of our God and King (Psalms 147:1)
231 Sweet is the work, my God, my King (Psalms 147:1)
102 Lord, hear my prayer! My cry shall come before you (Psalms 147:2)
508 I cannot tell why he whom angels worship (Psalms 147:3)
742 You I will love, my strength, my tower (Psalms 147:3)
384 What kind of greatness can this be (Psalms 147:4)
185 My soul exalts and magnifies the King (Psalms 147:6)
628 Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the Lord! (Psalms 147:6)
741 Jesus, the very thought of you (Psalms 147:6)
911 Praise, O praise our God and King (Psalms 147:7-9)
104 O worship the King (Psalms 147:8)
213 Who can bind the raging sea (Psalms 147:9)
919 We plough the fields, and scatter (Psalms 147:9)
919 We plough the fields, and scatter (Psalms 147:14-16)
542 See how great a flame aspires (Psalms 147:15)
213 Who can bind the raging sea (Psalms 147:16-19)
958 How long, O Lord, have you bestowed (Psalms 147:19-20)
Psalms 148
148 Praise him, praise him, praise him (Psalms 148)
195 Praise the Lord, you heavens, adore him (Psalms 148)
203 All creatures of our God and King (Psalms 148)
297 Hallelujah! Raise the anthem (Psalms 148:1)
371 Of the Father's heart begotten (Psalms 148:1-2)
457 Christ the Lord is risen again (Psalms 148:1-2)
103A Praise the Lord! My soul is singing (Psalms 148:1-4)
103B Praise my soul, the King of heaven (Psalms 148:1-4)
264 The Lord eternal reigns (Psalms 148:1-4)
89 For ever, Lord, I'll sing your love (Psalms 148:2)
169 Angel voices ever singing (Psalms 148:2)
177 God, we praise you! God, we bless you! (Psalms 148:2)
202 You holy angels bright (Psalms 148:2)
240 Lo, God is here; let us adore! (Psalms 148:2)
245 God of majesty and splendour (Psalms 148:2)
317 Mighty God, while angels bless you (Psalms 148:2)
341 You are the King of glory (Psalms 148:2)
342 You servants of God (Psalms 148:2)
482 God is gone up on high (Psalms 148:2)
637 Jesus, how could I ever be (Psalms 148:2)
894 Come, O fount of every blessing (Psalms 148:2)
775 All my hope on God is founded (Psalms 148:3)
318 My heart and voice I raise (Psalms 148:5)
552 Thanks to God, whose word was spoken (Psalms 148:5)
217 When morning gilds the skies (Psalms 148:7-10)
402 O changeless Christ, for ever new (Psalms 148:8)
317 Mighty God, while angels bless you (Psalms 148:11-13)
480 Crown him with many crowns (Psalms 148:11-13)
534 On this assembled host (Psalms 148:12-13)
Psalms 149
149 O praise our mighty Lord (Psalms 149)
172 Bring to the Lord a glad new song (Psalms 149)
33 Let all the righteous to the Lord (Psalms 149:1)
98A Sing to God new songs of worship (Psalms 149:1)
98B New songs of celebration render (Psalms 149:1)
144 I'll praise the Lord, my rock (Psalms 149:1)
297 Hallelujah! Raise the anthem (Psalms 149:1)
456 Christ Jesus lay in death's strong bands (Psalms 149:1)
195 Praise the Lord, you heavens, adore him (Psalms 149:1-5)
150 Praise the Lord who reigns above (Psalms 149:3)
147 O praise the Lord! Sing praises! (Psalms 149:4)
269 God of grace, I turn my face to you (Psalms 149:4)
345 Hark, the glad sound! The Saviour comes (Psalms 149:8)
Psalms 150
150 Praise the Lord who reigns above (Psalms 150)
172 Bring to the Lord a glad new song (Psalms 150)
1246 Where he reigns in holy light (Psalms 150)
145A O Lord! My God and King (Psalms 150:2)
145B I will exalt you, God my King (Psalms 150:2)
222 The day you gave us, Lord, is ended (Psalms 150:2)
98A Sing to God new songs of worship (Psalms 150:2-5)
98B New songs of celebration render (Psalms 150:2-5)
71 Lord, in you I've taken refuge (Psalms 150:3)
328 Praise him, praise him! Jesus, our blessed Redeemer (Psalms 150:3)
65 Every heart its tribute pays (Psalms 150:6)
145A O Lord! My God and King (Psalms 150:6)
159 Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty (Psalms 150:6)
196 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation (Psalms 150:6)
203 All creatures of our God and King (Psalms 150:6)
207 God is great, amazing! (Psalms 150:6)
317 Mighty God, while angels bless you (Psalms 150:6)
371 Of the Father's heart begotten (Psalms 150:6)
373 Ring out the bells (Psalms 150:6)
500 The Lord is King! Lift up your voice (Psalms 150:6)
591 We need each other's voice to sing (Psalms 150:6)
596 Great God, your love has called us here (Psalms 150:6)
837 Father, Holy Spirit, Son (Psalms 150:6)