Volunteers Week 2024

June 8, 2024

This week is Volunteers Week 2024. Churches and charities across the country depend on volunteers to operate, and Praise Trust is no exception. While the bulk of our publishing work is done by paid contractors, we are also grateful for volunteers who serve on our music and words review teams, and for our trustees.

This year we are looking to recruit additional trustees to oversee the work of Praise Trust. All charity trustees are volunteers, giving their time and energy to ensure that Praise Trust fulfils its purposes and is properly managed. We currently have room to appoint up to three more trustees.

We are looking for trustees with a range of experience and skills to bring to the table. Maybe you are one of the following:

  • in full-time or part-time church ministry, as a vicar, pastor, etc.
  • a church musician
  • experienced in digital marketing, advertising or sales
  • experienced in business management

We meet five times a year, twice in person in London (expenses paid) for a day each time, and three times online for a two-hour meeting. We expect trustees to oversee and be the ‘critical friends’ of those doing the publishing work, and to set the strategic direction of the trust. We are about to be registered as a CIO.

If you are interested in applying to serve as a trustee, please send us your CV and a covering email to: jim.sayers@praise.org.uk

We also have opportunities for volunteers to serve on our review teams as part of our editorial process. This involves a meeting online for 1-2 hours several times a year. We are also looking for a volunteer who can work through some of our catalogue of songs, deciding how they should be tagged for our Scripture search engine.
